Saturday, June 26, 2010

La Luna

It was very nice and pretty and cool outside last night (unlike tonight), and the moon was very pretty. I decided to take pictures of it.

Some turned out really cool. I tried lots of different settings. Some were really hard to get any good pictures in, because you either need a tripod (which I don't...not a big/good one anyway) or you have to stand REALLY STILL. That wouldn't have been much of a problem, except for the small, itsy-bitsy, tiny fact that I had hiccups.

So some turned out very fuzzy (look on FB to see what I mean... I posted a few).

Thor was funny. He was wandering the backyard and when he heard a rather loud noise he ran over and hid behind me... He looked around for a minute until he decided it was safe to stray, and wander around the yard again.

Same thing happened when he heard a siren. (It was rather quiet for a fire engine, but I think it was pretty far away.)

We went to Westfest today for a little bit. Mostly because Cameron & Jarom were in the parade. I got some really cute sunglasses! Mom got a hose timer, Jarom got a hat, dad got a "six pack cooler" (basically a fanny pack that is like one of those insulated lunch boxes), Cameron got a nifty brochure/packet about conserving water, and I got a golf towel (all from the Slow the Flow tent). Dad gave the cooler to Cameron.

It's kinda late and I'm getting tired. I'll talk more about it/upload pics tomorrow.... Either on here or Fb. :)

Good night!!! <3

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