Monday, June 7, 2010


I couldn't think of something to name this one so I went to wikipedia and hit random til I got one I liked. Koncheto means "the horsie" and is a mountain ridge in the Pirin Mountains in Bulgaria.

What does that have to do with this post? I will tell you. The answer is this: Nothing.

My neck is lots lots lots better! It's not all hurt-y (right now anyway).
I get to go back Wednesday for wellness (just working out in the gym with the stuff they showed me today, and then doing my thing in the pool with the walking forward & backward doing breast stroke & reverse breast stroke).

Then Friday I'm gonna see Paul again & I think that's my last day. I can go for like a month after that to keep doing wellness stuff.

I can't go on any rides (Lagoon or otherwise) until the end of July. So I'm probably gonna end up waiting until August. We don't want me to get all feel-good, then screw up my neck again with one stupid rollercoaster! D:

At least I can actually try working out again! I didn't wanna try doing something and then strain my neck...that would be BAD.
(Maybe I'll drag my mom with me to a gym! Mwahahahah!)
*love you mom!!*

I want to do more clothes decorating or jewelry making! It would be fun!
I kinda wanna get some more leggings, too. Some cute ones! :D

Yesterday we delivered invites to Grandma & Grandpa's 50th anniversary par-tay!

I was playing DDR with Dana & Emma. Dana was getting pretty good at it (I'm still not so great... but on the beginner level I was doing well!), but Emma would just dance around on the mat. It was cute. She didn't even watch the screen. She would just turn in circles and swing her arms around all ballerina-like. I guess she's too young to really understand the whole box-steps and everything.

While we watched others play (mostly Dana) we ate cake & chips. Emma didn't seem to want the cake very much (which I thought was weird!) and ended up going with cheetos.

After a little while I went upstairs & helped Becky sort the invites based on the little map they had color-coded of the neighborhood.

I went with Sheri & Emma on one of the few routes in their ward boundaries.
Emma was funny. She was telling us that we were missing part of the family. We told her that they went to take the invitations to other parts of the area. Then she saw some birds --quails & robins...maybe a starling or two. She said the birds were scared cuz they were flying away. So she started telling us about going to Gramma Tobler's and some birds that were there.

Sheri asked her about the potato bug that she was playing with the other day, that turned out to be a beetle. She said that she thought it was a potato bug and it kinda looked like one, but it was a "BEE-dol" and not really a potato bug. We found one on the sidewalk and Emma picked it up. Sheri asked if she was going to show her dad. She said "no" and dropped it back on the ground. Silly girl.

Sheri picked it back up and was going to show him. When we got back to my grandparent's house Chris wasn't back yet, so she left it outside.

Dana & I started watching the Labyrinth. I love that movie! I told Dana that I used to watch that movie all the time when I was her age. I told her that my best friend and I were totaly in love with David Bowie. She looked at me with one of her "you're weird" looks... when she scrunches up her face at you.

David came down stairs and I told him that all you need is a blond rocker wig, a puffy white shirt and the vest and you could be the Goblin King. He laughed and covered his face with his hands. He said that he wouldn't want to wear the tights. LOL. :D

Ahh... David Bowie! Isn't he just....lovely?! (^_^)


irish said...

what a fun blog--little kids do and say the cutest things and so do 19 year olds. glad you had fun. love ya

irish said...

glad you're feeling better--hope you will be "right as rain" very soon. lots of love

heidi said...

David is funny. Usually he doesn't embarrass so easily!