Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Curiouser & Curiouser

I kinda started the cleanse today. All I've eaten so far today is rice & green beans with carrots. . . and the apple juice. My stomach has been feeling all weird today. :( I've been wanting a big sugar cookie all day! You know the big ones with the pink frosting and the spinkles?! Yeah. I was lying there in yoga thinking about how yummy that would be. LOL. :P

Zac's input: I will DIE if I do it. ("I" being him.)

I think I'm putting it off. . . I'm gonna see what my professor says tomorrow. Sounds good to me. ;)

Also. Today we found out that Zac's baby mama is crazier than we thought. We thought she was just stupid. BUT it's way worse! So he's pretty much gonna get her.

We are also going to go see Vampires Suck today. So I'm going to go call them in a minute to get signed up! It should be good.


irish said...

what does zac's baby's mama mean? lots of love to the darlingest 19 year old in the world.

M3@9@N said...

Zac's ex. (He has a little girl, and so it's her mom.)