Sunday, September 5, 2010

Liver/Gallbladder Cleanse

On my Nutrition class webpage, there is a liver cleanse. So I'm pretty sure she's going to have us do it. I told Zac; he decided he would do it with me. Even if it's optional, he wants us to do it. I guess I'm stuck doing it.

This is it:

The liver flush requires 6 days of preparation, followed by 16-20 hours of actual cleansing. You will need the following items:

-six 1-liter (32 oz) of apple juice (organic is best if available)
-4 tablespoons Epsom salts (this will be dissolved in 8 oz of water)
-1/2 cup (4 oz) of cold pressed olive oil
-2/3 cup (6 oz) of fresh squeezed pink grapefruit juice, or a combination of fresh orange & lemon juice
-6-8 glasses of water per day
-2 pint jars with lids

Drink 1 liter of apple juice per day for 6 days. avoid drinking during, just before, and within the first 2 hours after eating.

Dietary recommendations: for the entire week, avoid cold or chilled foods. all food & beverages should be warm or room temperature. Avoid foods from animal sources, dairy products, and fried foods. Avoid overeating.

Best time for cleansing: over a weekend so that you have time to relax. Preferable to begin after a full moon (body tends to hold more fluid in the brain & tissues during full moon).

Medications: try not to take any medications, vitamins, or supplements during the flush unless absolutely necessary. it is important not to over work the liver.

Colon cleanse: it is important to have a colon cleanse before & after the liver cleanse. This will prevent the oil & waste from backing up into the stomach & will prevent/minimize discomfort.

On the sixth day: drink the liter of apple juice in the morning soon after awakening. If hungry, you may eat a light breakfast such as oatmeal. Avoid sugars or sweeteners, spices, dairy of any kind, meat, eggs, or pastries. Fruit is fine. For lunch eat only steamed vegetables & rice with minimal salt. Do not eat any protein foods or fats (meat, nuts, butter, oils, etc). Follow the exact schedule below.

6:00 pm Add 4 tbl of Epsom salt to a total of 24 oz of filtered water in a jar. This makes four 6 oz servings. Drink first serving now. May add a little lemon juice to improve the taste & using a straw often helps. If this is just too difficult for you, you may try using magnesium citrate at the same dosage.

Set out citrus friut you will be using later to warm up.

8:00 pm Drink second serving of Epsom salts

9:30 pm If you have not had a bowel movement by now & you have NOT had a colon cleanse in the past 24 hours, take a warm water enema to trigger a series of bowel movements.

9:45 pm Wash your grapefruits (or lemons & oranges) and squeeze them to produce at least 6 oz (3/4 c) of juice. Pour juice and 1/2 c of olive oil into pint jar. Secure lid and shake until solution is watery (about 20 times). If you still need to use the bathroom, do it now before drinking the mixture.

10:00 pm Stand next to your bed (do not sit or lay down) and drink the solution, if possible, without interruption. Do not take more than 5 minutes to complete this step.


Lie perfectly still for about 20 minutes and try not to speak. Focus your attention on your liver and visualize the releasing of the stones. Relax and go to sleep if you can. You may use the restroom during the night if you need to.

6:00-6:30 am Upon awakening, but not before 6:00 am, drink your 3rd serving of Epsom salts. If you are thirsty, drink a glass of water BEFORE drinking the salts. Rest, read, or meditate at this time. If you are sleepy, go back to bed although it is best if you can remain upright during this time.

8:00 am Drink your 4th serving of salts.

10:00 am You may have fresh pressed juice at this time, in 1.2 hours you may have one or two pieces of fresh friut. In one hour, you may eat a light meal. Continue to eat light meals for about 2-3 days.

Ugh... I really don't think I want to do this! (-_- ) I don't think Zac realizes what he's gotten into. I tell him bunny food. But I really mean bunny food. Ugh... Double ugh...

This is going to be hard.

Very hard. (-_- )


Beckle the Freckle said...

I have done the liver cleanse, and it works...but I did a more severe version where all you get to do is have an apple juice fast for 3 days. NO FOOD. And then do the cleanse. It was beyond awful. I had the worst headache from being SO hungry. I only made it through 2 days and decided that was enough of not eating. This version sounds much more do-able.

Maybe I'll do it wif you...when were you going to do it? My liver could use some spiffing up.

M3@9@N said...

Lol. Yeah. I got the other version from Sheri, when I told her I found it on my class website. She said that this one sounds WAY easier for newbies. Which is why we're gonna do it. I don't think I could go without eating for 6 days. . . not with school & work going on.

Beckle the Freckle said...

You only drink juice for 3 days, I think...but it was awfully hard. You didn't even get water or anything else. It was horrible. :P

irish said...

eyore looks like my thoughts on cleanses==they are sad and painful--sickening. i've watched sheri and david be sick and decided i never want to do one. when i was a teenager, i did one that they had back then and i have never been so sick in my life and i am really old. if you do it,ihope it turns out good.

Beckle the Freckle said...

LOL! I love the Eeyore picture. He looks soooo sad. And it's raining. That poor donkey can't catch a break.

You must update us with the whole event. I can't start with you this week. Maybe I'll do my own and we can compare notes. :)

M3@9@N said...

I'm not going to do it this week. Someone got me sick *hem* (Jarom). I'll probably do it some other time. :)

heidi said...

Hey, Meagie, thanks for posting this. I'm going to do it next week! Fun, fun, fun. Wanna do it with me? (I know you do!)
I was thinking about doing Sheri's but I'm not sure I could stand it. I think this one will be more doable for me.