Thursday, September 9, 2010

Pressure & Stress is the Common Cold of the Psyche

~Andrew Denton

Vampires Suck was pretty good. I think near the end they were trying a little hard... but still. The only characters that had the same names were Jacob & Edward. Bella becomes Becca....

I have decided that since I am getting sick and Zac thinks he'll DIE if he tries the cleanse, I'm not going to do it this week. Not sure when I'm actually going to do it. My prof says that it's not very fun (DUH! I could've guessed that.) She keeps saying "Love your liver." That's why she has it posted (the cleanse). If anyone feels brave enough to try it. She also gave us an assignment for the next week. All we have to do is eat 2 servings of fruit & 4 servings of veggies a day. Not very hard. :)

Next week my anatomy professor will be in the Arctic Circle. He's going to get him some caribou! How special is he?! He was also telling us about this time when he was still getting his degree and his friend wanted to go hang gliding. They were just jumping off 10-15 ft sand dunes. His friend that talked him into it went first. (They had an instructor teaching them how to do it.) He went off & when he landed, he just stayed there. He didn't move. They called down to him to see if he was alive... He was. He called back that he needed help. Turns out he had tried to brace himself for the land and ended up breaking his left collar bone & his right humorous. Lucky him! He had one arm strapped to his side. The other was in a cast from the shoulder to the wrist. It wasn't that he was a graduate student that worried my professor... It was the fact that he was going to have some issues with hygiene! He decided his (the friend's) girlfriend should do it. She ended up getting her mom to help.

NOW... What does that have to do with class? He was telling us before he went into the story that the most commonly fractured bone is the clavicle (collar bone). It's just there for support & when you try to catch yourself when you fall, you use your arms. The clavicle is attached to the shoulders... I think you understand & know where I'm going.

As for how fast Halloween is coming up on us... FREAKY FAST! I'm still not completely sure what I'm going to be. I still have to convince Zac he does, in fact, want to dress up! Hasn't happened yet. It will. *wink wink*

I've got this cute little guy... Courtesy of Jarom.

I have also decided that I'm not liking yoga very much. My knees hurt. She had us do this modernized pigeon pose. I don't like pigeon pose. This one was better, but bad knees don't go well with kneeling down a lot. :'( It hurts to try to squat down to, say, pick something up off the ground. Lame sauce.


irish said...

is you anatomy teacher taking you all to the arctic circle w/him? if not, how will he teach his class? hope you are feeling well today and that your knees are better. love you lots

M3@9@N said...

No, he's not taking us along. He's having another prof take over for a few days. He said that she's going to France a week or 2 after he gets back, but he's not taking her classes. She's making her lectures into videos. Interesting.

My knees are feeling better, but my neck is rather stiff this morning. My sinuses are kinda ify, but all well. At least I can breathe a little better than I could last night. :)