Monday, April 4, 2011

Stupid Tranny!

If you can't tell by the picture, I'm not talking about a cross-dresser. The transmission in the Suburban went out on my way between work and class.

It was fine in the parking lot, but when I got out on the road it just wouldn't change gears or anything. It would rev. I pulled over and turned it off, then tried turning it on and driving again. It would still turn on, but it wouldn't move. :(

So I got to take a very exciting trip in the tow truck! Can I just tell you that riding in a flat-nosed tow truck on the freeway is scary?! Plus the driver kept getting calls. Not cool, man! It sounded like HIS truck didn't wanna shift much either....

I missed my class, and I have to go back to work at 4 for a meeting. The shop just called up not too long ago and told Dad what was wrong with it. Ugh... Something in the transmission went out. So it looks like we're down to 1 car for the time being & I really hope that the bus is not ridiculous. *hope hope* At least I only really need to get to work and school, so that shouldn't be too hard. I just need to tell the boss-man (-woman? "man" sounds better) that I can't close certain days or I'll be screwed. o_O

All that said, we WERE going to go bowling for my dad's birfday today.... BUT it doesn't look like that's going to happen. We won't be able to fit everyone in the Crown.

I also have to write down a list of 10 things in my life right now that are sources of stress. I have to put them in the order I think they should go in for what causes me the most stress. (There is good and bad stress out there, just fyi for those that don't know!) This list is for my Psychology class tomorrow. I'm def putting work, car issues, my sore neck (that still feels stiff from my accident last year!) and other parts (like my knee), and a few other things.

How's about this?! Put YOUR stress list up and make sure you rank them!

We've been talking about stress in that class. We talked mostly about how it affects your body. Like how you are tired even though you got plenty of sleep, you cry a lot for no apparent reason, dry skin & hair, cold hands & feet all the time.... that's all I remember off the top of my head.

The prof was saying that sometimes stress gets misdiagnosed as depression and so they give you antidepressants. Then your thyroid (pretty sure that's what it was...?) tried to compensate for the drugs and you swing the other way and you get aggravated easily and stuff. Then they misdiagnose AGAIN and give you anti-anxiety drugs... Now doesn't that sound fun??

Anywho, I think that could explain a ton! It would explain why my hands and feet are cold all the time when they never used to be. And why my skin feels dry-er than usual. And how little things will set me off and I tear up... It's like all of those stress symptoms! ACK! ( -_-)

I don't like it....stupid stress. And stresses --like she told us in class-- don't stay in their own little files. They pile up. I suppose the car decided it wanted to be another lump in the pile today... :\

I don't know about you, but I could really use one of these buttons right now...


irish said...

Your mother used to get up-tight about school and everything else in high school and her friend, Myra, gave her a little picture to hang on her wall that had a snake on it that couldn't relax and coil up like snakes are supposed to do; it just stayed out long and straight and stressed like ================ instead of relaxed into a coil
0000000000000 like snakes should do. I can't remember what it said under the snake, but maybe your mother can remember.
Pres. Hinckley said: In all of living have much fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed not just endured. I had your mom write this quote for me and her when she was a teenager. "My life has been full of terrible misfortunes, most of which never happened."--Montaigne
Someone asked me recently if I had my life to do over, what would I do different? I would not worry, so much. I would laugh and have fun and dance and sing lots, lots more. I love you and wish for you a happy day and a happy life. Lots of love, from your very ancient grandmother who has had a wonderful life on most day.

M3@9@N said...

yeah. boyfriend tells me i can't let things get to me so much... he's right, but it's hard.

irish said...

Hope your day is going great. Pray for Holly--she started her chemo shots yesterday. Pray for Gary--he has a lung infection. Pray for Kyle--he is going to try coming home for the week end starting the 1st of May. Lots of love I am praying for you also--that life will be full of fabulous days and nights.

irish said...

Love to wonderful Heidi. Pray for Holly--she started her chemo shots yesterday. Pray for Gary--he has a lung infection. Pray for Kyle--he is going to try to start coming home for the week ends starting the 1st of May. I love you lots

M3@9@N said...

lol gramma you are so cute!