Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I work every day next week! I am not looking forward to Monday where I will be there all day. I mean all day. From 8:30am to 9:30pm. On the plus side.... more hours=more $$$ for wedding/car/etc!

Boyfriend is still doing the "do whatever and it is fine with me" thing.... but that is not the helpful I wanted. I want input! At least I will have Pinkie & Kim & Mom to help me decide, right?! If anyone else wants to help with my cause.... that would be lovely! Haha

You know, Grandma and Bexie were saying October would be a good time, but we just scheduled the building the other day... and there will be school and stuff to work around. We were going to do it in September until I told boyfriend that Jessie is getting married the day before the one we were thinking. So he decided it was a no-go.

Pushing it off a few months would be nice, but I also kinda wanna get it over with. I know the longer I have the more stuff I will find that have to be just so, or I will want to change things or whatever else. It's fun, but rather stressing to plan and decide. I'm glad we're doing it easy. I couldn't imagine inviting 300+ people, getting really expensive stuff, really elaborate decorations, AND planning out exactly where everyone is going to sit and what they will eat. That is more stress than I really want. Plus boyfriend wants it super easy, but I want a reception and I don't want to run down to Vegas or something... haha

I still have to figure out when I can do lunches with people next week! Also, when I'm meeting up with Kim & Pinkie...


Beckle the Freckle said...

Who are Kim & Pinkie? Also tell Boyfriend to help you out, Dammit! That's not cool to leave everything up to you. <3

irish said...

What building are you having? I have done 3 1/2 receptions plus about 30 RS homemaking meetings, so I could answer questions. Just don't want to overstep my bounds. Ask questions and I will try to answer. The best thing we ever did was have NO bridesmaids--Becky and Christy had none and got along just fine. Refreshments out here have been simple lately. One bride had the neighbors make different kinds of cookies and you chose what cookies you wanted and a drink. Another had a scoop of ice cream and different toppings. The chocolate fountain and wedding cake were fun like at our 50th. Aunt Sheri might make your invitations like she did for Becky and Ray--you could ask her. They wouldn't cost very much that way. Becky had a friend take the pictures and we just paid for the processing. They turned out beautiful. I RENTED a dress and veil for your Mom and Holly. They were beautiful dresses and didn't cost much that way. Melonie is having a blue wedding dress that she is making herself. some of the brides out here have had a simple, modest white dress with a colored sash. One had a red sash, one pink, one royal blue with a pretty brooch. Anyway ask away. Lots of love to my lovely Meagan

irish said...

The groom and his family are supposed to do the flowers, send their own invitations given to them by the bride, the grooms clothes, the honeymoon, the wedding breakfast or brunch and whatever else you can get them to do. Do you think they will help? Don't try to do it all yourself. I hope your Mom doesn't stress herself out. She is a worrier. At my wedding, I bought my dress and invitations and my Mom had someone make a cake and served punch with it. We had it had a church and it was very simple--Larry took our pictures with a set up tripod and it didn't cost much. I had a ton of bridesmaids that I could have done without. They were fun, but lots of work. I bought the cloth and they made their own dresses. That bridesmaids part was the stressy part.

Beckle the Freckle said...

Hey Mom, I think I had accidental bridesmaids! My friends just showed up in awesome color coordinated vintage dresses to the reception. It was so cool. :)

irish said...

Those accidential bridesmaids are the best because they take care of themselves and do their own thing, but make things interesting.

heidi said...

I don't know what you're talking about, Mom, I never stress out...

M3@9@N said...

boyfriend is helping. he's actually not being so bad. AND we are thinking we might go later... like in september. i like the idea of extra time. Kim is a girl I work with and Pinkie (Brianna) I have known since... forever! Like 2nd grade or something. We are still working things out.

The building would be our church house. I will have to ask Sheri if she could do them for us! :)