Friday, April 13, 2007

ThE WeeK oF fRidaY tHe thiRteEntH

This week has been one of those weeks where everything seems to be going wrong.
I don't have weeks like that very often. Or days for that matter. It's pretty sad. . the only day that I've [so far] had a good day, funny as it is, is today. Friday the thirteenth (FTT)! Hah!!

(Oh, if you exclude being to school at 6 this morning, it was an awsome day. Alittle boring, but I'm not down-in-the-dumps today.)

Most people think that FTT is a bad day, when you should stay inside, or not go out at night, or you'll have bad luck or something. I guess that I'm just different.

My friend has been haveing a great FTT. She says thaat it started at, I think she said, one in the morning. Ya see, she's been having fights with her bf (now her ex). I guess that he's decided that he doesn't want to talk to her anymore -except for over texts. Something about he's always worrying if he's gonna say something to offend her or something. I dunno.

My bad days were Wednesday and Thursday. The two days before. I don't think that FTT is that big of a thing --I guess that it doesn't help that I haven't seen that movie. But then, I don't think clowns are scary, and I've seen It. Maybe you have to be a wee lad or lassy to have that happen, huh?

First my math teacher wasn't there (and I was even on time today!!!

>:( ); my hair would do what I wanted it to do; I got to school on time (even if it was 6 itm); I got to talk to 'a certain somebody' ;); it's sunny outside, not raining or snowing, like they were saying it was supposed to. See, pretty good, right?

I'm so glad that I'm having a good day, though. I don't want to be a grouch all the time. People that are always grumpy drag me down. It's kinda depressing.

What I hate are those days where you're fine, then one stupid thing happens, and suddenly, you're whole day has sucked!

I'm going with a friend to the Ballet. . I don't know what show, though. She doesn't know either. It starts with an "S." I do know it's Ballet West, so it should be ok.

Well, I hope that ya'll have had a cheery disposition today, too!


1 comment:

heidi said...

I'm glad you had a good FTT. I am thinking that any Friday can't be bad. And I luv the quail photo!