Friday, August 29, 2008


this book sounds like one of the dumbest i've ever heard of!!! it was summed up for me yesterday by mrs. mcmitchell.

basically the chickie that wrote it knows...well, not very much about vampires! and she's got this reality thing totally wrong. here...i'll list some things we came up with.

1. vampires have a BLOOD LUST, so even if they do love somebody soooo muuuch that person isn't staying a person for very long. that person would either die, or ...well...die. they'd become a vampire.

2. vampires can't have kids...THEY'RE DEAD. so if they were to have kids, they'd be born DEAD!! (vanhelsing's pretty much got it)

3. if edward had to bite the kid out of her, she'd be a vamp or die anyway..the kid would, too, i think.

4. vampires aren't that boring. they travel. they don't like to stay in one place.

5. whoever heard of a mormo vamp?!? vampires are totally into everything NOT mormo!!!

6. as i said, vamps are dead. they don't need to go to highschool. they know all they need to know. they learn fast. if they didn't, they'd be killed......again.

7. there is no such thing as a guy being ok with his enemy marrying the girl he loves, then showing up at the wedding to give them his blessing.

8. now this part sounds flds, if you ask me. why would you not want to marry this werewolf, then decide you'll let him have your DAUGHTER!! cummon!! he's like 20 years older than this chick. why would you wanna marry somebody old enough to be your dad... but then, why would you wanna marry somebody old enough to be your, like, 11th great-grandfather??!! that's just wrong.

the vampire only likes her cuz of something about her blood...on the other hand, the werewolf liked her for her all along. and him you'd only have to worry about once a month...hey, that's how girls are, too!! hahaha...! ;)
so i guess he might have something to worry about, too.

if the actors didn't have anything good to say about it...why would i want to watch it? cummon...vamps that do NOTHING!? no conflict!? vamp movies (or books) are supposed to be entertaining. not blah.

and this girl needs to get herself some feel good pills or something...
'...i like him and he likes me, but i dunno why. i'm not even that pretty or talented or anything...'
gezz, girl... >:( blah blah blah

if only everything were perfect. but then, life's no fun without screw that! fighting's a healthy part of life. without it, you might as well be brainwashed.

so if you haven't caught on. i really don't think i'm EVER going to be reading this book.

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