Thursday, September 3, 2009

Meh..... A Guy :D

So it's getting late.... but I guess I can talk a bit.

I've been trying to figure out how to do the online math stuff --My Math Lab...
and I keep finding new things... and can't find the things I'd found earlier... hmmm... :(

I've been talking to Taylor for a while now. He seems like a pretty great guy.
He's better than a lot I know...
He's 23... a wild life firefighter... and has had a bit of a hard life.
I know my mom is going to love that I'm talking about him on here..... but I don't really care.
I've talked to him long enough... and I know that after talking to someone for a while you can figure out if they're being honest or not. By this point (if not before) they would have asked a lot of personal-ish questions... like I know a lot of guys ask about body measurements. (he never has) Or other things that would make ya pretty uncomfortable... he doesn't really do that.

He's told me about where he lives, his animals, his job, his friends. A little bit about what his family was like. He's a lot of fun to talk to.

We've decided that if we meet up... (which we just might in a few months) he'd come down here. He wants me to be as comfortable as possible about meeting him. He wants me with someone family. We'd be with friends. All that jazz. He's really sweet. :D

And I know that my mom loves that I'm talking to someone online.... but a lot of people meet online. (She even has 2... TWO in-laws that were met online. and she likes them fine enough.)

I have even talked to my loverly aunt.... BECKY!!! <3 I was feeling a tad stressed the other day... so I called her and talked to her about things. She helped a lot. ((thank you for that!!))
I knew she'd understand and be able to help me with it... It smoothed out a few bumps.

Another thing.... it is my opinion that my mother has started freaking out a little more lately cuz she's scared of losing me.... it really doesn't help that some of the girls in the neighborhood have been married (like 3 in the past 6 months) and she's been to all the receptions. Maybe she thinks I'm next???

Well... I've told her before and I'll tell her again... I'm not exactly planning on getting married too soon. If/when it happens... it happens. Just go with the flow until then. :)
That's about all you can do.... that or nag. (which can get really old, btw ;) )

(P.S. Mom... I know you're gonna be reading this sometime.... and I love you! Even if you do drive me nuts sometimes... Isn't that part of what family is for?? LOL...)


irish said...

my beloved meagan, i love you and your cute mom. i didn't like my mom telling me what to do either. but then i got kids and i started sounding like my mom. guess it's just a big cycle going round and round. moms have been watching out for their kids since they were born and they keep worrying about them even when both the mom and the kid are old--like 70's and 40's. we all love you, beautiful meagan, and wish you the bestest, most wonderfulest, happiest life. be well and happy and enjoy being young--old comes too fast. although it's not bad either. love forever.

M3@9@N said...

you are so cute and funny and amazing! but yeah.. i know what you mean.

Beckle the Freckle said...

Aw...I love you Meagan! And not just 'cause you're family. You're like one of my best friends. :D

I felt like you did through most of my early twenties and thought I was never going to find someone who would reciprocate how I felt. I had a couple of not very nice boyfriends, a bunch of creepy dates and a couple of guys who gave off all the right signals and then ditched me. SOOOO irritating.

I know everyone always says it, but it will happen when you least expect it. It just does. :)

I'll probably feel the same way when Dana is bigger and gorgeous like you. Ray says he's going to get a sit on the front porch in his rocking chair with a shotgun.

M3@9@N said...

lmao! beckle you are AMAZING! yeah.. i heard that on the day i was born my dad said i couldn't date til i was 40.... soo i guess they're just like that. :P

bah... it'll all work out somehow. :) and i like us being bestest friends! lol.... :) i tell taylor that we're pretty close and so he HAS to meet you when he comes. :)