i've eaten lots of sugar... i need to stop... but it's sooo nummy in my tummy (that is until i eat too much).
anyway.. i left my phone home today. i forgot i had turned it off and it was charging. all well... i studied today. i just didn't get to talk to people today while i was gone. pfft...
so i returned one of the pairs of earrings i got the other day.. the backs made them uncomfortable. (don't get the safety backs... they're for wee kids and i didn't even know that's what kind they were when i got them... all well....) i was gonna get some hoops instead, but didn't cuz i didn't really like the ones they had. :\
i took becky's advice and took mints to class... it helped, but i think altoids are probably stronger so i should get those. the sheep brain dissection was lots of fun! those things are very little... for some reason i don't mind cutting up single organs. but i think the 15 yr old cadaver freaks me out... ewww.... (someone said they've been sitting there for that long)
well... idk what else to talk about.. so i think i'll go do something else for a bit. :)
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Some Semi-Random Thoughts
I've got a love-e-lee bunch of coconuts... Dee-da-lee-dee... All placed neatly in a row! Big ones, small ones, some as large as your head!!!
That's MR. Banana-beak to YOU! :) I wanna go watch some Disney! Hehe... The old-er ones... Not some of the dumb new ones... (But I must say some of them are still good.)
I'm going to add on to my RANDOM THOUGHTS from my FB status... I've decided. ^_^
I had a pretty good day today! I dissected a sheep brain and had plenty of mints to suck on during lab. For some reason I don't mind cutting up brains and hearts... but I really HATE the smell of that stupid formaldehyde crap! It smells SOO bad!!! Gleuteraldehyde doesn't even smell that bad! And they're related! :(
I think I had like 3 or 4 mints throughout my 2 hour class... Is that bad? But it did smell worlds better! :D
I also LOVE working out! It was loads of fun today. I don't know why... but I liked doing that core and leg stuff... even though it kinda made my legs hurt. :\ Today we did lots of ab stuff... We did this stuff that works out both the upper and lower body and some abs and back! All at about the same time! How cool is that?!?! I think I love that class. (Even if it does make me walk funny/almost fall over/hard to sit up cuz my abs are killing me.)

I'm getting all this OLD music from one of my neighbors! So far he's sent me Moody Blues and Rolling Stones. He's offered more and gave a list of what he has... he's sending it all via email. So I'm gonna have one LOADED mp3 player! HOW AWESOME IS THAT?!?! I've got stuff from MJ to Mika to Styx to Elvis to Disturbed to Tatu to 3OH!3 to Beethoven!!! I LOVE MUSIC! Not only is it fun to dance and sing along to... it makes working out THAT much BETTER!!!! If you don't like to work out, my advice would be to (1) find music that is upbeat and fun. (2) find the kind of stuff you like to do (ex. I think yoga can get boring/hurts me... also I can't do some things cuz I have PF). (3) You can try finding someone to work out with. Like a spotter or someone for moral support! Sometimes it's funner if you have someone to talk to or to tell you to keep going (but in a nice way... I hated my coach in HS... jerk).

Also, you could get creative! There are lots of things you can do! I heard about this chick that was overweight and wasn't very active. She decided that instead of just watching her kids play she would play with them! She would go play cops & robbers or whatever they were playing. She lost LOTS of weight! So basically find something that works for you that you like to do. I used to hate to work out cuz reps can get boring. Music helps... But I tend to like sports more. I was on the swim team in HS (hated my coach so quit... tried again and still hated the coach so I stopped going...) Right now I'm taking my Strength & Tone class at school and I skate 3 times a week for several hours (only cuz I work at a skating rink). Most people are dead after about an hour of skating... I'm on mine for 4 or 5 hours usually... But maybe that's just cuz we're crazy. lol...
Hmmm... let's see. I've talked about lab and working out.... What else can I talk about?
My pants are gross from cleaning the lockers at work.... but that's about all I've got on that subject. I should go wash them.... I can do laundry later.

Old spice is amazing! It's one of the "man" smells I totally LOVE! <3 <3 <3
I like Curves for Men... Hmm.... what's another good one? Axe is good. (The thing is that a lot of these could smell amazing, but guys tend to put wwaayy too much on so it's over-powering and just about knocks you out when you walk past. Boys! It's like girls with too much perfume! A little bit will go a long way! I promise! And if it's cuz you think you don't smell very good... GO TAKE A SHOWER!)
Paper for school is about resolving conflict... I hate writing papers. I'm not bad at it... It just takes time and precious brain cells that I need to keep for BIOLOGY! We took a quiz today on the cadavers... And i actually knew the answers to the ones he asked ME! (Well... one was a little off... and I wasn't so sure about the name of one but my guess what totally right! I felt sooo smart!!! :] )
Did you know that your chin is mental? It is. Very much.
The muscle on your chin is called the mentalis muscle! Bahahaha! Isn't it funny?! Yes? No? .......well, I thought it was funny.
I've got this 3OH!3 song stuck on the brain... (and no... not the sheepie brain that got mutilated today.) It's called Rich Man. I had Ur So Gay by Katy Perry stuck there the other day. :\ Hmmm....
I need to go find food. :(
I haven't really eaten much today. I had a poppy seed muffin at school. A 100 grand bar. A Hershey almond bar. And I just ate ice cream. Talk about junk! The ice cream didn't even sound good at the time.. I just wanted food and I don't have to cook or hunt for the ice cream. :'( I miss you broccoli!
You know what sounds good? A salad! I love salads these days! Mmmm....! Brussel sprouts sound nummy too! I L-O-V-E veggies! I always have. ^_^ I was the weird kid that would steal broccoli and ranch dressing at the parties. I didn't take the cookies and cakes first. (And people would ask how my parents got me to do that. Ha!)
(-_- ) I don't want sugar....

You know what? I still haven't gotten ANY amazing sprinkles for a sprinkle collection! OH NO! No cool sprinkles for cool cupcakes. *tear*
I wanted Cocoa Puffs for a few weeks and I finally got them last week! I am cool like that.
I also finally got around to getting me some EARRINGS! Gold! I hate stupid allergies... I have to wear gold. So I got this pair that are 10 K gold with these Mystic Fire Topaz stones. :) They're cool! I also got these stars that have a little diamond (cz) in the middle... but the backs are these weird screw-on things for little kids... I guess so they can't take them off/lose them. I don't like it. The backs are very uncomfortable. I think I might take them back and get me a pair of hoops. Hmmm.... I think I may, I think I might. :)
Do you think this post is long enough? Maybe I'll stop here for today?

Oh... I almost forgot! So the mail thing with Pinkie....I was going to mail it back to her yesterday, but never did. I'm going to write a little more and THEN mail it back! Some things have happened since the other day. I think I shall tell her about them. Like how Pooky's car was leaking oil. Yet another thing wrong with it. I think that car hates him almost as much as he hates it. Lol... He calls it a beaner car and people want to race him all the time cuz of the paint job! Lol... it's funny. (He's not the one that put the paint like that. It was like that when he got it, I think.)
Anyway... I think I'm going to go to bed. I'm getting tired and still have to write a paper and stuff. I took next Saturday off so I can have a "relax" day! ^_^
That's MR. Banana-beak to YOU! :) I wanna go watch some Disney! Hehe... The old-er ones... Not some of the dumb new ones... (But I must say some of them are still good.)
I'm going to add on to my RANDOM THOUGHTS from my FB status... I've decided. ^_^
I had a pretty good day today! I dissected a sheep brain and had plenty of mints to suck on during lab. For some reason I don't mind cutting up brains and hearts... but I really HATE the smell of that stupid formaldehyde crap! It smells SOO bad!!! Gleuteraldehyde doesn't even smell that bad! And they're related! :(
I think I had like 3 or 4 mints throughout my 2 hour class... Is that bad? But it did smell worlds better! :D
I also LOVE working out! It was loads of fun today. I don't know why... but I liked doing that core and leg stuff... even though it kinda made my legs hurt. :\ Today we did lots of ab stuff... We did this stuff that works out both the upper and lower body and some abs and back! All at about the same time! How cool is that?!?! I think I love that class. (Even if it does make me walk funny/almost fall over/hard to sit up cuz my abs are killing me.)

I'm getting all this OLD music from one of my neighbors! So far he's sent me Moody Blues and Rolling Stones. He's offered more and gave a list of what he has... he's sending it all via email. So I'm gonna have one LOADED mp3 player! HOW AWESOME IS THAT?!?! I've got stuff from MJ to Mika to Styx to Elvis to Disturbed to Tatu to 3OH!3 to Beethoven!!! I LOVE MUSIC! Not only is it fun to dance and sing along to... it makes working out THAT much BETTER!!!! If you don't like to work out, my advice would be to (1) find music that is upbeat and fun. (2) find the kind of stuff you like to do (ex. I think yoga can get boring/hurts me... also I can't do some things cuz I have PF). (3) You can try finding someone to work out with. Like a spotter or someone for moral support! Sometimes it's funner if you have someone to talk to or to tell you to keep going (but in a nice way... I hated my coach in HS... jerk).

Also, you could get creative! There are lots of things you can do! I heard about this chick that was overweight and wasn't very active. She decided that instead of just watching her kids play she would play with them! She would go play cops & robbers or whatever they were playing. She lost LOTS of weight! So basically find something that works for you that you like to do. I used to hate to work out cuz reps can get boring. Music helps... But I tend to like sports more. I was on the swim team in HS (hated my coach so quit... tried again and still hated the coach so I stopped going...) Right now I'm taking my Strength & Tone class at school and I skate 3 times a week for several hours (only cuz I work at a skating rink). Most people are dead after about an hour of skating... I'm on mine for 4 or 5 hours usually... But maybe that's just cuz we're crazy. lol...
Hmmm... let's see. I've talked about lab and working out.... What else can I talk about?
My pants are gross from cleaning the lockers at work.... but that's about all I've got on that subject. I should go wash them.... I can do laundry later.

Old spice is amazing! It's one of the "man" smells I totally LOVE! <3 <3 <3
I like Curves for Men... Hmm.... what's another good one? Axe is good. (The thing is that a lot of these could smell amazing, but guys tend to put wwaayy too much on so it's over-powering and just about knocks you out when you walk past. Boys! It's like girls with too much perfume! A little bit will go a long way! I promise! And if it's cuz you think you don't smell very good... GO TAKE A SHOWER!)
Paper for school is about resolving conflict... I hate writing papers. I'm not bad at it... It just takes time and precious brain cells that I need to keep for BIOLOGY! We took a quiz today on the cadavers... And i actually knew the answers to the ones he asked ME! (Well... one was a little off... and I wasn't so sure about the name of one but my guess what totally right! I felt sooo smart!!! :] )
Did you know that your chin is mental? It is. Very much.
The muscle on your chin is called the mentalis muscle! Bahahaha! Isn't it funny?! Yes? No? .......well, I thought it was funny.
I've got this 3OH!3 song stuck on the brain... (and no... not the sheepie brain that got mutilated today.) It's called Rich Man. I had Ur So Gay by Katy Perry stuck there the other day. :\ Hmmm....
I need to go find food. :(
I haven't really eaten much today. I had a poppy seed muffin at school. A 100 grand bar. A Hershey almond bar. And I just ate ice cream. Talk about junk! The ice cream didn't even sound good at the time.. I just wanted food and I don't have to cook or hunt for the ice cream. :'( I miss you broccoli!
You know what sounds good? A salad! I love salads these days! Mmmm....! Brussel sprouts sound nummy too! I L-O-V-E veggies! I always have. ^_^ I was the weird kid that would steal broccoli and ranch dressing at the parties. I didn't take the cookies and cakes first. (And people would ask how my parents got me to do that. Ha!)
(-_- ) I don't want sugar....

You know what? I still haven't gotten ANY amazing sprinkles for a sprinkle collection! OH NO! No cool sprinkles for cool cupcakes. *tear*
I wanted Cocoa Puffs for a few weeks and I finally got them last week! I am cool like that.
I also finally got around to getting me some EARRINGS! Gold! I hate stupid allergies... I have to wear gold. So I got this pair that are 10 K gold with these Mystic Fire Topaz stones. :) They're cool! I also got these stars that have a little diamond (cz) in the middle... but the backs are these weird screw-on things for little kids... I guess so they can't take them off/lose them. I don't like it. The backs are very uncomfortable. I think I might take them back and get me a pair of hoops. Hmmm.... I think I may, I think I might. :)
Do you think this post is long enough? Maybe I'll stop here for today?
Oh... I almost forgot! So the mail thing with Pinkie....I was going to mail it back to her yesterday, but never did. I'm going to write a little more and THEN mail it back! Some things have happened since the other day. I think I shall tell her about them. Like how Pooky's car was leaking oil. Yet another thing wrong with it. I think that car hates him almost as much as he hates it. Lol... He calls it a beaner car and people want to race him all the time cuz of the paint job! Lol... it's funny. (He's not the one that put the paint like that. It was like that when he got it, I think.)
Anyway... I think I'm going to go to bed. I'm getting tired and still have to write a paper and stuff. I took next Saturday off so I can have a "relax" day! ^_^
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Da-da Da-da Da-da Da-da BATMAN!
i heard grandma had a heart attack today... or at least all the symptoms of one, so they're pretty sure that's what it was....
she should be out tomorrow (she's staying the night). i sure hope so! here's to hoping she's better very soon and she doesn't have another one!
in other news... i was drawing batman today. i'm over the twilight thing for now.
i got out of lab early (all we did was put together little balls and sticks to represent different molecules ex. H2O). we did that pretty fast so i ended up going to get lunch and entertain myself for a few hours til my last class (this was around 12-ish and my last class starts at 3).
so i ate chinese and drew batman and his villains.... :)
(on the very colourful one it has the mermaid cuz i drew harley then ariel... then decided to draw more batman stuff)
so here you go! more of my little chibis! :)
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
i'm not sick anymore. i'm stressed cuz of school and everything else. i really hate anatomy lab (i like my prof, i like the people in the class, i just hate poking around at dead people). the cadavers have been there for ages. they smell really bad. their muscles are shredded from being poked at so many times and i can't touch them let alone look at them for very long without feeling sick. i'm not doing so great at memorizing all this technical stuff at such a fast pace and i'm already feeling burned out. is the semester over yet?!?! i'm taking the summer off for sure! i have to or i might kill myself. :(
so one thing i've been doing to entertain myself between classes (when i'm not trying to study) is draw. and lately the most amusing thing has been my anti-twilight stuff.... :)
so i'll show you some of the ones from today.
i had to draw to keep from falling asleep. this guy was playing something pretty but really mellow during lunch on the piano in the room.....

and just to add something random....
so one thing i've been doing to entertain myself between classes (when i'm not trying to study) is draw. and lately the most amusing thing has been my anti-twilight stuff.... :)
so i'll show you some of the ones from today.
i had to draw to keep from falling asleep. this guy was playing something pretty but really mellow during lunch on the piano in the room.....
and just to add something random....
Monday, February 15, 2010
"A state of imperfect knowledge or understanding."
--Oxford Dictionary def. #4
OK!!! Here is one of my ANTI-TWILIGHT comics I've concocted! The first one I started isn't completely done and I've started on a new one ;)
Cameron, Jarom, and Amber kept reading this one cuz they thought parts were funny.... I think they each have one little part that is their favorite (like Jarom's is that part about howling). Enjoy! :D

--Oxford Dictionary def. #4
OK!!! Here is one of my ANTI-TWILIGHT comics I've concocted! The first one I started isn't completely done and I've started on a new one ;)
Cameron, Jarom, and Amber kept reading this one cuz they thought parts were funny.... I think they each have one little part that is their favorite (like Jarom's is that part about howling). Enjoy! :D
Friday, February 12, 2010
going the hippie
so my throat is all icky still... i went to my ONE class today. but i still have to go to work today cuz NOBODY would take my shift! :'( (chris (b) is sick too... he was trying to get off early yesterday, jamey has a game today and can't take it, andrew won't ever take anything on the weekends cuz he's recording with his "band," and everyone else is working with me or a manager. i asked if jen could, but she never got back to me... so yeah. everyone else is working with me tonight. at least i got tomorrow off....
i slept in today... i went to bed early last night (well, i should say couch cuz that's where i fell asleep).
all i've done today is this: took a shower, ate cereal, went to class, got amber from school, and now i'm sitting here on my lappy.
i have about 2 hours til i need to head to work... i hope it goes by fast.
what's with the title you might ask?
well, yesterday my mom still had her....portal? no, that's not it... anyway, she had a THING still open and decided to TEST for me to see what will make the GERMS go away and make me feel all BETTER! i hope it works.
i'm supposed to take stamina for 2 days (2x a day--am and pm) ....i forgot to take the stamina before i left for class (even though my mom reminded me.) i remembered IN class... but forgot again... i should go do that. will it still be ok with the ghosties if i take it now? or do i have to wait til bed time and just finish tomorrow???
i'm also supposed to take dandelion leaves in capsules for 5 days... 2x a day i think. i have to wait til my mom gets them all "capsulized."
and then there's red clover. mom has to go get that... not sure if they have it at the hippie store. but that's what the ghosties said would work the best.... no alternatives i guess....
i asked how it works with the ghostie guides.... do they poke your (in her case) legs? do they shove you? or maybe they mess with you nervous system?! haha.... "oh crap... wrong time! start again!" ~poke poke~
of course... my mom laughed... a lot. lol... well??
the ghosties also said i'm no dehydrated... it sure don't FEEL that way. (-_- ) i drinking lots of water and it no working. :(
my mouth feels rather dry these days. wth?! hmph... mine mommy said according to her herb dictionary that dandelion leaf and red clover are supposed to (among other things) help cleanse the blood or something.... so i guess the ghosties want my blood to be cleaner? maybe it was a vampire ghostie? lol... jk
oh... which reminds me... i've decided to do an anti-twilight comic strip of my own... but when i have it done i don't know... maybe i can send to to brianna in the next letter i send her!
(we've decided to do what we used to do in jr high! we used to write notes to each other, but they would look like a comic strip and we'd have the characters say our messages! the characters would just be doing random things. in this case we send a letter with the comic about what we've been up to. in the comic strips she does a box or two, and then i do the next scene or two! it's sooo fun! i also sent her a mix cd and had a story that went with the cd!)
anyway.... i guess i'll keep you guys up dated to what we send/get! i love it already and we've only sent 1 (she sent the first one and i just sent her back a few days ago. now she's gotta figure out what she's gonna do and send it back)
the reason it took me a while to send brianna's back to her is cuz i had to go get more stamps... but i finally got that taken care of and she loved my "love story" cd/story... we do them with our versions of the pacman ghosts!
we also have nicknames for each other. i gave her pinky back in 9th grade i think.... she liked it so she called me peachie! go us!!!!! hehe... :)
Thursday, February 11, 2010
still sick and hating it
at least my headache is pretty much gone...
i HATE HATE HATE being sick!!! :'( i think i have the strep or something. it's not very pleasant and it hurts to swallow and tastes really gross. not to mention that i have this big white spot on one side of the throat where it's very puffy.
it tastes kinda how it tasted after i have my wisdom teeth taken out. just gross! :(
i went to my first 2 classes (was last to the first one) but i am SKIPPING my gym class. i don't think it'd be a very good idea to work out when i have a bit of a headache left over from the other day and i'm sick and if i stand for too long i get kinda dizzy.
working out will most definitely make it all worse. mb i should go see the DR. but i no have insurance yet.... :\ i really need to sign up this weekend. i guess i can go to that clinic by the high school like my mom said. hmmm...
what if it's not just strep and i have to be quarantined?! what will i do about my classes? :O lol... but i doubt that would happen.
i HATE HATE HATE being sick!!! :'( i think i have the strep or something. it's not very pleasant and it hurts to swallow and tastes really gross. not to mention that i have this big white spot on one side of the throat where it's very puffy.
it tastes kinda how it tasted after i have my wisdom teeth taken out. just gross! :(
i went to my first 2 classes (was last to the first one) but i am SKIPPING my gym class. i don't think it'd be a very good idea to work out when i have a bit of a headache left over from the other day and i'm sick and if i stand for too long i get kinda dizzy.
working out will most definitely make it all worse. mb i should go see the DR. but i no have insurance yet.... :\ i really need to sign up this weekend. i guess i can go to that clinic by the high school like my mom said. hmmm...
what if it's not just strep and i have to be quarantined?! what will i do about my classes? :O lol... but i doubt that would happen.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
sickly :(

ok. so it won't let me change the colors of the text... how lame!
anyway. for like the past 2 days or something i've had this really icky headache off and on. and my throat hurts and feels swollen and puffy. my neck is really stiff. and i've felt a little nauseous off and on through the day.
this morning (when i finally got up and did something) i was feeling really warm and my mom said i felt warm to her. i took my temperature and had a fever of 100.3! ick...
i took some ibuprophen for the throat and headache.... then right before i left i ended up taking some dayquil.
yesterday i made the mistake of not eating anything with it (dayquil) and i felt HORRIBLE on the ride to school. after i got some cheetos in my belly i felt ways better. and then when i was feeling fairly good... i go to my anatomy lab. it figures that the day i'm already feeling sickly is the first day we look at the cadavers.
it smelled sooooo bad! and the table i'm at is right next the the cadaver tables. eww!!! i had to go home after my last class (gym) and wash EVERYTHING and take a hot shower before i went to work.... :6
so today all i felt like eating were some of the left over yams from the other day... nothing sounded good. (you know i'm not feeling very good when i don't wanna eat anything.)
i ended up skipping chemistry cuz i couldn't get myself to get moving. i was feeling better at the end of bio lecture and at lunch when i ate some rice and mandarin chicken. they weren't very heavy foods and so it didn't make my tummy all unhappy.
i started feeling icky again in my communications class (which had to be in the library basement cuz they're changing stuff in our actual room). it felt a little stuffy... only cuz i ended up sitting in a more crowded spot... i had to move and the break... i was gonna die if i didn't.
so i was feeling all icky on the ride home and my legs were feeling like they were gonna give out on me. i get home and take my temperature... guess what it was?!
95.4!!! i go from a fever to a cold!
i think part of it was that i spent time outside (outside felt really really really good cuz it's all cool. and it's warm inside.... but i don't think it's such a good idea if i spend too much time outside with my being sickly)
well... i guess we'll see how i'm feeling tomorrow? my head feels better when i'm laying down. :)
last night at work it wasn't doing so great. i felt on the verge of a migraine or something. :( the lights were hurting my eyes and the music was making my headache worse. i had to wander the house in the dark last night cuz i couldn't turn on the lights. (-_- ) it hurt too bad. talk about a lame night.
that would be the reason that i ended up sleeping in through my chem lecture.....
let's see if i can't find another random movie quote! :)
"Just like Frankenstein, but cuter!" Weird Science 1985
Monday, February 8, 2010
STRESSED is DESSERTS spelled backwards!
school is still stressing me out... among other things.
today has been on-again off-again hot/cold weather. i don't enjoy it. (-_- )
it's almost spring. you can tell.... i'm glad. except that today won't make up it's mind. hot, cold, windy, not windy...
ba-hum-bug.... utah weather! we're lucky and get several seasons in one day... sometimes all four! how many states can say that?! at least it's not snowing/raining/hailing, etc. but i heard it was SUPPOSED to snow this weekend. it didn't... so i guess it either passed us up, or we're getting a slow storm that will hit later this week.... or next.
right now i'm waiting to go pick up amber. i've got about 25 minutes til she's out. i'm thinking about getting a GPS... it would be very nice! plus i would have instructions and won't have to go hunt down google maps or call ppl when i'm uber lost. (but i've heard LOST is when you have to most FUN! sometimes i'm not so sure...)
anyway... i want to go get some kisses. i think the chocolate would help me feel not-so-stressed. and kisses totally GO with the up-coming holiday! (single's awareness day!)
i looked on amazon and the one i'm thinking about getting is about the same price... mb about $5 cheaper. but there's another one that costs more than the one at walmart.... mb i'll just get the one from wallyworld... :\
i'm glad jason puts up with me... i was stressed and kinda mad that he wasn't texting me back. i called and yelled and stuff... and what makes me mad when i yell or get mad is that he laughs and says how cute i am... grrr.... sometimes he tries to make me mad just to see how i'll react. like how long til i get pissed and start to yell or try to smack him or whatever. when he laughs at how mad i am it either makes me mad-er or it has the opposite effect... we start teasing each other. *sigh* boys.... he likes to tell me how big of a baby i can be sometimes.... cuz when i get really mad or stressed.... i end up crying. not always just crying... like i'm mad and i get a knot in my throat and keep trying to talk and it makes my eyes water.... then i get more upset and gulp and can't breath.... BLAH! i hate it!!! but what can i do? not much i guess..................
random movie quote!
"Boris, if we let him live he will burn down half of Europe!"
"Good, let's hope it's the half with our landlord."
(sorry, idk what movie)
today has been on-again off-again hot/cold weather. i don't enjoy it. (-_- )
it's almost spring. you can tell.... i'm glad. except that today won't make up it's mind. hot, cold, windy, not windy...
ba-hum-bug.... utah weather! we're lucky and get several seasons in one day... sometimes all four! how many states can say that?! at least it's not snowing/raining/hailing, etc. but i heard it was SUPPOSED to snow this weekend. it didn't... so i guess it either passed us up, or we're getting a slow storm that will hit later this week.... or next.
right now i'm waiting to go pick up amber. i've got about 25 minutes til she's out. i'm thinking about getting a GPS... it would be very nice! plus i would have instructions and won't have to go hunt down google maps or call ppl when i'm uber lost. (but i've heard LOST is when you have to most FUN! sometimes i'm not so sure...)
anyway... i want to go get some kisses. i think the chocolate would help me feel not-so-stressed. and kisses totally GO with the up-coming holiday! (single's awareness day!)
i looked on amazon and the one i'm thinking about getting is about the same price... mb about $5 cheaper. but there's another one that costs more than the one at walmart.... mb i'll just get the one from wallyworld... :\
i'm glad jason puts up with me... i was stressed and kinda mad that he wasn't texting me back. i called and yelled and stuff... and what makes me mad when i yell or get mad is that he laughs and says how cute i am... grrr.... sometimes he tries to make me mad just to see how i'll react. like how long til i get pissed and start to yell or try to smack him or whatever. when he laughs at how mad i am it either makes me mad-er or it has the opposite effect... we start teasing each other. *sigh* boys.... he likes to tell me how big of a baby i can be sometimes.... cuz when i get really mad or stressed.... i end up crying. not always just crying... like i'm mad and i get a knot in my throat and keep trying to talk and it makes my eyes water.... then i get more upset and gulp and can't breath.... BLAH! i hate it!!! but what can i do? not much i guess..................
random movie quote!
"Boris, if we let him live he will burn down half of Europe!"
"Good, let's hope it's the half with our landlord."
(sorry, idk what movie)
Monday, February 1, 2010
late nights. . .
i'm not sure why i can't sleep until really late lately. i think i'm just not tired?? who knows. but here i am (again). i guess it's a good time to blog....
i was looking at pon and zi little comics. :D they're sooo cute!!!
(and i guess i'll have to do a lighter purple next time... sorry!!)
anyway. . . . what should i talk about?
i got my anatomy lab homework done tonight while my mom was putting some more musika on my mp3 player.... prince and such.
i need to get some muse stuff.... and most definitely need some BOWIE! hehehe.... <3
jason has been off job hunting... i guess today wasn't so fruitful.... but he'll find one he'll like. i'm sure he will! :) it's just a bit of a bummer cuz that means that i might not get to talk to him as much or even see him as much (which is NOT very much as it is!) (-_- )
we'll see how this works out.... i wonder when i'll get to see him again? soon i hope. that would be nice. very nice. ;)
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