Wednesday, February 17, 2010


i'm not sick anymore. i'm stressed cuz of school and everything else. i really hate anatomy lab (i like my prof, i like the people in the class, i just hate poking around at dead people). the cadavers have been there for ages. they smell really bad. their muscles are shredded from being poked at so many times and i can't touch them let alone look at them for very long without feeling sick. i'm not doing so great at memorizing all this technical stuff at such a fast pace and i'm already feeling burned out. is the semester over yet?!?! i'm taking the summer off for sure! i have to or i might kill myself. :(

so one thing i've been doing to entertain myself between classes (when i'm not trying to study) is draw. and lately the most amusing thing has been my anti-twilight stuff.... :)

so i'll show you some of the ones from today.

i had to draw to keep from falling asleep. this guy was playing something pretty but really mellow during lunch on the piano in the room.....

and just to add something random....


Beckle the Freckle said...

I LOVED anatomy lab! That's where I learned everything I couldn't quite grasp in the book part of Anatomy. It made so much more sense when I could see it. Although, I agree, the smell is extremely unpleasant. And you don't want to eat pot roast or cured meat for a while. I usually took a big box of Altoids with me to suck on so I couldn't smell anything but mint.

Sometimes I catch a whiff of that preservative they use in perfume or something similar and GAH! It's just like being back there! Are you doing labs up at the U?

We totally need to go roller skating or just do something fun. I am stressed out, too. And I miss you!

(P.S. While I was typing this, the neighbor cat knocked over our garbage out on the porch and scared the crap out of me. My adrenaline just went through the roof!!)

M3@9@N said...

lol.... yeah. one person said cough drops work really well so you can't smell it... and i know what you mean about the eating the meat thing... eww... and the smell in perfumes. ALREADY! eww...

lol... poor becky. cat scareded yous....