Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Some Semi-Random Thoughts

I've got a love-e-lee bunch of coconuts... Dee-da-lee-dee... All placed neatly in a row! Big ones, small ones, some as large as your head!!!

That's MR. Banana-beak to YOU! :) I wanna go watch some Disney! Hehe... The old-er ones... Not some of the dumb new ones... (But I must say some of them are still good.)

I'm going to add on to my RANDOM THOUGHTS from my FB status... I've decided. ^_^

I had a pretty good day today! I dissected a sheep brain and had plenty of mints to suck on during lab. For some reason I don't mind cutting up brains and hearts... but I really HATE the smell of that stupid formaldehyde crap! It smells SOO bad!!! Gleuteraldehyde doesn't even smell that bad! And they're related! :(
I think I had like 3 or 4 mints throughout my 2 hour class... Is that bad? But it did smell worlds better! :D

I also LOVE working out! It was loads of fun today. I don't know why... but I liked doing that core and leg stuff... even though it kinda made my legs hurt. :\ Today we did lots of ab stuff... We did this stuff that works out both the upper and lower body and some abs and back! All at about the same time! How cool is that?!?! I think I love that class. (Even if it does make me walk funny/almost fall over/hard to sit up cuz my abs are killing me.)

I'm getting all this OLD music from one of my neighbors! So far he's sent me Moody Blues and Rolling Stones. He's offered more and gave a list of what he has... he's sending it all via email. So I'm gonna have one LOADED mp3 player! HOW AWESOME IS THAT?!?! I've got stuff from MJ to Mika to Styx to Elvis to Disturbed to Tatu to 3OH!3 to Beethoven!!! I LOVE MUSIC! Not only is it fun to dance and sing along to... it makes working out THAT much BETTER!!!! If you don't like to work out, my advice would be to (1) find music that is upbeat and fun. (2) find the kind of stuff you like to do (ex. I think yoga can get boring/hurts me... also I can't do some things cuz I have PF). (3) You can try finding someone to work out with. Like a spotter or someone for moral support! Sometimes it's funner if you have someone to talk to or to tell you to keep going (but in a nice way... I hated my coach in HS... jerk).

Also, you could get creative! There are lots of things you can do! I heard about this chick that was overweight and wasn't very active. She decided that instead of just watching her kids play she would play with them! She would go play cops & robbers or whatever they were playing. She lost LOTS of weight! So basically find something that works for you that you like to do. I used to hate to work out cuz reps can get boring. Music helps... But I tend to like sports more. I was on the swim team in HS (hated my coach so quit... tried again and still hated the coach so I stopped going...) Right now I'm taking my Strength & Tone class at school and I skate 3 times a week for several hours (only cuz I work at a skating rink). Most people are dead after about an hour of skating... I'm on mine for 4 or 5 hours usually... But maybe that's just cuz we're crazy. lol...

Hmmm... let's see. I've talked about lab and working out.... What else can I talk about?

My pants are gross from cleaning the lockers at work.... but that's about all I've got on that subject. I should go wash them.... I can do laundry later.

Old spice is amazing! It's one of the "man" smells I totally LOVE! <3 <3 <3
I like Curves for Men... Hmm.... what's another good one? Axe is good. (The thing is that a lot of these could smell amazing, but guys tend to put wwaayy too much on so it's over-powering and just about knocks you out when you walk past. Boys! It's like girls with too much perfume! A little bit will go a long way! I promise! And if it's cuz you think you don't smell very good... GO TAKE A SHOWER!)

Paper for school is about resolving conflict... I hate writing papers. I'm not bad at it... It just takes time and precious brain cells that I need to keep for BIOLOGY! We took a quiz today on the cadavers... And i actually knew the answers to the ones he asked ME! (Well... one was a little off... and I wasn't so sure about the name of one but my guess what totally right! I felt sooo smart!!! :] )

Did you know that your chin is mental? It is. Very much.

The muscle on your chin is called the mentalis muscle! Bahahaha! Isn't it funny?! Yes? No? .......well, I thought it was funny.

I've got this 3OH!3 song stuck on the brain... (and no... not the sheepie brain that got mutilated today.) It's called Rich Man. I had Ur So Gay by Katy Perry stuck there the other day. :\ Hmmm....

I need to go find food. :(
I haven't really eaten much today. I had a poppy seed muffin at school. A 100 grand bar. A Hershey almond bar. And I just ate ice cream. Talk about junk! The ice cream didn't even sound good at the time.. I just wanted food and I don't have to cook or hunt for the ice cream. :'( I miss you broccoli!

You know what sounds good? A salad! I love salads these days! Mmmm....! Brussel sprouts sound nummy too! I L-O-V-E veggies! I always have. ^_^ I was the weird kid that would steal broccoli and ranch dressing at the parties. I didn't take the cookies and cakes first. (And people would ask how my parents got me to do that. Ha!)

(-_- ) I don't want sugar....

You know what? I still haven't gotten ANY amazing sprinkles for a sprinkle collection! OH NO! No cool sprinkles for cool cupcakes. *tear*

I wanted Cocoa Puffs for a few weeks and I finally got them last week! I am cool like that.

I also finally got around to getting me some EARRINGS! Gold! I hate stupid allergies... I have to wear gold. So I got this pair that are 10 K gold with these Mystic Fire Topaz stones. :) They're cool! I also got these stars that have a little diamond (cz) in the middle... but the backs are these weird screw-on things for little kids... I guess so they can't take them off/lose them. I don't like it. The backs are very uncomfortable. I think I might take them back and get me a pair of hoops. Hmmm.... I think I may, I think I might. :)

Do you think this post is long enough? Maybe I'll stop here for today?

Oh... I almost forgot! So the mail thing with Pinkie....I was going to mail it back to her yesterday, but never did. I'm going to write a little more and THEN mail it back! Some things have happened since the other day. I think I shall tell her about them. Like how Pooky's car was leaking oil. Yet another thing wrong with it. I think that car hates him almost as much as he hates it. Lol... He calls it a beaner car and people want to race him all the time cuz of the paint job! Lol... it's funny. (He's not the one that put the paint like that. It was like that when he got it, I think.)

Anyway... I think I'm going to go to bed. I'm getting tired and still have to write a paper and stuff. I took next Saturday off so I can have a "relax" day! ^_^


irish said...

i missed you at the FHE last sunday at our house. hope your family is all well now. hope you found some veggies to eat. lots of love

heidi said...

Hey, Meagan, there's some cauliflower in the fridge. I think it's calling your name...

Beckle the Freckle said...

Wow...that was quite possibly the most random post EVER! I loved it. Were you drinking a lot of caffeine at the time?

I missed you last week! :( When are we going roller skating? I need to hang out with you!

Now I am off to find crockpot recipes. WEEEEEEEEEEE!!!