Wednesday, February 10, 2010

sickly :(

ok. so it won't let me change the colors of the text... how lame!

anyway. for like the past 2 days or something i've had this really icky headache off and on. and my throat hurts and feels swollen and puffy. my neck is really stiff. and i've felt a little nauseous off and on through the day.

this morning (when i finally got up and did something) i was feeling really warm and my mom said i felt warm to her. i took my temperature and had a fever of 100.3! ick...

i took some ibuprophen for the throat and headache.... then right before i left i ended up taking some dayquil.

yesterday i made the mistake of not eating anything with it (dayquil) and i felt HORRIBLE on the ride to school. after i got some cheetos in my belly i felt ways better. and then when i was feeling fairly good... i go to my anatomy lab. it figures that the day i'm already feeling sickly is the first day we look at the cadavers.
it smelled sooooo bad! and the table i'm at is right next the the cadaver tables. eww!!! i had to go home after my last class (gym) and wash EVERYTHING and take a hot shower before i went to work.... :6

so today all i felt like eating were some of the left over yams from the other day... nothing sounded good. (you know i'm not feeling very good when i don't wanna eat anything.)

i ended up skipping chemistry cuz i couldn't get myself to get moving. i was feeling better at the end of bio lecture and at lunch when i ate some rice and mandarin chicken. they weren't very heavy foods and so it didn't make my tummy all unhappy.

i started feeling icky again in my communications class (which had to be in the library basement cuz they're changing stuff in our actual room). it felt a little stuffy... only cuz i ended up sitting in a more crowded spot... i had to move and the break... i was gonna die if i didn't.

so i was feeling all icky on the ride home and my legs were feeling like they were gonna give out on me. i get home and take my temperature... guess what it was?!
95.4!!! i go from a fever to a cold!

i think part of it was that i spent time outside (outside felt really really really good cuz it's all cool. and it's warm inside.... but i don't think it's such a good idea if i spend too much time outside with my being sickly)

well... i guess we'll see how i'm feeling tomorrow? my head feels better when i'm laying down. :)

last night at work it wasn't doing so great. i felt on the verge of a migraine or something. :( the lights were hurting my eyes and the music was making my headache worse. i had to wander the house in the dark last night cuz i couldn't turn on the lights. (-_- ) it hurt too bad. talk about a lame night.

that would be the reason that i ended up sleeping in through my chem lecture.....

let's see if i can't find another random movie quote! :)

"Just like Frankenstein, but cuter!" Weird Science 1985

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