Friday, February 12, 2010

going the hippie

so my throat is all icky still... i went to my ONE class today. but i still have to go to work today cuz NOBODY would take my shift! :'( (chris (b) is sick too... he was trying to get off early yesterday, jamey has a game today and can't take it, andrew won't ever take anything on the weekends cuz he's recording with his "band," and everyone else is working with me or a manager. i asked if jen could, but she never got back to me... so yeah. everyone else is working with me tonight. at least i got tomorrow off....

i slept in today... i went to bed early last night (well, i should say couch cuz that's where i fell asleep).

all i've done today is this: took a shower, ate cereal, went to class, got amber from school, and now i'm sitting here on my lappy.

i have about 2 hours til i need to head to work... i hope it goes by fast.

what's with the title you might ask?
well, yesterday my mom still had her....portal? no, that's not it... anyway, she had a THING still open and decided to TEST for me to see what will make the GERMS go away and make me feel all BETTER! i hope it works.

i'm supposed to take stamina for 2 days (2x a day--am and pm) ....i forgot to take the stamina before i left for class (even though my mom reminded me.) i remembered IN class... but forgot again... i should go do that. will it still be ok with the ghosties if i take it now? or do i have to wait til bed time and just finish tomorrow???

i'm also supposed to take dandelion leaves in capsules for 5 days... 2x a day i think. i have to wait til my mom gets them all "capsulized."

and then there's red clover. mom has to go get that... not sure if they have it at the hippie store. but that's what the ghosties said would work the best.... no alternatives i guess....

i asked how it works with the ghostie guides.... do they poke your (in her case) legs? do they shove you? or maybe they mess with you nervous system?! haha.... "oh crap... wrong time! start again!" ~poke poke~

of course... my mom laughed... a lot. lol... well??

the ghosties also said i'm no dehydrated... it sure don't FEEL that way. (-_- ) i drinking lots of water and it no working. :(

my mouth feels rather dry these days. wth?! hmph... mine mommy said according to her herb dictionary that dandelion leaf and red clover are supposed to (among other things) help cleanse the blood or something.... so i guess the ghosties want my blood to be cleaner? maybe it was a vampire ghostie? lol... jk

oh... which reminds me... i've decided to do an anti-twilight comic strip of my own... but when i have it done i don't know... maybe i can send to to brianna in the next letter i send her!

(we've decided to do what we used to do in jr high! we used to write notes to each other, but they would look like a comic strip and we'd have the characters say our messages! the characters would just be doing random things. in this case we send a letter with the comic about what we've been up to. in the comic strips she does a box or two, and then i do the next scene or two! it's sooo fun! i also sent her a mix cd and had a story that went with the cd!)

anyway.... i guess i'll keep you guys up dated to what we send/get! i love it already and we've only sent 1 (she sent the first one and i just sent her back a few days ago. now she's gotta figure out what she's gonna do and send it back)

the reason it took me a while to send brianna's back to her is cuz i had to go get more stamps... but i finally got that taken care of and she loved my "love story" cd/story... we do them with our versions of the pacman ghosts!

we also have nicknames for each other. i gave her pinky back in 9th grade i think.... she liked it so she called me peachie! go us!!!!! hehe... :)

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