Sunday, March 7, 2010

muh-muh my TELEPHONE

ok.. so it's actually my cell phone. but in the song she's talking about her cell phone. so i think it's valid (^-^)

so yesterday i spent most of the day with becky and amber! it was fun!!

we got some BK cuz hollywood connection wasn't quite open yet (we still had about 5 minutes or so before we could actually do anything).

we finished our food and then went skating. becky was hoping it would be like riding a bike... you could hop back on and be fine! not exactly. she got on the rink and took a few steps and just about did the splits! i had to rescue her. about the time she was used to it her footsies started to hurt. so she had to stop.

amber kept falling. so i made her go practice on the carpet. (it's softer than the hard rink, but not much) she didn't really wanna come back on the rink. she was getting to the point where she didn't have to hold on to anything and wasn't falling over as much. so we had her try the rink again. that didn't last too long. so we decided that we were done skating. we went and rode the rollercoaster and the bumper cars.

after that we went and had ice cream at the little shop by the arcade. YUM! talk about sweet. :)

amber decided she was THIRSTY! we KNOW because she kept saying it. eventually we started to tease her a bit... "are you SURE you're thirsty?" "did you know she's THIRSTY?!" lol....

so we went and got some drinks at 7eleven before going to see ray and dana. (byron was asleep)

---this is where the title comes in to play---

amber stayed and played the wii with dana while we (me and bexie) went to the mall to see if we couldn't find a cricket place. . . . . we couldn't. so we went back and got amber and dana.

we went to the cricket out here. i got a myshot II. it's cute. it's got some dark red on the front (my fav color!!).

so it's got a camera and it SHOULD do the whole send-receive picture messages. NO! so i tried to see if it said in the manual why it wasn't working. nope. nothing.

i called tech support today. the first time it was some lady and i had to go and dial some number so they would reprogram the phone. then i had to leave it alone for 5 minutes. then try to send some pictures. IT DIDN'T WORK!

i called again about an hour later (after trying to send a dozen more pictures). i got a guy this time. he made me manually reprogram the thing. i had to leave it along for 30 minutes. IT'S STILL NOT WORKING!!! maybe it's cuz people were texing me while i was supposed to leave the phone alone. i asked the guy if i should turn it off or leave it on. he said just leave it. so i did. i didn't open it to even READ the messages. i just left it alone. i try after abotu 40 minutes of not touching the phone. did it work? NO!!!!

so let me tell you what the phone does. i tell it i'm sending a picture. i pick the person i'm sending it to, the picture, and whatever text i want to put with the picture. i press send. it starts sending. it gets almost there. and then stops at the last second and says "invalid address"


so i'm going to go see them tomorrow and IN PERSON make them FIX the stupid thing. i hope i don't have to have the internet to make it work. i JUST took it off my account a few months ago!

plux the whole reason i got the new phone is for the PICTURES! if i can't get the stupid pictures to work, then what's the point in having the new phone!? grrr...

so they better be able to fix it WITHOUT me having to pay a ton for it (pay for them to fix it, pay for them to put the internet BACK on my account, pay for whatever else they decide to get the idea)

so there you go. i hope they can FIX it tomorrow! or they are going to have one upset redhead on their hands..... >:[


heidi said...

You shouldn't need the internet to send pictures. I guess. I don't know alot about cell phones. Ask some of your friendses that have picture phones, they would know.

heidi said...

I'm glad you had fun with Bexie and Amber yesterday!

M3@9@N said...

i asked friends. they asked some things and tried to figure out what was wrong. and i called tech support twice. it didn't work. so it's off to crickie tomorrow i go... again.

Beckle the Freckle said...

I had a ball with you and Amber on Saturday! We need to do that more often. I felt bad for Amber, but she had fun and so did Dana, although she said she doesn't like sitting in the middle seat.

I'm glad your phone is working now. It's such a cute wee thing. Too bad I can't send or recieve pics. :( Oh well.