Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Woo-Hoo. . . Excitement

I really wish this whole car accident thing was over!
I want my neck to be better.
I want the insurance thing to be finished.
I would love to stop telling the same story over and over and over and over and over...
It's like they want to catch me in a lie!
I swear! What I said the first TEN TIMES is what happened!

Ugh. I think this time it's about my neck being hurt and medical stuffs...
Like what plan I can use?

We have new neighbors. They're all moved in now.
...I wonder how long they'll last there. I think since Donovan & his family have moved out, the longest someone has been there is about a year.

Maybe it's haunted.

I got up this morning and everyone was gone. Gone.
I thought that Dad would be here...
He went to the temple with the Bishop....well. The prior bishop.

While I've been up I've gotten 2 calls from insurance people about the car thing. One I missed (she called my cell and when I went to answer it, it stopped ringing) and she left a message. She's the one about the medical thing. A guy called and wanted to talk to my mom about the Crown. So I guess he's gonna call her at work.

I should call her back. I think I will after I'm done icing my neck and taking my drugs. Woo-hoo.... More talking about complicated things! I'm loving it! (-_- ) not.

Bleh. I think other than calling Liz back, all I have to do today is go to work. Whooo.....

Amber and I made headbands last night. My mom wanted to get her some so her bangs are out of her eyes. She's growing them out. So we looked at the store & found some cute ones, but I could totally make them for less! So I found some material that in the scrap material bin (at Wally World!) that's cute. It's black with these almost pin-stripes. I say almost because they are dashed lines- - - - :)

$0.50 for that. Got some elastic. I had Amber pick from some of the material we have. She picked the black pin-stripey one. We each made a headband from that. I had her sew her's. I only helped her a little bit. She had to iron it and stuff. I showed her on mine, then had her do it on her's.

They turned out pretty cute. :)


Amber modeling her's.


irish said...

good for you, meagan. we can actually see what amber looks like. she is very cute and so are you. love ya

heidi said...

Amber looks so happy to be modeling her headband for your blog! :)

It IS nice to see what Amber looks like again. Thanks for helping her make a cute headband!