Friday, February 11, 2011


Boyfriend finally got a call back today from Convergys! He's got a job doing inbound calls and the like. He's uber excited!

I'm rather glad, too. Now he can stop being depressed that "no one will hire him."
He starts Monday for training.

I called Carma today about my not receiving my certificate(s) for dental assisting. She says the reason is because it's been very busy there: open house yesterday, midterms today... But don't stop calling til I have it!

Agh! It's getting old trying to get her to send it to me.
She also said that they are using a new system and they have to figure out how to print the stupid things out. They have to get me in their system and get all the right logos in the right places and all that jazz. **roll my eyes**

My job is ok lately. Djuana and I came in today because there was supposed to be an elementary coming in again, but apparently the agreement they had with Jim ended last week? I don't know. What I do know is that we sat there for an hour today and got paid to do it.

I also am not sure if I'm supposed to be going in tomorrow at 8 to do hockey scoreboard or not. I asked Mrs. Boss-man and she wasn't sure. She said she would check with Jim, but I haven't heard back since. If I don't hear back, then I will assume that they don't need me. On the plus side I won't have to go in super early just to leave and come back again at 5.

Being I work tomorrow night the boys played Zombies last night at Boyfriend's. They've been doing it every Saturday night for a while now. They have fun doing it. Sometimes Amber goes & sometimes she doesn't.


heidi said...

I am very glad Zac got a job.
Maybe someday you will actually get your Dental Assisting Certificate. How awesome would that be?!

M3@9@N said...

so awesome! if Carma would answer her stupid phone.... grrr