Sunday, April 28, 2013

Out Another Car

We got in an accident yesterday. Now we don't have any cars!

We were going to get gas and then planning on going to see my inlaws. Needless to say, we didn't go. Instead we waited for the police (who actually showed up pretty fast. last time it took about 3 hours) and then fill out witness reports. We tried to get a rental car, but for some reason full coverage doesn't cover the rental. You have to pay extra for that.

We went to get the rental the insurance company told us was being held, but found out there is an extra $200 deposit on top of what it was already going to be to use it for a week. We don't have the extra money. We tried to use another company today that is a lower price, but the only location we could go to on a Sunday is at the airport. They do not accept debit cards."It's airport policy to only accept credit cards for local customers, but if we had a flight confirmation we could use the debit."

We don't have a credit card. The closest is out visa/mastercard debit cards.
Looks like we have to rely on my parents until we can find a car. Unfortunately, hubby works at 4am. He is going back to the regular non-swing shift schedule and we don't have to worry about a ton of back-and-forth commuting.

I hope we get a good car soon.

The car looks like it got it's jaw broken off.

Broken cars and frustration...

1 comment:

irish said...

Have a happy day and a happy week. Lots of love