Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Friggin snow....

ok... So I was off at work yesterday... my mom was out shopping for stuff for Jarom's b-day thing.
I get off and call home to see what they're doing. (and to tell Jarom that I couldn't get signed up for Holmes. the lists were too full)

It turns out that my mom was off stuck at WinCo. *sigh* I didn't even know WHERE WinCo is. Great. I got off at 6. I asked when she had called... she'd been there since about 5:30-ish.

I guess she had gone out to the car and tried to start it, but it wouldn't turn over. Nice...
The lights would turn on. But no engine. Lovely...
So she called back and told me where WinCo is.

So I get there and find her. We sit there and wait for the tow truck. IT WAS UBER COLD!! My mom at least had boots and gloves and a big coat on. I was there with canvas tennis shoes, my work pants, no gloves, no hat... We sat there waiting.... and waiting. The tow truck was going to be a while. He was coming from an accident up in Parley's. With how slippery the snow was, and how slow the cars were moving and everything... it was definitely gonna be a while. At least we could go sit in the store. BUT we had to wait by the doors so we'd know when the truck showed up. So we sat by the cold doors.

There was this security guard (Louis) who came over to help us.... turns out he does a lot of work on cars (part time mechanic or something). He went and had a look-see at the car. He checked the battery --fine. Good power and everything. He checked some of the connections. They seemed to be ok. Hmm....

In the end, he basically told us what Gines told Mom on the phone --it was probably the starter. Yay... *rme* I guess at least that shouldn't be too hard to fix...

We waited for the tow truck. We finally left WinCo around 7:30. Mom wanted to follow/meet the driver over at the shop. Just to make sure he took it to the right place and everything.

He kept telling her she could just go home and he'd take care of it. She thought he was in a rush to get rid of us. I told her he probably figured she was cold and not very happy... probably wanted to go home. But she wanted to make sure it got there ok and she knew what was going on. I drove us over in the suburban (which I'm happy to say wanted to leave with us instead of a tow truck --unlike the dumb crown).

IT HURT TO DRIVE! Frozen digits + pressing on a stupid pedal = PAIN! They were all tingly. :( Not to mention my knee decided to start acting up, too.... Geez! :'( NO BUENO!!!!

We FINALLY get home and I can change in to warmer clothes! (can you hear the halleluja chorus too?) I put on leggings and pajama pants and thick socks and another shirt and a thick sweater! :D Happy day...

So this morning I took Mom to drop off the keys to the crown to Gines. Then to work. I then proceeded to go home, pick up Dad and take him to see the doctor. We hung out there... he got x-rays and all that jazz. Turns out he's got strep (on one side of his throat) and the start of pneumonia. Great, just great.

We drop off the prescriptions. Went and got food. Went home.

Mom calls. I go pick her up. Drive home. She eats and takes the car back to work. I sit here... in my pj's... writing. In the warm house. No stupid drivers. No snow covering my boots or soaking my pant legs. No cold wind freezing any bare skin. Just warm, comfy couch... my computer, and listening to various tracks on my mp3. (MJ, dane cook, elvis, etc.)

Not to mention Dad's inside... out of the cold. Hopefully he'll get better --AND FAST! We really don't want him back in the hospital. That would be bad. After all, he says he feels like he did back before he ended up in the hospital back in June.

Talk about a lot of crap. >:[ I'm pretty sure this stuff is going around, too.

Oh!! also.... I get to work tomorrow (new year's eve) from 9:30 pm to 7 am the next morning. I go home and sleep the day away, and then go back to work at 6:30 on the 1st. Ugh.... it BETTER be slow... anyone that shows up will probably get a portion of my wrath!! >:] Mwahahah..... I can be a beast if I feel like it. And I better get food in the morning. No sleep + no food... if you know me... you know I LOVE food!! someone will die.

Anyway... happy holidays..... :S


heidi said...

Thank you for rescuing me my Meagie! :)

irish said...

you are a wonderful daughter and grand daughter. our superwoman, meagan. did you get your hair cut?

M3@9@N said...

yup... it looks about the same, just shorter.