Monday, February 8, 2010

STRESSED is DESSERTS spelled backwards!

school is still stressing me out... among other things.

today has been on-again off-again hot/cold weather. i don't enjoy it. (-_- )
it's almost spring. you can tell.... i'm glad. except that today won't make up it's mind. hot, cold, windy, not windy...

ba-hum-bug.... utah weather! we're lucky and get several seasons in one day... sometimes all four! how many states can say that?! at least it's not snowing/raining/hailing, etc. but i heard it was SUPPOSED to snow this weekend. it didn't... so i guess it either passed us up, or we're getting a slow storm that will hit later this week.... or next.

right now i'm waiting to go pick up amber. i've got about 25 minutes til she's out. i'm thinking about getting a GPS... it would be very nice! plus i would have instructions and won't have to go hunt down google maps or call ppl when i'm uber lost. (but i've heard LOST is when you have to most FUN! sometimes i'm not so sure...)

anyway... i want to go get some kisses. i think the chocolate would help me feel not-so-stressed. and kisses totally GO with the up-coming holiday! (single's awareness day!)

i looked on amazon and the one i'm thinking about getting is about the same price... mb about $5 cheaper. but there's another one that costs more than the one at walmart.... mb i'll just get the one from wallyworld... :\

i'm glad jason puts up with me... i was stressed and kinda mad that he wasn't texting me back. i called and yelled and stuff... and what makes me mad when i yell or get mad is that he laughs and says how cute i am... grrr.... sometimes he tries to make me mad just to see how i'll react. like how long til i get pissed and start to yell or try to smack him or whatever. when he laughs at how mad i am it either makes me mad-er or it has the opposite effect... we start teasing each other. *sigh* boys.... he likes to tell me how big of a baby i can be sometimes.... cuz when i get really mad or stressed.... i end up crying. not always just crying... like i'm mad and i get a knot in my throat and keep trying to talk and it makes my eyes water.... then i get more upset and gulp and can't breath.... BLAH! i hate it!!! but what can i do? not much i guess..................

random movie quote!
"Boris, if we let him live he will burn down half of Europe!"
"Good, let's hope it's the half with our landlord."
(sorry, idk what movie)


Beckle the Freckle said...

Buy the GPS at Wal-Mart, because if it sucks you can return it without mailing it. We learned this the hard way with our crappy digital camera. :)

It's okay for your boyfriend to tease you, but not to call you a baby for crying if you're upset! WTF? There's a not-so-fine line between teasing and just being a jerk. :(

I believe the Boris line is from Love and Death (I googled it) but I've never seen it. It is a silly line!

I love you! Eat kisses and be happy! :D

heidi said...

Meagie, it's okay to cry when you get stressed! Don't let anyone bug you about it. I hope the chocolate helped you feel better. I liked the Boris quote :)

M3@9@N said...

yeah! i was looking at this garmin one that's like $99. garmin are supposed to be really good ones. so maybe i'll go and get that one. :)