Friday, April 30, 2010

Girl Scouts Tonight

I went shopping with my parents last night. We were looking for a zip-up hoodie for my dad... and I wanted a dark coloured one. (all the ones I have are WHITE!)

Anyway. We had some gift card/coupon things for Kohl's that were to expire on Saturday. So we looked there first. No men's hoodies. At All!
So I got some earrings (gold. originally $30. on sale for 65% off. and the $10 off made them $0.52!! How great is that!?)

We went to Wally World and found some hoodies there. My dad got 2 navy blue & grey. And I got a navy blue guy's hoodie cuz the girl ones are friggin thin! I did get a grey one that is thin & zips 1/2 way up... It's cute.

So I have work tonight. At 11. Til 7. Woot....

I'm not dramatically excited. I really hope it's fun. :\ Blah.

I should go mail off my letter to Pinky... but I might be sending another cd with it... It might have to wait. Hmmm....

I love making those mix cds! haha.... I like putting random weird songs on them! :)

Anyway. I think I need to go eat some more...... Hmmm....

Sunday, April 25, 2010

School Work & Tonka Trucks

BBBLLllaaahhhhh. . . . .

Ok. So I've got a few finals to go til I'm done with this semester! :]

I also have an EXCITING event at work this weekend.... Not!
There's this Girl Scout Lock-in. That means I (and Kim & Christy) will be working from 11pm to 7am... unless someone gets let off early.

Kim said she will be bringing us energy drinks. [[I call dibs on the Full Throttle!!!]]

It's going to be like New Years... except there won't be any boys. Probably not quite as noisy, too.... But then you never know with the GiRl ScOuTs! Hahaha....

Whooo! I's gonna have TONS of energy at 4am (-ish) again! [Evil Laughter!] I don't think Chicken Little will mind if I call him REALLY LATE and talk REALLY FAST!! Haha...

....this should be fun! ^_^

On another point. I was typing up one of my chem assignments and was just about to attach my attachment (diagrams of electron dots and stuff) when the stupid thing said I had run out of time & had to log in again!!! I HAD TO RE-TYPE THE WHOLE THING!!! >:[ LAME! So this time it didn't take as long cuz I didn't have to re-do the diagrams & stuffs... (Thank Goodness...or Alla or whoever you wanna thank with me. Hehe)

Also... I ended up helping in the Nursery today because they were shorthanded. (aka someone was gone) So the helping was very last minute. I played with three 3 year-olds. We played with cars & little fisher price people. We played catch/ball. (I was the hoop for a bit til we found the real hoop). There were kids that parents were trying to leave there, but the kid(s) didn't want to be abandoned. We played with cars some more while the boys decided to "cook." I ended up taking pictures of them on my phone... Gracie really liked that. She wanted me to take some of her running past so they would go all blurry. Lol. They really liked the sepia setting for some reason, too.

Last thing they played with was one of those little ball-things that have the cut-outs of shapes. They have to put the little plastic shapes through their hole. (You know what I'm talking about, I hope.) They ended up fighting about WHO got to pull the handles and make all the yellow blocks fall out so they could do it again.

This was about the time they started getting sleepy... Woot!

I haven't played with kids that little in a long time.... Not for 2 hours, mostly just me. Wow... Fun times, fun times... At least they play well together. :]

Monday, April 19, 2010


AAHH!!! @.@

I have my anatomy lab final tomorrow, and a few other finals in the next 2 weeks. The other classes are as follow:
-Communications. . . April 28th
-Anatomy Lecture. . . May 6th
-Body Strength & Tone. . .April 22nd
-Chemistry. . . Online (whenever he posts it I can take it)

Not to mention I have a few assignments still to do! :(
The next few weeks are gonna suck!!!

(-_- )

~In Other News~

That book is as awesome as the first! (the Hunger Games).
I just hate that she leaves you hanging at the end of the book! Now I have to wait til AUGUST to read what happens next!!! LAME! Argh.... All well.... I suppose I can last the summer without knowing what happens next to the lovely Katniss & crew... :\

I am SO going to go get the books! I'm pretty sure I'd read them again. I have a few books that I'll read several times just cuz they're THAT good. :) Well, I think so anyway. ^_^

And here's the RaNdOm QuOtE-
"I think they should put a warning label on strawberries: 'Caution: tastes nothing like a strawberry milkshake'." — Ryan Kaplan.

(p.s. Wish me luck for the next few weeks! I'll need it!!) ;)

Friday, April 16, 2010


Today has been pretty great! :)
I haven't done much today... but that's ok.

So I'm totally excited about the Scottish Festival in June!!! I'm even giving my communications speech on it. ^_^ (one girl did her's on breast feeding. a guy did his on trying to get us to play Earthbound)

I'm taking 2 friends with me this year! Brianna & Justin both want to go. Brianna is excited to go & to see my Justin (who I talk about a lot in our letters).

---I'm pretty sure you'll get to meet Justin if you're going to the SF this year Bexie!

I want to make another mix cd for Brianna. I think maybe I'll do one for Justin too! I soo wanna put Foux du Fafa on the one for Bri! She's in to French. She always has some sort of French in the letters she sends me. Plus, on that CD I already sent her had Le Possoins! This was the latest French thing: (back of envelope)

I've started reading Catching Fire. I'm only in the 3rd chapter... Pres. Snow scares me. :(

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Lookin Forward to Summer :]

I'm skipping Chem today.... I just have to do some assignments and get them in. And do the tests. :]

I think I'm going to take the 24th off. And the 11th.

The 24th is the weekend before finals. I think I might go up to Heber again. We'll see. It's fun being out in the country-ish area. There were lots of horses. It smelled like Idaho. You know when you cross over the border when you're driving up there? And you have to stop to walk around for a bit. It smells like horses. That horse smell reminds me of Idaho. :]

Anyway, I think it'd be fun to go up there again. It's so quiet up there. It's smaller than here, too. I kinda like it. :]

Also. The 11th is Justin's birthday. I wonder what we'll do.

This summer there are a few things I really want to do! Here are some things I'm pretty much gonna be planning on doing.

-Go camping with a bunch of friends.
-Go to the drive-in theaters (at least once)
-Family reunion in Idaho (more horse smell! woot!) <3
-I wanna try riding a horse... Maybe Justin will take me?
-Go swimming a few times

Huh... I thought there were more. I'll have to add on later when I can think of more things! :]

"Only the wisest and stupidest of men never change." ~Confucius

Sunday, April 11, 2010

=Spending the day with Chicken Little=

So I drove up to Heber yesterday. It took about an hour. The drive was fun except that in Parley's the radio was so static-y and it feels to....close. :( And the semis. Other than that the drive was fun.

He met me in town when I got there and we went up to his house in Timberlakes (funny that Becky called him Justin Timberlake). So we hung out there most of the day. We played with Moe--his cute 7 yo chocolate lab. (Who gets very jealous when others are getting loves and he's being left out. Give a hug and he kinda growls til you invite him in. LOL)

We decided to eat something (we both needed food, our tummies were grumbling at us). We watched Happy Feet while we ate. I finally got to finish it! I met his parents and brother. (He said they liked me)

He decided that brownies sounded really good. So we had to go back in town to get some mix. We met a few of his friends while we where there. :)

The brownies decided to stick to the bottom of the pan, but all well. I got to see some of his drawings. :)

He also found his dancing boots... so he had me try them on. As it turns out we wear about the same size. LOL. How funny.

So I had a blast while I was there. Next time I go we'll probably do a lot more. But just hanging out all day was great. (I think he's coming down here next)

Me & Justin (aka Chicken Little)

"I want to see you shoot like you shout." ~Theodore Roosevelt

Friday, April 9, 2010


My last ex is trying to get me back. It's not gonna work. Not after how he ended it. Not after him treating me like that.

So I'm just going to try to forget about it the rest of the day. I'll think about fun things, about seeing Justin or whatever else comes to mind.

I'm very excited about going to see Justin tomorrow! :) It should be so much fun!!! :) I took the day off, so I'll be able to spend most of it with him. Yay!

Also I might go camping with my cousin's single's ward in May.

We're planning on going to Disneyland this Fall. (It's gonna be lots of fun! I'll be going for the first time!)

I've got finals coming up the end of the month... Time for the real stress to begin. :(

Random Quote:
"The light at the end of the tunnel may be an oncoming dragon" ~Unknown

Monday, April 5, 2010


.....1 books

I started reading Hunger Games yesterday. It's really good so far! It's weird and a slightly depressing... but I like it.

You know, the Canterbury Tales weren't really so great... They were kinda dumb. Hmmm.... All well.

.....2 food

I have also found that Jetta and Thor like deviled eggs... the filling anyway. I was eating some and got the yolk stuff on my fingers, so I let them try it (they were watching me with those eyes! Jetta's tootsie pop eyes, and Thor squinting at me like he always does).

.....3 friends

I really hope it doesn't snow anymore! I WANT SPRING! Snow is NOT spring weather!

There's this weird guy that has been talking to me. And to Kaylala. He's sorta freaking us out. I think people should be required to say what's wrong with them. I mean some things are good (very very good) to keep to yourself. Although if you're a freak and rather creepy... you should just come out and say it.

But then.... now that I think about it... if you're creepy and gonna send hundreds of emails or whatever, or keep bugging me, or try hitting on/flirting with me when [you] already know I'm taken OR won't go out with [you] anyway... stop trying.

Also, why do guys assume I hate them when it's just that I'm not very happy with them? Maybe I do hate you... but you would've had to do something really really stupid and be a total jerk for me to totally hate you. OK? ok.

If you haven't noticed yet from reading these... I can't stand really stupid people... Usually jerks. I can stand some of the "dumb blond" types. One of my best friends is like that. And I have those moments, too. But ALL THE TIME? Cummon guys! (-_- ) Eat some brain food... Maybe it'll help it grow ;)

Random Quote!!
"Facts are stupid things."
~Ronald Reagan