Sunday, April 11, 2010

=Spending the day with Chicken Little=

So I drove up to Heber yesterday. It took about an hour. The drive was fun except that in Parley's the radio was so static-y and it feels to....close. :( And the semis. Other than that the drive was fun.

He met me in town when I got there and we went up to his house in Timberlakes (funny that Becky called him Justin Timberlake). So we hung out there most of the day. We played with Moe--his cute 7 yo chocolate lab. (Who gets very jealous when others are getting loves and he's being left out. Give a hug and he kinda growls til you invite him in. LOL)

We decided to eat something (we both needed food, our tummies were grumbling at us). We watched Happy Feet while we ate. I finally got to finish it! I met his parents and brother. (He said they liked me)

He decided that brownies sounded really good. So we had to go back in town to get some mix. We met a few of his friends while we where there. :)

The brownies decided to stick to the bottom of the pan, but all well. I got to see some of his drawings. :)

He also found his dancing boots... so he had me try them on. As it turns out we wear about the same size. LOL. How funny.

So I had a blast while I was there. Next time I go we'll probably do a lot more. But just hanging out all day was great. (I think he's coming down here next)

Me & Justin (aka Chicken Little)

"I want to see you shoot like you shout." ~Theodore Roosevelt

1 comment:

Beckle the Freckle said...

Awwww! He's adorable! Sounds like a very fun :) I hope I get to meet him!

Brownies are stupid with the sticking and all...lining the pan with parchment or waxed paper helps. And lots of grease and flour. Mmmm...grease and flour. ;)