Sunday, April 25, 2010

School Work & Tonka Trucks

BBBLLllaaahhhhh. . . . .

Ok. So I've got a few finals to go til I'm done with this semester! :]

I also have an EXCITING event at work this weekend.... Not!
There's this Girl Scout Lock-in. That means I (and Kim & Christy) will be working from 11pm to 7am... unless someone gets let off early.

Kim said she will be bringing us energy drinks. [[I call dibs on the Full Throttle!!!]]

It's going to be like New Years... except there won't be any boys. Probably not quite as noisy, too.... But then you never know with the GiRl ScOuTs! Hahaha....

Whooo! I's gonna have TONS of energy at 4am (-ish) again! [Evil Laughter!] I don't think Chicken Little will mind if I call him REALLY LATE and talk REALLY FAST!! Haha...

....this should be fun! ^_^

On another point. I was typing up one of my chem assignments and was just about to attach my attachment (diagrams of electron dots and stuff) when the stupid thing said I had run out of time & had to log in again!!! I HAD TO RE-TYPE THE WHOLE THING!!! >:[ LAME! So this time it didn't take as long cuz I didn't have to re-do the diagrams & stuffs... (Thank Goodness...or Alla or whoever you wanna thank with me. Hehe)

Also... I ended up helping in the Nursery today because they were shorthanded. (aka someone was gone) So the helping was very last minute. I played with three 3 year-olds. We played with cars & little fisher price people. We played catch/ball. (I was the hoop for a bit til we found the real hoop). There were kids that parents were trying to leave there, but the kid(s) didn't want to be abandoned. We played with cars some more while the boys decided to "cook." I ended up taking pictures of them on my phone... Gracie really liked that. She wanted me to take some of her running past so they would go all blurry. Lol. They really liked the sepia setting for some reason, too.

Last thing they played with was one of those little ball-things that have the cut-outs of shapes. They have to put the little plastic shapes through their hole. (You know what I'm talking about, I hope.) They ended up fighting about WHO got to pull the handles and make all the yellow blocks fall out so they could do it again.

This was about the time they started getting sleepy... Woot!

I haven't played with kids that little in a long time.... Not for 2 hours, mostly just me. Wow... Fun times, fun times... At least they play well together. :]


Beckle the Freckle said...

Sounds like it's about time for a Michael Jackson chocolate cake party! Eee-hee! ;)

M3@9@N said...

SCHWEET!!! I totally agree! We must!

heidi said...

Oh, my, you are going to be silly on Saturday morning! Roller skates, Full Throttle and a bunch of Girl Scouts - what a combination!

I'm glad you didn't have to re-do everything on your chem assignment. Can you believe it's your last chem class? (Well, microbiology will probably have some chem stuff in it.) I am crossing my fingers that you pass all your classes, but if you don't, that's OK, too.

Thank you for helping out in nursery - especially at the last moment. I think the little kids liked you. They looked like they were having fun with you! (And you looked like you were having fun, too.)