It snowed today! The weather is off by a day... Very un-white Christmas. Very white Boxing Day... Bah.
Anyway. Today seems to be dragging by so slowly! It was 6 and felt like 10 at night. :(
I've been watching random things on youtube like hair tutorials and things from Threadbanger and the Stupid Sock Creature web page. His blog is funny. (one of the threadbanger episodes is the Stupid Creatures Guy making one!!)
It's so dark outside and Zac is still up in Layton.
I'm bored. ( -_-)
Maybe I'll go watch Young Sherlock (sheer-luck, hahaha..... Jk).
Amber and Mom watched it without me! How mean... Amber says she "forgot" to come get me and say they were starting it. I was down reading my Stupid Sock Creatures book.
Perhaps I'll make myself some cocoa and eat my chex mix with.... coconut and... Idk what is in it really. My mom is almost done with her bag. It's a big freezer bag full, too. We got them from our visiting teacher (whom I rarely see, cuz I'm usually gone... work, school, zac, friends...)
Christmas was fun. We took lots of pictures, but who knows when I'll actually get around to posting them on FB....
Dana was in LOVE with her Totoro. :)
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Week Countdown to Christmas
As it turns out yesterday was the Vernon Christmas party (not today, like we had been told). Of course, I had to work. Awesome...
Someone called about an hour after it had started to ask whoever was home if they were coming.
I finished Dana's Totoro (aka Toro) today for Bexie!

(I did add a few more up-side-down-seagulls to the tummy area, but other than that... This is what he looks like!
And other than waking up every few days with a sore throat, I'm better. Yay!
Now I have to finish Zac's scarf and hat. (I took a break from trying to mix colors together. It's only 2, but still. It takes a while.)
I'm finishing up Pinky's gift, and I guess I'll take pictures of that when I'm done too. :)
We finally put up our tree yesterday. Apparently Amber and Cameron decided that the icicle lights would look lovely on the tree. So with the lights off, the bottom 1/2 of the tree is blue. The top has multicolored lights (pink, green, orange, blue).
I only work once this week... :( tomorrow
All well...
Someone called about an hour after it had started to ask whoever was home if they were coming.
I finished Dana's Totoro (aka Toro) today for Bexie!

(I did add a few more up-side-down-seagulls to the tummy area, but other than that... This is what he looks like!
And other than waking up every few days with a sore throat, I'm better. Yay!
Now I have to finish Zac's scarf and hat. (I took a break from trying to mix colors together. It's only 2, but still. It takes a while.)
I'm finishing up Pinky's gift, and I guess I'll take pictures of that when I'm done too. :)
We finally put up our tree yesterday. Apparently Amber and Cameron decided that the icicle lights would look lovely on the tree. So with the lights off, the bottom 1/2 of the tree is blue. The top has multicolored lights (pink, green, orange, blue).
I only work once this week... :( tomorrow
All well...
Monday, December 13, 2010
Sick Day

So yesterday we made pumpkin chocolate chip cookies from a Lehi Roller Mill bag. They were yummy, but I think they are the culprit for my being sick. Not totally sure, but I felt fine til after I ate them.
I tried to go to sleep at like 9 or 10 last night, cuz usually sleeping helps make my tummy feel better. I could not sleep. I dozed off for a few minutes here and there, but was awake most of the night.
Amber started coughing tons in her sleep, the next room over (her room). And that's the time I decided I really didn't want to throw up anymore. Then guess what?? My stomach decided to do the exact opposite (again!). 1am I start puking my guts out...
The acid-y smell was only making the situation worse, so I tried to rinse my mouth out and was spitting blood. I swallowed some water to try to ease the burning in my throat. Then headed upstairs to take out my garbage can. I got another bag to put in the can and right as I'm about to go outside... the water comes up, too.
Meanwhile, Mom comes to the kitchen to see if I'm the one coughing. Nope. Just puking. Amber is the one downstairs coughing, again.
When my stomach stops trying to evacuate everything I had eaten yesterday, Mom was nice and took my trash out for me.
I came and slept on the couch, and there I have stayed most of the day. Mom also made me some Gatorade. I ended up texting Jen and Djuana to see if one of them would be awesome and take my shift for today. I think if I'm getting light-headed just walking around, I won't do so great at work. Djuana said she would. :)
The only thing I have eaten today would be a few slices of apple. I don't want to eat anything too heavy/solid because I'm afraid it won't agree with me. Chicken noodle soup sounds good, but we don't have any soup here. Not that I could find. ( -_-)
Sunday, November 28, 2010

So today is my birthday! (Well.... It's now after midnight, so I guess that means yesterday was...) I am now out of my teens. o_O
It has snowed ALL DAY. I got an email from my aunt saying she sent me snow for my birthday and did I get it? Hahaha! ^_^
It's getting so deep!!! I'd guess around 1 1/2 feet.
Today I went to church with the fam & Zac. In relief society I actually sat in the middle. Not off to the side of in the very back (only cuz it was full). The RS pres asked if there was anyone new in the ward and said I didn't look familiar. She asked me to introduce myself. I was like, I'm Meagan Vernon and I've been in the ward since I was 7 years old.... I think most of the ladies in there laughed. Although, I am from the old Valley View ward and she was from Mountain View... So I guess I can cut her some slack (even though I've been there almost every week since the 2 wards combined). She said it's probably just her cuz someone went to her house the other day from the ward to drop something off at her house. She had to ask who they were... Haha.
Anyway, after church we came home and ate sandwiches. The boys did sacrament for some of the old people in the ward that are house-ridden. Then I took Jarom over to get his Eagle Scout project papers (permission?) signed and took Zac to his place so he could change into something other than church clothes. We went back to pick Jarom up, but he wasn't coming out... Turns out it didn't take very long and he ended up walking home. :\
When we got back we hung out for a bit, then played Apples to Apples. Then had dinner. It was fettuccine alfredo with chicken! We had broccoli, too! :)
Mom was feeling sickly so Zac and I made the cake, then Zac & Jarom played machine hunters for a bit while Cameron helped with the frosting. It was poisonous cake with cream cheese frosting. The sprinkles were turtles and "tropical" fish. We took pictures (on Zac's phone, so I need him to send them to me...).
While we were waiting for the cake to finish & while we were eating it we watched The Man Who Knew Too Little. Zac had never seen it before, and we were talking about it before we started making the cake. So we figured, why not.
I took Zac home and Amber went along for the ride. The snow is so deep! It was up to the tops of my boots... and I was still on top of some still! I'm sure it's deeper now. It's still snowing.
And that's how my day went. I think it was nice.
Monday, November 22, 2010
3 Days 'Til Thanksgiving
...and less than a week til my birthday! I'll be 20 on Sunday! How CrAzY is that?!?! o_O
I watched How to Train Your Dragon with Zac over the weekend. It's so cute! Awww...
I got a few more hours of work this week because Jim announced to Alie this morning that we're opening at 11 instead of 3 or 4 or whatever it normally is on Wednesdays. So I'm working opening, then have a meeting at 5. Then lab at 6. Nutrition we have off, because Kate (my prof) decided to be nice for those that were traveling for Thanksgiving. She put it up to a vote, and majority ruled it off. :)
Kacee said that power at her house has been out since Saturday, and that she was told it will probably be out until Wednesday. Sad.
I might go shopping this week for all my Christmas stuff. That ought to be fun & exciting, right? Haha...
I have to a few other things this week, but I'll get them done. ^_^
I watched How to Train Your Dragon with Zac over the weekend. It's so cute! Awww...
I got a few more hours of work this week because Jim announced to Alie this morning that we're opening at 11 instead of 3 or 4 or whatever it normally is on Wednesdays. So I'm working opening, then have a meeting at 5. Then lab at 6. Nutrition we have off, because Kate (my prof) decided to be nice for those that were traveling for Thanksgiving. She put it up to a vote, and majority ruled it off. :)
Kacee said that power at her house has been out since Saturday, and that she was told it will probably be out until Wednesday. Sad.
I might go shopping this week for all my Christmas stuff. That ought to be fun & exciting, right? Haha...
I have to a few other things this week, but I'll get them done. ^_^
Sunday, November 21, 2010
So the big holidays are pretty much HERE! CrAzY!
Zac says he really doesn't want me to get him anything because he doesn't like Christmas... (something about his family did something and kinda ruined it for him...?) He says he doesn't like surprises either. So if I'm getting him something, I have to tell him. (Uhmmmm... NO! Where's the fun in that?!)
But then we go to the store and look around and he sees things he wants to get for people (like his mom) and he mentioned something about I'll like what he's getting me... And he's helping me decide what to get for people. I'm confused. Maybe he just likes giving things to people and not getting things? Idk. What do you guys think? Ever have that problem? Why are guys so stubborn?? But then, he is a redhead. I'm told they can be stubborn.... :P haha (I've been told other things too... like they have anger issues)
He says he doesn't want me to get him anything, then smiles and says I'm probably gonna get him something anyway, huh? ^_^ maybe
So should I get him something and not wrap it (boring), or wrap it, or just not get him anything? The thing is, if he does get me something, I'll feel bad if I don't get him something. Ya know?? *sigh* I haven't had this issue before. :\
Dumbs boys....
Anyway, Thanksgiving is this Thursday and I have it OFF! How freaking awesome is that?? I'm pretty sure I'm getting Christmas off, cuz I asked for it (not Thanksgiving) so I should get it off, too. That would be bad A!
It's snowing today & Zac and I played in the snow! It was so fun! I haven't done that in ages! Running around and getting cold and wet. Getting very cold snow in shoes and down the back of the shirt/jacket. Brrrr! Haha. Good fun. ^_^
***this section is for Bexie (and anyone else that wants it)***
Here is a link for crocheting Totoro (and other characters). It has videos and stuff too! I'm sure you could find one on how to sew it. Google it and you can find just about anything! Or use this pattern. I think they look/end up about the same. ^_^
hugs&kisses :)
Zac says he really doesn't want me to get him anything because he doesn't like Christmas... (something about his family did something and kinda ruined it for him...?) He says he doesn't like surprises either. So if I'm getting him something, I have to tell him. (Uhmmmm... NO! Where's the fun in that?!)
But then we go to the store and look around and he sees things he wants to get for people (like his mom) and he mentioned something about I'll like what he's getting me... And he's helping me decide what to get for people. I'm confused. Maybe he just likes giving things to people and not getting things? Idk. What do you guys think? Ever have that problem? Why are guys so stubborn?? But then, he is a redhead. I'm told they can be stubborn.... :P haha (I've been told other things too... like they have anger issues)
He says he doesn't want me to get him anything, then smiles and says I'm probably gonna get him something anyway, huh? ^_^ maybe
So should I get him something and not wrap it (boring), or wrap it, or just not get him anything? The thing is, if he does get me something, I'll feel bad if I don't get him something. Ya know?? *sigh* I haven't had this issue before. :\
Dumbs boys....
Anyway, Thanksgiving is this Thursday and I have it OFF! How freaking awesome is that?? I'm pretty sure I'm getting Christmas off, cuz I asked for it (not Thanksgiving) so I should get it off, too. That would be bad A!
It's snowing today & Zac and I played in the snow! It was so fun! I haven't done that in ages! Running around and getting cold and wet. Getting very cold snow in shoes and down the back of the shirt/jacket. Brrrr! Haha. Good fun. ^_^
***this section is for Bexie (and anyone else that wants it)***
Here is a link for crocheting Totoro (and other characters). It has videos and stuff too! I'm sure you could find one on how to sew it. Google it and you can find just about anything! Or use this pattern. I think they look/end up about the same. ^_^
hugs&kisses :)
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Fat-Free Brownies
My Nutrition prof. brought us some of these once. They're so yummy!
Instead of frosting, she just sprinkled powdered sugar on top.
Everyone in class loved them (even for having BeAnS in them!) and were going up for seconds... or thirds... Haha
• 1 cup raw sugar
• 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
• 1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder (dark)
• 1/2 cup all-purpose flour (or whole wheat pastry flour)*
• 1/4 teaspoon salt
• 1/4 teaspoon baking powder
• 1 15oz can black beans
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease and flour an 8 inch square pan.
2. In a large bowl, mix in 1/3 cup cocoa, 1/2 cup flour, salt, and baking powder.
3. Open bean and leave in can. Drain off fluid and refill can with water, rinse twice.
4. Refill can with water over the beans and pour into blender.
5. Blend on high until smooth.
6. Pour over ingredients in bowl and stir until just blended. Do Not over mix!
7. Spread batter into prepared 8x8 pan.
8. Bake in preheated oven for 25 to 30 minutes. Do not overcook.
9. To Make Frosting: Combine 3 tablespoons butter, 3 tablespoons cocoa, 1 tablespoon honey, 1 teaspoon vanilla, and 1 cup confectioners' sugar. Frost brownies while they are still warm.
*if doubling recipe use ½ c all-purpose and ½ c whole wheat pastry
Instead of frosting, she just sprinkled powdered sugar on top.
Everyone in class loved them (even for having BeAnS in them!) and were going up for seconds... or thirds... Haha
• 1 cup raw sugar
• 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
• 1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder (dark)
• 1/2 cup all-purpose flour (or whole wheat pastry flour)*
• 1/4 teaspoon salt
• 1/4 teaspoon baking powder
• 1 15oz can black beans
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease and flour an 8 inch square pan.
2. In a large bowl, mix in 1/3 cup cocoa, 1/2 cup flour, salt, and baking powder.
3. Open bean and leave in can. Drain off fluid and refill can with water, rinse twice.
4. Refill can with water over the beans and pour into blender.
5. Blend on high until smooth.
6. Pour over ingredients in bowl and stir until just blended. Do Not over mix!
7. Spread batter into prepared 8x8 pan.
8. Bake in preheated oven for 25 to 30 minutes. Do not overcook.
9. To Make Frosting: Combine 3 tablespoons butter, 3 tablespoons cocoa, 1 tablespoon honey, 1 teaspoon vanilla, and 1 cup confectioners' sugar. Frost brownies while they are still warm.
*if doubling recipe use ½ c all-purpose and ½ c whole wheat pastry
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Up & Coming
Can you believe Thanksgiving is in like 2 weeks and Christmas is here in only a month and 1/2!? Craziness!
So here's what I've been doing!
~hanging out with friends (mostly boyfriend)
~working on presies!
I've been busy!
And I haven't uploaded those pics like I said I would... (sorry!)
My mom said Grandma claims I've gone MIA... So I had to write on here so she'd know I'm still alive. Haha...
Zac got COD Black Ops. He's been playing it a lot. He had me join in on a game with his friends (with them, against some random people online). I actually got 2 kills!! He was so proud. Haha :P
I got my schedule for next week today and from the looks of things, Alie is giving me Thanksgiving off. Which would be amazing... being I asked for Christmas off. So if I were to get BOTH off, that would be GRRRRREAT!
She did put a note to the employees saying that if you work 1 holiday, then you probably (she will try to make it so) not have to work the other 2 big ones. She also said that all the managers will most likely be working New Year's. So I'm guessing that's the one I'm working and the other 2 I get off? **hope hope**
OK.... I should go. It's VERY late and I work in the morning. (I've been being bad and staying up very late the last few nights... tsk tsk haha)
So here's what I've been doing!
~hanging out with friends (mostly boyfriend)
~working on presies!
I've been busy!
And I haven't uploaded those pics like I said I would... (sorry!)
My mom said Grandma claims I've gone MIA... So I had to write on here so she'd know I'm still alive. Haha...
Zac got COD Black Ops. He's been playing it a lot. He had me join in on a game with his friends (with them, against some random people online). I actually got 2 kills!! He was so proud. Haha :P
I got my schedule for next week today and from the looks of things, Alie is giving me Thanksgiving off. Which would be amazing... being I asked for Christmas off. So if I were to get BOTH off, that would be GRRRRREAT!
She did put a note to the employees saying that if you work 1 holiday, then you probably (she will try to make it so) not have to work the other 2 big ones. She also said that all the managers will most likely be working New Year's. So I'm guessing that's the one I'm working and the other 2 I get off? **hope hope**
OK.... I should go. It's VERY late and I work in the morning. (I've been being bad and staying up very late the last few nights... tsk tsk haha)
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

these are a few things i've been up to lately. some pictures are on my camera, but i have to find the chord to upload them onto the computer. so that might be my next post ...-ish...
the MJ mug we (zac & i) saw at ROSS. there are 2 of my "geek" costumes. i made the kirbies and the pac-man ghosts. ^_^ (still need eyes on the kirbies.)
and kim is the one in the costume -->
Monday, October 4, 2010
Costueme: Geek

I think tomorrow I'm going to take any pictures I haven't yet, and I am going to post everything I've done thus far. As far as crafty-sewing-crocheting goes... And halloween.
Our first week (the weeks go from friday to tuesday, and the next theme starts the next friday, etc.) was geeks. So I did a few different ones. I even have a pocket protector!
This friday starts cops & robbers. The manager is supposed to be the cop. The employees are supposed to be robbers. But some of them want to be cops... Zac said I should tell Kim to be a cop impersonator & just carry around a money bag. Haha :)
Apparently Zac's roommates are fighting a lot, and it's getting very irritating. They's been fighting a lot for the past month. They're dumb. (-_- )

aren't these costumes/makeup cool!? :)
Monday, September 20, 2010

I've been sewing a lot lately. I'll have to take pictures of everything when I finish. I made a dress (it looked cute, but kept sliding up & poofing out. O_o not good) so I changed it into just a skirt. I made a prairie skirt(can you say GATHERING?!) that is black & white poka dots. (I found out Zac doesn't like poka dots. He says they're unnatural. Silly boy.) Another skirt that is blue with white swirly design. Next I'm going to make Zac a pair of pj pants. He's very picky about material when it comes to designs. Haha. There was one he found he actually likes (!!!). It kinda looks like water. So I guess I'll start on that sometime soon. After than I think I'll try making a maxi dress. I found a free pattern in the cloth section at the cutting table at the Walmart. It looks pretty easy. (Sweet!) We'll see how it all turns out.
I will take pictures and post them in the next bloggage. :)
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Asian Eyes
For some reason more and more people are asking if I'm part Asian (usually Vietnamese). They say I have sort-of slanty eyes. The first time someone asked was just a few months ago (maybe only like a month?). I do believe I mentioned it in one of my bloggings... Maybe that was facebook? Both? Pretty sure the latter. This girl (while I was at work) asked what I am. She thought German/Vietnamese. I said no. I'm not Asian at all. Maybe really really really far back. (Like my dad says he found some link in the line to Attila the Hun... I think that's who he said). If that's the case then I must be very recessive in my genes. The red hair, the pale skin, the freckles, bluegreen eyes....and "slanty" eyes. Zac's roommate Chris & his girlfriend Rhianna both asked him if I'm part Asian. At different times. How weird is that? Anyway, I'm more Polish and Danish. Very Scandinavian. And the Celtic stuff. Love the Celtic stuff. Funny that I don't look very Polish. What do you guys think? What nationality do I resemble the most? (Don't say American, cuz there isn't really a set of traits that is just American! LOL)
We're having a bunch of work meetings coming up in the next few weeks. There's a manager's meeting. A complex meeting. Not sure if there's going to be a meeting for all of skate or not, yet. I'm pretty sure that at the manager's meeting we're going to talk about what is going on in October! AND we're talking about COSTUMES! I'm so excited! I've been thinking about themes today! Can't wait to see what we come up with! I really hope the guys will not be lame and will actually dress up this year!
I want to go get some material and make a tanktop dress (or tshirt dress). I could just use one of the shirts I already have. I just need skirt material. :]
We're having a bunch of work meetings coming up in the next few weeks. There's a manager's meeting. A complex meeting. Not sure if there's going to be a meeting for all of skate or not, yet. I'm pretty sure that at the manager's meeting we're going to talk about what is going on in October! AND we're talking about COSTUMES! I'm so excited! I've been thinking about themes today! Can't wait to see what we come up with! I really hope the guys will not be lame and will actually dress up this year!
I want to go get some material and make a tanktop dress (or tshirt dress). I could just use one of the shirts I already have. I just need skirt material. :]
Friday, September 10, 2010
Ideas For A Halloween Costume!
OK guys... I've got a few ideas, but I'm not sure what I want to do. HELP!
So what do you think I should be? Here's what I've got so far:
-Harley Quinn (I want that dress I've posted on FB!)
-Mermaid (Ariel... when she's in human form. I like the blue peasanty dress she has)
-Fairy (probably cute dress+wings)
-Sally (but Dana's apparently doing yeah)
-40s (like victory rolls and a vintage dress)
-Greek Goddess (toga! toga!)
-Pippy Longstockings (but idk....)
I'm sure there are other things... But I'm liking the 40s or Harley. Or the Fairy.
Give me ideas on what you think would be good for me!!!!
(UPDATE! Zac just said he might go as Rockula! It's rocker+Dracula! That would be AWESOME! Hahahah! Yeah!)

Ideas! Questions? Comments! Leave them for me!!!! ^_^ Halloween is coming up soon! Let me know what you are going to be too! :)
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Pressure & Stress is the Common Cold of the Psyche
~Andrew Denton

Vampires Suck was pretty good. I think near the end they were trying a little hard... but still. The only characters that had the same names were Jacob & Edward. Bella becomes Becca....
I have decided that since I am getting sick and Zac thinks he'll DIE if he tries the cleanse, I'm not going to do it this week. Not sure when I'm actually going to do it. My prof says that it's not very fun (DUH! I could've guessed that.) She keeps saying "Love your liver." That's why she has it posted (the cleanse). If anyone feels brave enough to try it. She also gave us an assignment for the next week. All we have to do is eat 2 servings of fruit & 4 servings of veggies a day. Not very hard. :)
Next week my anatomy professor will be in the Arctic Circle. He's going to get him some caribou! How special is he?! He was also telling us about this time when he was still getting his degree and his friend wanted to go hang gliding. They were just jumping off 10-15 ft sand dunes. His friend that talked him into it went first. (They had an instructor teaching them how to do it.) He went off & when he landed, he just stayed there. He didn't move. They called down to him to see if he was alive... He was. He called back that he needed help. Turns out he had tried to brace himself for the land and ended up breaking his left collar bone & his right humorous. Lucky him! He had one arm strapped to his side. The other was in a cast from the shoulder to the wrist. It wasn't that he was a graduate student that worried my professor... It was the fact that he was going to have some issues with hygiene! He decided his (the friend's) girlfriend should do it. She ended up getting her mom to help.
NOW... What does that have to do with class? He was telling us before he went into the story that the most commonly fractured bone is the clavicle (collar bone). It's just there for support & when you try to catch yourself when you fall, you use your arms. The clavicle is attached to the shoulders... I think you understand & know where I'm going.
As for how fast Halloween is coming up on us... FREAKY FAST! I'm still not completely sure what I'm going to be. I still have to convince Zac he does, in fact, want to dress up! Hasn't happened yet. It will. *wink wink*

I've got this cute little guy... Courtesy of Jarom.
I have also decided that I'm not liking yoga very much. My knees hurt. She had us do this modernized pigeon pose. I don't like pigeon pose. This one was better, but bad knees don't go well with kneeling down a lot. :'( It hurts to try to squat down to, say, pick something up off the ground. Lame sauce.

Vampires Suck was pretty good. I think near the end they were trying a little hard... but still. The only characters that had the same names were Jacob & Edward. Bella becomes Becca....
I have decided that since I am getting sick and Zac thinks he'll DIE if he tries the cleanse, I'm not going to do it this week. Not sure when I'm actually going to do it. My prof says that it's not very fun (DUH! I could've guessed that.) She keeps saying "Love your liver." That's why she has it posted (the cleanse). If anyone feels brave enough to try it. She also gave us an assignment for the next week. All we have to do is eat 2 servings of fruit & 4 servings of veggies a day. Not very hard. :)
Next week my anatomy professor will be in the Arctic Circle. He's going to get him some caribou! How special is he?! He was also telling us about this time when he was still getting his degree and his friend wanted to go hang gliding. They were just jumping off 10-15 ft sand dunes. His friend that talked him into it went first. (They had an instructor teaching them how to do it.) He went off & when he landed, he just stayed there. He didn't move. They called down to him to see if he was alive... He was. He called back that he needed help. Turns out he had tried to brace himself for the land and ended up breaking his left collar bone & his right humorous. Lucky him! He had one arm strapped to his side. The other was in a cast from the shoulder to the wrist. It wasn't that he was a graduate student that worried my professor... It was the fact that he was going to have some issues with hygiene! He decided his (the friend's) girlfriend should do it. She ended up getting her mom to help.
NOW... What does that have to do with class? He was telling us before he went into the story that the most commonly fractured bone is the clavicle (collar bone). It's just there for support & when you try to catch yourself when you fall, you use your arms. The clavicle is attached to the shoulders... I think you understand & know where I'm going.
As for how fast Halloween is coming up on us... FREAKY FAST! I'm still not completely sure what I'm going to be. I still have to convince Zac he does, in fact, want to dress up! Hasn't happened yet. It will. *wink wink*

I've got this cute little guy... Courtesy of Jarom.
I have also decided that I'm not liking yoga very much. My knees hurt. She had us do this modernized pigeon pose. I don't like pigeon pose. This one was better, but bad knees don't go well with kneeling down a lot. :'( It hurts to try to squat down to, say, pick something up off the ground. Lame sauce.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Curiouser & Curiouser
I kinda started the cleanse today. All I've eaten so far today is rice & green beans with carrots. . . and the apple juice. My stomach has been feeling all weird today. :( I've been wanting a big sugar cookie all day! You know the big ones with the pink frosting and the spinkles?! Yeah. I was lying there in yoga thinking about how yummy that would be. LOL. :P
Zac's input: I will DIE if I do it. ("I" being him.)
I think I'm putting it off. . . I'm gonna see what my professor says tomorrow. Sounds good to me. ;)
Also. Today we found out that Zac's baby mama is crazier than we thought. We thought she was just stupid. BUT it's way worse! So he's pretty much gonna get her.

We are also going to go see Vampires Suck today. So I'm going to go call them in a minute to get signed up! It should be good.
Zac's input: I will DIE if I do it. ("I" being him.)
I think I'm putting it off. . . I'm gonna see what my professor says tomorrow. Sounds good to me. ;)
Also. Today we found out that Zac's baby mama is crazier than we thought. We thought she was just stupid. BUT it's way worse! So he's pretty much gonna get her.

We are also going to go see Vampires Suck today. So I'm going to go call them in a minute to get signed up! It should be good.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Liver/Gallbladder Cleanse
On my Nutrition class webpage, there is a liver cleanse. So I'm pretty sure she's going to have us do it. I told Zac; he decided he would do it with me. Even if it's optional, he wants us to do it. I guess I'm stuck doing it.
This is it:
The liver flush requires 6 days of preparation, followed by 16-20 hours of actual cleansing. You will need the following items:
-six 1-liter (32 oz) of apple juice (organic is best if available)
-4 tablespoons Epsom salts (this will be dissolved in 8 oz of water)
-1/2 cup (4 oz) of cold pressed olive oil
-2/3 cup (6 oz) of fresh squeezed pink grapefruit juice, or a combination of fresh orange & lemon juice
-6-8 glasses of water per day
-2 pint jars with lids
Drink 1 liter of apple juice per day for 6 days. avoid drinking during, just before, and within the first 2 hours after eating.
Dietary recommendations: for the entire week, avoid cold or chilled foods. all food & beverages should be warm or room temperature. Avoid foods from animal sources, dairy products, and fried foods. Avoid overeating.
Best time for cleansing: over a weekend so that you have time to relax. Preferable to begin after a full moon (body tends to hold more fluid in the brain & tissues during full moon).
Medications: try not to take any medications, vitamins, or supplements during the flush unless absolutely necessary. it is important not to over work the liver.
Colon cleanse: it is important to have a colon cleanse before & after the liver cleanse. This will prevent the oil & waste from backing up into the stomach & will prevent/minimize discomfort.
On the sixth day: drink the liter of apple juice in the morning soon after awakening. If hungry, you may eat a light breakfast such as oatmeal. Avoid sugars or sweeteners, spices, dairy of any kind, meat, eggs, or pastries. Fruit is fine. For lunch eat only steamed vegetables & rice with minimal salt. Do not eat any protein foods or fats (meat, nuts, butter, oils, etc). Follow the exact schedule below.
6:00 pm Add 4 tbl of Epsom salt to a total of 24 oz of filtered water in a jar. This makes four 6 oz servings. Drink first serving now. May add a little lemon juice to improve the taste & using a straw often helps. If this is just too difficult for you, you may try using magnesium citrate at the same dosage.
Set out citrus friut you will be using later to warm up.
8:00 pm Drink second serving of Epsom salts
9:30 pm If you have not had a bowel movement by now & you have NOT had a colon cleanse in the past 24 hours, take a warm water enema to trigger a series of bowel movements.
9:45 pm Wash your grapefruits (or lemons & oranges) and squeeze them to produce at least 6 oz (3/4 c) of juice. Pour juice and 1/2 c of olive oil into pint jar. Secure lid and shake until solution is watery (about 20 times). If you still need to use the bathroom, do it now before drinking the mixture.
10:00 pm Stand next to your bed (do not sit or lay down) and drink the solution, if possible, without interruption. Do not take more than 5 minutes to complete this step.
Lie perfectly still for about 20 minutes and try not to speak. Focus your attention on your liver and visualize the releasing of the stones. Relax and go to sleep if you can. You may use the restroom during the night if you need to.
6:00-6:30 am Upon awakening, but not before 6:00 am, drink your 3rd serving of Epsom salts. If you are thirsty, drink a glass of water BEFORE drinking the salts. Rest, read, or meditate at this time. If you are sleepy, go back to bed although it is best if you can remain upright during this time.
8:00 am Drink your 4th serving of salts.
10:00 am You may have fresh pressed juice at this time, in 1.2 hours you may have one or two pieces of fresh friut. In one hour, you may eat a light meal. Continue to eat light meals for about 2-3 days.
Ugh... I really don't think I want to do this! (-_- ) I don't think Zac realizes what he's gotten into. I tell him bunny food. But I really mean bunny food. Ugh... Double ugh...
This is going to be hard.
Very hard. (-_- )
Monday, August 30, 2010
So far, most of the day has been spent in my room.
There are a few things I have to do before I go to work for the rest of the day. I've gotten laundry out of the way (I just have to actually fold/hang it all this time. I'm so bad at that). I went through all my emails! I actually didn't have a million & 1 like I seem to, after not actually going through all of them for a month or so.
I haven't heard back from Heather (the girl I'm getting the Nutrition book from), but I only emailed/texted her back last night, so it's not really surprising. I hope I can get my book from her soon. I might have to just find out where I would be going to get it from if I just picked it up from her. Just know a phone number...
I did actually read chapter 5 from my anatomy book yesterday. I even jotted down some notes! I need to print out the notes for my nutrition class...
I'm thinking work will be very slow today, so I hope Zac keeps me entertained via texting me. ^_^ That would be nice.
Grandma's birthday was the other day! Which means mine is in 3 months. Jarom's is in 4! I'm gonna be 20. O_o Weird.... I wonder what I'm going to do for it...?
OK. Well, I'm off to see what else I can get done before I have to be to work at 2:30. Not only do I get to open today, but I have to close. Plus it's going to be slow... Yay.... *rme*
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Crazy Week / Good day
Very tired.
This past week has been crazy and stressing and bad.
Today was a very good day. I hope it is only the beginning to the rest of a *hope* very good week! :)
Work will NOT be crazy and stressful. People WILL show up like they're supposed to. Zac's house situation WILL work out and the people will move out like they were supposed to, so he can actually move it. My pell grant stuff WILL be all sorted out VERY soon. School will NOT stress me out this week (at least this week anyway).
The only thing is, I think I have to wait a little longer to get my bus pass from school. I can only get it from the 1st to the 15th. Or I can get a semester long pass, but it has to be online. I think they're about the same price, but one I can get at school. The other, I can not.
When I was all stressed out and trying to calm down and sort my chi (hehe), I watched Fred & Nigahiga on youtube.
Fred is a little boy that (when it started) was about 6yo. He found his mother's camcorder and started doing vlogs! (He's not really 6yo, if you haven't noticed)
And Ryan is sooo funny! He's got these parts that he calls Off the Pill (he's ADHD, so they're videos that he records and edits w/o having taken his meds).
I looked at my work schedule for this week, and I work all day tomorrow. I hope it's not crazy-busy. I also don't work again until saturday. But I have class on Wed & Thurs. I'm sure I'll find other things to do this week! ^_^
(MAYBE EVEN MJ/CHOCO CAKE/TOGA PAR-TAY!!!??? we will see...)
This past week has been crazy and stressing and bad.
Today was a very good day. I hope it is only the beginning to the rest of a *hope* very good week! :)
Work will NOT be crazy and stressful. People WILL show up like they're supposed to. Zac's house situation WILL work out and the people will move out like they were supposed to, so he can actually move it. My pell grant stuff WILL be all sorted out VERY soon. School will NOT stress me out this week (at least this week anyway).
The only thing is, I think I have to wait a little longer to get my bus pass from school. I can only get it from the 1st to the 15th. Or I can get a semester long pass, but it has to be online. I think they're about the same price, but one I can get at school. The other, I can not.
When I was all stressed out and trying to calm down and sort my chi (hehe), I watched Fred & Nigahiga on youtube.
Fred is a little boy that (when it started) was about 6yo. He found his mother's camcorder and started doing vlogs! (He's not really 6yo, if you haven't noticed)
And Ryan is sooo funny! He's got these parts that he calls Off the Pill (he's ADHD, so they're videos that he records and edits w/o having taken his meds).
I looked at my work schedule for this week, and I work all day tomorrow. I hope it's not crazy-busy. I also don't work again until saturday. But I have class on Wed & Thurs. I'm sure I'll find other things to do this week! ^_^
(MAYBE EVEN MJ/CHOCO CAKE/TOGA PAR-TAY!!!??? we will see...)
Sunday, August 8, 2010
When in Trouble or in Doubt...
Now that I'm a manager, I'm working almost every day of the week. I think I still have Sundays & Wednesdays off. Although this week Wednesday is Lagoon day for my work. I'm not going because of my neck. It's probably fine, but I would want to go on all the roller coasters and I'm not totally sure if that's such a good idea yet. I didn't think my neck would take a few months to get back to normal. It's almost there (YAY!) so I should be able to go on lots and lots of rides the end of the month! Awesome! :D
About working all week, this is pretty much my schedule for the week:
Monday- open
Tuesday- open
Wednesday- close
Thursday- open
Friday- open
Saturday- open
Yup...Busy, busy, busy.
Kacee says that tonight there's going to be a PARADE OF ZOMBIES in Salt Lake! How awesome is that?! I would love to go and see what it's like. She says she can't find where they are meeting. :'( It's kinda like an early Halloween! (^_^)
Also I told Zac (the guy I have recently started dating) that I'm going to try to look giry tomorrow... We'll see how that goes. :\ I don't think it's gonna be uber girly... I'll take pics. It'll be different. Especially being I usually just wear jeans & a t-shirt. They're muh favorite!
Zac met my family yesterday. A few days ago he'd met Cameron & Amber & Kacee, but everyone else wasn't there (well, Jarom was. but he was downstairs watching a movie & didn't want to go to the park). He said he likes them & it didn't feel all awkward like it does sometimes.
They seemed to like him, which is good. I guess we'll see how well this goes. :)
Kacee was telling me that she's going to go to Club Chaos probably next Saturday... I was thinking about going, but I seriously don't think I would do well in a crowded dance club. :( I hate big crowds. I hate being in the crowd. I can't breathe in the middle of groups. I hate it, I really do.
So that right there, pretty much decided for me. Yup. Isn't it great being claustrophobic? Yeahh.... :\ And the fact that I don't like being touched by random strangers. I'm sure there'd be a lot of that going on, too.
All well. I can live w/o going to the club.
Maybe we'll have our own dance club thing... Without the crowd. LOL.. We still haven't had our MJ/chocolate cake party! (Mental sticky note: NEVER invite Uncle John to ANYTHING MJ related... I think he hates me now...)
If you don't know the story, we were at Uncle Devon's party & I was wearing my Off The Wall t-shirt. We were all talking in the kitchen & eating. John noticed my shirt & started going off. He said he thought I was a good kid. Then started going off on how much he HATES Michael Jackson... All I could do was smile & nod. I looked at Becky, who gave me an equally awkward glance. She told him that it's a good thing he'd dead then, huh? Then later mentioned something about never wearing an MJ shirt around Uncle John... *sigh* (-_- )

I never said he had to like him. It's fine with me if he doesn't. Just don't hate me cuz I do. There really isn't anything wrong with that. Is there?
My mom tried to come in as backup... and said he's got some good music. John didn't agree. He said he's never liked his music. Yet, MJ has done tons to influence the music of today. There are TONS of songs that have little bits taken from him/his stuff. Lots of r&b, rap, or hiphop artists have used his stuff. Rihanna, LL CoolJ, Akon... Other groups from other genres have done covers. Alien Ant Farm did Smooth Criminal.
You can't say he isn't just a teeny-tiny bit awesome! Can you? Even if you do. I don't really care. That's your opinion. Your entitled to it. As am I to mine.
Today I heard something in church that I thought was cute. The guy down the street (John Davis) said that his favorite proverb is:
When in trouble or in doubt- run in circles, scream and shout.
It went with today, because we didn't have a Sunday School teacher. So they weren't sure that to do. They pretty much just winged the lesson. It actually wasn't that bad.
About working all week, this is pretty much my schedule for the week:
Monday- open
Tuesday- open
Wednesday- close
Thursday- open
Friday- open
Saturday- open
Yup...Busy, busy, busy.
Kacee says that tonight there's going to be a PARADE OF ZOMBIES in Salt Lake! How awesome is that?! I would love to go and see what it's like. She says she can't find where they are meeting. :'( It's kinda like an early Halloween! (^_^)
Also I told Zac (the guy I have recently started dating) that I'm going to try to look giry tomorrow... We'll see how that goes. :\ I don't think it's gonna be uber girly... I'll take pics. It'll be different. Especially being I usually just wear jeans & a t-shirt. They're muh favorite!
Zac met my family yesterday. A few days ago he'd met Cameron & Amber & Kacee, but everyone else wasn't there (well, Jarom was. but he was downstairs watching a movie & didn't want to go to the park). He said he likes them & it didn't feel all awkward like it does sometimes.
They seemed to like him, which is good. I guess we'll see how well this goes. :)
Kacee was telling me that she's going to go to Club Chaos probably next Saturday... I was thinking about going, but I seriously don't think I would do well in a crowded dance club. :( I hate big crowds. I hate being in the crowd. I can't breathe in the middle of groups. I hate it, I really do.
So that right there, pretty much decided for me. Yup. Isn't it great being claustrophobic? Yeahh.... :\ And the fact that I don't like being touched by random strangers. I'm sure there'd be a lot of that going on, too.
All well. I can live w/o going to the club.
Maybe we'll have our own dance club thing... Without the crowd. LOL.. We still haven't had our MJ/chocolate cake party! (Mental sticky note: NEVER invite Uncle John to ANYTHING MJ related... I think he hates me now...)
If you don't know the story, we were at Uncle Devon's party & I was wearing my Off The Wall t-shirt. We were all talking in the kitchen & eating. John noticed my shirt & started going off. He said he thought I was a good kid. Then started going off on how much he HATES Michael Jackson... All I could do was smile & nod. I looked at Becky, who gave me an equally awkward glance. She told him that it's a good thing he'd dead then, huh? Then later mentioned something about never wearing an MJ shirt around Uncle John... *sigh* (-_- )

I never said he had to like him. It's fine with me if he doesn't. Just don't hate me cuz I do. There really isn't anything wrong with that. Is there?
My mom tried to come in as backup... and said he's got some good music. John didn't agree. He said he's never liked his music. Yet, MJ has done tons to influence the music of today. There are TONS of songs that have little bits taken from him/his stuff. Lots of r&b, rap, or hiphop artists have used his stuff. Rihanna, LL CoolJ, Akon... Other groups from other genres have done covers. Alien Ant Farm did Smooth Criminal.
You can't say he isn't just a teeny-tiny bit awesome! Can you? Even if you do. I don't really care. That's your opinion. Your entitled to it. As am I to mine.
Today I heard something in church that I thought was cute. The guy down the street (John Davis) said that his favorite proverb is:
When in trouble or in doubt- run in circles, scream and shout.
It went with today, because we didn't have a Sunday School teacher. So they weren't sure that to do. They pretty much just winged the lesson. It actually wasn't that bad.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
So I did the only thing you can do when you are trapped in a corner: I chewed my way through the wall!
i wanted a random title today... ^_^ (It's by Scott Adams)

Today I went to the gym. While I was there I got a call saying that my glasses & contacts were in.
I picked them up after my meeting with Alie & Jim. We were talking about me possibly being a manager. It could be cool... We'll see.

I've been cleaning/organizing for the past week or so. I'm pretty much done now... I think.
I just have to keep it this way. That's the "fun" part... And finish up what I still have left. :D
I've got all my classes signed up for. The only hold up was that they randomly selected me to prove that everything was right. (For the pell grant.) So instead of being easy and just doing everything online (like they say) and NOT waiting in a long line... Lies! I had to go and give them paper work! Again! Lame... but I think it's all taken care of.
I'll have classes 3 days a week (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday). Then I'll have work and homework and stuff... Hope it's not too stressing. *hope hope*

And now for my "boys are dumb" bit. (Cuz I KNOW you wanna hear it!) ;)
Justin started talking to me again. He wanted me to call him cuz he wants to try to be with me again. I'm thinking it's not gonna happen. He wanted me to call him, so I did... His phone rang & rang... Then made weird screechy noises at me. I tried emailing him. He hasn't replied.
Jason just now tried talking to me. He started IMing me. He told me he's going to have a baby with whats-her-face. (He still won't tell me her name.) I think it's a stupid idea if he doesn't like her that much... but whatever. His decision. Says they're working stuff out & he had to move on cuz "the girl he likes doesn't like him anymore." Well.... with an opening line like "hey dork" it makes you wonder why I don't really want to be with him. All he does/did is make fun of me. It gets SO annoying!
And then other guys. . . Ugh. Why do older guys want to hit on me? I swear... Some guys have been in their 50s! WTH?!
That.... or they just want some. . .action. NOT going to HAPPEN! >:[
There. There's my guy rant. ^_^

Today I went to the gym. While I was there I got a call saying that my glasses & contacts were in.
I picked them up after my meeting with Alie & Jim. We were talking about me possibly being a manager. It could be cool... We'll see.

I've been cleaning/organizing for the past week or so. I'm pretty much done now... I think.
I just have to keep it this way. That's the "fun" part... And finish up what I still have left. :D
I've got all my classes signed up for. The only hold up was that they randomly selected me to prove that everything was right. (For the pell grant.) So instead of being easy and just doing everything online (like they say) and NOT waiting in a long line... Lies! I had to go and give them paper work! Again! Lame... but I think it's all taken care of.
I'll have classes 3 days a week (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday). Then I'll have work and homework and stuff... Hope it's not too stressing. *hope hope*

And now for my "boys are dumb" bit. (Cuz I KNOW you wanna hear it!) ;)
Justin started talking to me again. He wanted me to call him cuz he wants to try to be with me again. I'm thinking it's not gonna happen. He wanted me to call him, so I did... His phone rang & rang... Then made weird screechy noises at me. I tried emailing him. He hasn't replied.
Jason just now tried talking to me. He started IMing me. He told me he's going to have a baby with whats-her-face. (He still won't tell me her name.) I think it's a stupid idea if he doesn't like her that much... but whatever. His decision. Says they're working stuff out & he had to move on cuz "the girl he likes doesn't like him anymore." Well.... with an opening line like "hey dork" it makes you wonder why I don't really want to be with him. All he does/did is make fun of me. It gets SO annoying!
And then other guys. . . Ugh. Why do older guys want to hit on me? I swear... Some guys have been in their 50s! WTH?!
That.... or they just want some. . .action. NOT going to HAPPEN! >:[
There. There's my guy rant. ^_^

Sunday, July 11, 2010
Dress Your Eyes
I got some trial contacts yesterday. It's such a pain in the tush trying to get them in! ...or out. It was easier today than it was yesterday. I think it's easier taking them out. They're not so bad when they're in. Although, I think I got one of them in backwards today...
I have an appointment for this Saturday, but I have to see if I can either change the time (Cameron & Jarom have a parade at that time that I didn't know about) or if I can just change the day if they don't have any more time openings.
I've got a bit of a headache, but I think it's mostly from changing from the contacts (sharper seeing power) back to my old glasses (a bit more blurry... my prescription has changed a bit). Then I do the same thing again the next day...
On another matter:
I want to make a shrug from an old black t-shirt and a t-dress out of a brown one that has the same cut. They're both a little short & I don't really wear them much anymore. I just have to get/find some good material for the skirt part of the dress. :) I think I'm good on elastic and everything else.
At work I'm pretty much in management training... according to Christy (she's my friend/the assistant GM). That's why I've been having the weird schedule. Working earlier in the day on Tuesdays, working Thursdays... but pretty much the same on Fridays & Saturdays. They put me on the dj a lot these days. I've also been doing blackout/old school. So it was kind of a given...
Plus I've been there for a while...
I got signed up for school last week & submitted my forms (online) for my pell grant.
A spot opened up in the class I really wanted for anatomy!! So I traded from the one I had to Prof. Moon's class!!! I've been told he's pretty good. [Yay!]
Right now all I have is the anatomy class & lab, and a nutrition class. I think I might take either a yoga class or a flexibility class. (Not at 6 in the AM, thank you! :P) Something fairly easy on my neck. :)
I got some notebooks and pens for school. I might have to get some more of the smaller sticky notes for my textbook/note-taking.
I'm planning on getting a wireless printer for my laptop (so I can print stuff... finally! I can't figure out how to get it to work on the Canon one in the living room...) Maybe I'll get myself a yoga mat, too. :) Gotta get an awesome color though!
We'll see how it all goes! :)
Random Eye Quote:
“The eye sees a thing more clearly in dreams than the imagination awake.” Leonardo da Vinci
(Sometimes I wonder about that... Some people have really weird dreams!)
I have an appointment for this Saturday, but I have to see if I can either change the time (Cameron & Jarom have a parade at that time that I didn't know about) or if I can just change the day if they don't have any more time openings.
I've got a bit of a headache, but I think it's mostly from changing from the contacts (sharper seeing power) back to my old glasses (a bit more blurry... my prescription has changed a bit). Then I do the same thing again the next day...
On another matter:
I want to make a shrug from an old black t-shirt and a t-dress out of a brown one that has the same cut. They're both a little short & I don't really wear them much anymore. I just have to get/find some good material for the skirt part of the dress. :) I think I'm good on elastic and everything else.
At work I'm pretty much in management training... according to Christy (she's my friend/the assistant GM). That's why I've been having the weird schedule. Working earlier in the day on Tuesdays, working Thursdays... but pretty much the same on Fridays & Saturdays. They put me on the dj a lot these days. I've also been doing blackout/old school. So it was kind of a given...
Plus I've been there for a while...
I got signed up for school last week & submitted my forms (online) for my pell grant.
A spot opened up in the class I really wanted for anatomy!! So I traded from the one I had to Prof. Moon's class!!! I've been told he's pretty good. [Yay!]
Right now all I have is the anatomy class & lab, and a nutrition class. I think I might take either a yoga class or a flexibility class. (Not at 6 in the AM, thank you! :P) Something fairly easy on my neck. :)
I got some notebooks and pens for school. I might have to get some more of the smaller sticky notes for my textbook/note-taking.
I'm planning on getting a wireless printer for my laptop (so I can print stuff... finally! I can't figure out how to get it to work on the Canon one in the living room...) Maybe I'll get myself a yoga mat, too. :) Gotta get an awesome color though!
We'll see how it all goes! :)
Random Eye Quote:
“The eye sees a thing more clearly in dreams than the imagination awake.” Leonardo da Vinci
(Sometimes I wonder about that... Some people have really weird dreams!)
Friday, July 2, 2010
Golden 50th Anniversary

Yesterday we spent all day in Bountiful.
Mom & Cameron left before we did to set up and buy a few last minute things (like some of the fruit).
Me, Dad, Jarom & Amber left here around 11:30. When we got there we helped set up chairs, tables, etc. David & I went to get balloons, but all we found (that would go with what we wanted!!) were white stars. Michael's doesn't have balloons anymore and everywhere else didn't have the colors we wanted. At least we found the white stars. We wanted some gold and silver ones, too. That didn't work out, but it still looked pretty good. :)
Becky set up the cake & practiced "Stardust" a few times (it's their song)-- with a few close encounters of the Kyle kind. Needless to say, she was already grumpy & stressing. That didn't help.
(Yep, Kyle actually came! Shocking! Even though he was pretty much mopey almost the entire time... or wanting to be destructo-boy of some sort...)
If anyone got too close to the cake she wasn't very happy either. (It took her 3 days to make it!)
We went to Chuck-a-Rama for lunch, because it's one of their favorite places ever!
We all went back to my grandparent's house to change (& David and I looked for more balloons/a dress shirt and vest, but no vests... None of his old dress stuff fit anymore, so...)
We finished setting up the room with the food & chocolate fountains for their reception.
Mom liked to say that it's as much work as the wedding, the only difference is that you don't have to buy a big white dress! :P
There were lots of people that I didn't know, or had heard tons about & finally know who they are, OR haven't seen in ages so I didn't recognize them.
The Vernons (Kailien, Tammie & Debbie) showed up, so I sat with them for a while. They saw brother Downward and were talking to him.
They announced that Grandma & Grandpa were going to cut the cake. I hopped up and ran for my camera! (My battery was going to die, so I wanted to save enough so I could get those pictures!)
I guess Kailien, Tammie & Debbie thought they were going to throw a bouquet or something... When I got back they were joking about it.
We stayed up late after the party. It took a while to clean up everything. I think we finally got out of there around 10:30 or 11.
After cleaning up, we went to my grandparent's to get my stuff & some rhubarb for Tammie. I was gonna get it, but my grandpa went out & started pulling some up and chopping the leaves off. He's pretty pro (at EVERYTHING!). He was still in his dress pants and white shirt, and I was still in my dress.
After that we went inside & listened to some of his Army stories. He talked about saving this little black man from a court marshal.
He hadn't driven much and had crashed one of the cars & took out the corner of a building. Being the guy in charge didn't like Blacks or Mormons, they stuck together. They fixed up the car while their captian was out for the weekend. He left every weekend, so they had from Friday night to Monday morning when he got back to work on it. There were 12 guys working on it in shifts (6 at a time). It was all they guys that didn't like that captain.
When the guys came to inspect the car about the court marshal, the car was in perfect running condition (except they hadn't had time to hook the breaks up yet) and looked newer than the other ones. They had taken the front end of a car that had been totaled in the back, cut it in 1/2 and stuck it to the back end of the one the Black guy had broken. They took the id numbers from the busted front and put it on the new front 1/2. The guys that came to inspect it turned it on, and it ran really well. It's a good thing they didn't try driving it, cuz it wouldn't have stopped. (They got it over with the other ones by using the E-break to slow down.)
Nobody liked that captain. He was always trying to court marshal guys.
Grandpa was also telling us about how he had all these bills and debts (about $3000) because of his first wife. This same captain was always chewing him out about it, even though Grandpa didn't have to pay any of it until he wasn't in the Army anymore. Every month he'd get chewed out, so one of the other guys (the captain's secretary) told Grandpa to write to his senator about it.
He (the captain) got in trouble. He wanted to court marshal him over the letter. (He didn't because he was told he'd be sent somewhere he really didn't want to go.) He pretty much hated Grandpa after that. He wouldn't promote anyone, because he'd have to promote Grandpa first (his name was next in the line). Every time Grandpa's name came up, he'd reject the promotion. He also ended up with big red ink in his permanent file and would never see Major (which is what he wanted... a lot!). So neither of them got promoted.
:) We think he needs to write a book! Put everything from when he was little up til now. Grandma, too! <3
The party was fun, but I think everyone that was planning it and everything is glad it's over. It was stressing people out (which seems to be pretty easy to do for that side of my family).
I'm glad Grandpa & Grandma had a good time yesterday. They knew everybody that came and had fun talking to people that hadn't seen in a while.
Becky also has a very cute/pretty quilt that is this-close to being finished. When she gets it done, my grandparents are going to get it. It's got pictures of them all over it. High school portraits, family pictures with their siblings, us... Very cute. I think Mom and I might end up helping some more! :)
Saturday, June 26, 2010
La Luna
It was very nice and pretty and cool outside last night (unlike tonight), and the moon was very pretty. I decided to take pictures of it.
Some turned out really cool. I tried lots of different settings. Some were really hard to get any good pictures in, because you either need a tripod (which I don't...not a big/good one anyway) or you have to stand REALLY STILL. That wouldn't have been much of a problem, except for the small, itsy-bitsy, tiny fact that I had hiccups.
So some turned out very fuzzy (look on FB to see what I mean... I posted a few).
Thor was funny. He was wandering the backyard and when he heard a rather loud noise he ran over and hid behind me... He looked around for a minute until he decided it was safe to stray, and wander around the yard again.
Same thing happened when he heard a siren. (It was rather quiet for a fire engine, but I think it was pretty far away.)
We went to Westfest today for a little bit. Mostly because Cameron & Jarom were in the parade. I got some really cute sunglasses! Mom got a hose timer, Jarom got a hat, dad got a "six pack cooler" (basically a fanny pack that is like one of those insulated lunch boxes), Cameron got a nifty brochure/packet about conserving water, and I got a golf towel (all from the Slow the Flow tent). Dad gave the cooler to Cameron.
It's kinda late and I'm getting tired. I'll talk more about it/upload pics tomorrow.... Either on here or Fb. :)
Good night!!! <3
Friday, June 18, 2010
I don't know if you know, but Kailien decided I should go out on a date with Fabio (Andy's friend) while we were at the Scottish Festival.
Also last Thanksgiving Bek and Tammie and Andy wanted me to go out with him (but I was going out with Jason--stupid boy).
So after the festival Kailien gave Fabio my number. She then proceeded to text me his and told me to call him.
Long story-short, he asked me out and I went out with him yesterday.
We went to Applebee's and talked a lot. We decided to get the dessert shots because they are just so gosh-darn cute! Lol.
Fabio told me that Andy has a theory that girls look for cars the way guys look for girls: they have to be cute! LOL. I guess it's kinda true. :P
After that we went to the planetarium to see the U2 laser show. He showed me around a little (he and Andy used to work there) and he found a few people that still work there that he knows. He thought he wouldn't know anyone there... but he did! So we talked with them for a bit.
The U2 show was SO COOL!! There were 2 songs I hadn't heard before (something about calling a blue sky & another about a fly on the wall), but I knew the other ones. I think it's been long enough since I'd heard most of them that I actually liked them again. They ended with Vertigo (which is one of my least favorites, having heard it almost every day for a few months in Jr. high in dance class...)
Fabio and Andy both LOVE U2... Aww... :D
Elevation had this dolphin with wings. It looked rather awkward. :P
We said that we have now seen a flying dolphin. I said the wings looked like they didn't really fit it. He said at least it was trying. lol.
I had lots of fun with him.
Usually he's very quiet, but he talked most of the time. He told me about Brazil and we talked about school and anything else that came to mind. :)
We listened to Sinatra and the MJ on the way back to dropping me off. (^_^)
Also last Thanksgiving Bek and Tammie and Andy wanted me to go out with him (but I was going out with Jason--stupid boy).
So after the festival Kailien gave Fabio my number. She then proceeded to text me his and told me to call him.
Long story-short, he asked me out and I went out with him yesterday.
We went to Applebee's and talked a lot. We decided to get the dessert shots because they are just so gosh-darn cute! Lol.
Fabio told me that Andy has a theory that girls look for cars the way guys look for girls: they have to be cute! LOL. I guess it's kinda true. :P
After that we went to the planetarium to see the U2 laser show. He showed me around a little (he and Andy used to work there) and he found a few people that still work there that he knows. He thought he wouldn't know anyone there... but he did! So we talked with them for a bit.
The U2 show was SO COOL!! There were 2 songs I hadn't heard before (something about calling a blue sky & another about a fly on the wall), but I knew the other ones. I think it's been long enough since I'd heard most of them that I actually liked them again. They ended with Vertigo (which is one of my least favorites, having heard it almost every day for a few months in Jr. high in dance class...)
Fabio and Andy both LOVE U2... Aww... :D
Elevation had this dolphin with wings. It looked rather awkward. :P
We said that we have now seen a flying dolphin. I said the wings looked like they didn't really fit it. He said at least it was trying. lol.
I had lots of fun with him.
Usually he's very quiet, but he talked most of the time. He told me about Brazil and we talked about school and anything else that came to mind. :)
We listened to Sinatra and the MJ on the way back to dropping me off. (^_^)
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Father's Day Is Around the Corner!
I found a very cute gift box template that I want to use for Father's Day! Being my dad doesn't really look on here, it'll still be a surprise! :)
She (domestifluff) also has another one where instead of a V cut in the flap, it's just straight across... I'm sure you can find it. Very cute ideas/pictures she has posted. :) look ----> for her blog and others :)
Now to print out the template OR try to draw it up on some cardstock. I hope it turns out ok. I want to do the tie. The bow ties are ok, but I like the longer ones more. Much cuter!
Maybe I can make one for Grandpa, too!? Fun!
And my dad says they don't do much for Father's Day anymore. HA! (He likes to say they do a lot more for Mother's Day.) Mom thinks it's just cuz he wants something to complain about. :P
(PS. Love you daddy!) xoxoxoxo
And all you other dads and dad-to-be's out there! Have a lovely Sunday! :D
She (domestifluff) also has another one where instead of a V cut in the flap, it's just straight across... I'm sure you can find it. Very cute ideas/pictures she has posted. :) look ----> for her blog and others :)
Now to print out the template OR try to draw it up on some cardstock. I hope it turns out ok. I want to do the tie. The bow ties are ok, but I like the longer ones more. Much cuter!
Maybe I can make one for Grandpa, too!? Fun!
And my dad says they don't do much for Father's Day anymore. HA! (He likes to say they do a lot more for Mother's Day.) Mom thinks it's just cuz he wants something to complain about. :P
(PS. Love you daddy!) xoxoxoxo
And all you other dads and dad-to-be's out there! Have a lovely Sunday! :D
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Scottish Festival!
Yesterday was sooo much fun!
I took tons of pictures. :]

it ended up raining really hard for a while shortly after we met up with mom & cameron and had lunch... it rained (almost) sideways, then stopped, and decided to start again. it wouldn't have been so bad if it weren't really windy while it was really rainy. but it was lots of fun! it didn't rain as bad as last year. :]
kudos to utah weather.
for more pics check out my facebook page! :]
I took tons of pictures. :]

it ended up raining really hard for a while shortly after we met up with mom & cameron and had lunch... it rained (almost) sideways, then stopped, and decided to start again. it wouldn't have been so bad if it weren't really windy while it was really rainy. but it was lots of fun! it didn't rain as bad as last year. :]
kudos to utah weather.
for more pics check out my facebook page! :]
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