Monday, April 19, 2010


AAHH!!! @.@

I have my anatomy lab final tomorrow, and a few other finals in the next 2 weeks. The other classes are as follow:
-Communications. . . April 28th
-Anatomy Lecture. . . May 6th
-Body Strength & Tone. . .April 22nd
-Chemistry. . . Online (whenever he posts it I can take it)

Not to mention I have a few assignments still to do! :(
The next few weeks are gonna suck!!!

(-_- )

~In Other News~

That book is as awesome as the first! (the Hunger Games).
I just hate that she leaves you hanging at the end of the book! Now I have to wait til AUGUST to read what happens next!!! LAME! Argh.... All well.... I suppose I can last the summer without knowing what happens next to the lovely Katniss & crew... :\

I am SO going to go get the books! I'm pretty sure I'd read them again. I have a few books that I'll read several times just cuz they're THAT good. :) Well, I think so anyway. ^_^

And here's the RaNdOm QuOtE-
"I think they should put a warning label on strawberries: 'Caution: tastes nothing like a strawberry milkshake'." — Ryan Kaplan.

(p.s. Wish me luck for the next few weeks! I'll need it!!) ;)


irish said...

i wish you the bestest of luck. i will pray for you, but know you'll do great. you are the cutest, smartest young lady in the world. love you lots

Beckle the Freckle said...

Good luck, girlfriend! Not that you need it, but good luck anyway! :) When you finish we can have our Michael Jackson chocolate cake party to celebrate. (Sadly, this was not my idea, it was Amber's, so you'll have to ask her why. I think she just wanted me to make her a cake.)

heidi said...

Meagie - Good luck on all your finals. I remember how much I loved finals week. :] I'm sure you'll do fine!
Beckle - How odd that Amber would ask you to make an MJ chocolate cake. Maybe b/c she thinks you'd be more likely to make it?

Beckle the Freckle said...

Well not a Michael Jackson chocolate cake, a chocolate cake party that involves listening to Michael Jackson and possibly dancing. Although making an MJ cake would be lots of fun!