Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I got day one down. I go back on Friday.

He said all my occipital nerves are inflamed. (I forgot what he said I have... some long word for pain that starts in my neck & follows up the nerve pathways. that's what gives me the headaches)

They massaged out my back/neck/shoulders. Paul (my PT) did this thing where he loosens up my shoulder, then lifts up my shoulder blade! It felt sooo weird! I had to try to keep my back muscles all relaxed.

When he was trying to stretch my neck and work that out, it hurt so bad!

After the...torture...they gave me my exercises to do at home. And the snazy "achy-breaky" which is basically two ice packs that are hooked together and can strap to my head (or anywhere else) or I can just lay down with it under my neck. Woot!

Paul said that I have bad posture and much work on that. More homework! I have to practice rolling my shoulders back and holding my head straight upright (my shoulders are rolling forward & my head is too far forward, so my vertebrae aren't lined up like they should be).

He did this thing to see if my neck was lined up right. He had me stand straight up like I normally do. Then he used his pen as a straight edge...he placed one end on the knob of the collar bone (the bump of the end and the base of your neck in the front) and had it stick up so he could see where my neck was lining up.

The other end of the pen was hitting right in front of my ear. It's SUPPOSED to be hitting my cheek bone! Talk about being off my like 3 inches!

That's part of why my neck hurts. They muscles are trying to hold my head up & the bones aren't taking as much of the support as they should.

He used an analogy. He took my arm and put my elbow in his palm (so my forearm was vertical) and had me imagine his other hand was a bowling ball (which he held my hand and put some pressure). He said if my arm is straight up and down the long bones will take most of the weight and support it. You could hold it that way for a long time.

Then he moved my hand forward and put pressure saying that if my arm weren't vertical, but at a bit more of an angle, then the muscles have to do more work to hold the "bowling ball" up. This creates more stress on the muscles and you couldn't hold the "ball" as long.

(He said the average female's head weights between 10-12 pounds, and the average male's is about 13-14 pounds...and that's why the bowling ball thing. Interesting!)

Oh, the things you can learn when you have to go to physical therapy!

Pooh! It makes sense, but I wish I could learn this easy WITHOUT the pain! Maybe I'd be doing better in anatomy! Lol... :P

He also said that with PURSES that most women will hold the bag on the one shoulder and elevate that shoulder a little so that the bag won't fall off. This creates an imbalance... throws you off. It's bad for posture! (and your neck/back/shoulders)

If I'm going to use those bags, then I have to either carry it on my elbow or with my hands. He recommended getting one with a longer strap (like those messenger bags) so I could have it cross over and those don't have as much stress and stuff from trying to keep it from falling off your shoulder!(He said girls like that part, because he's giving them permission to go shopping! LOL)

So I went and got myself a messenger bag that is light weight. I don't like the big, bulky ones so much. This one has a skinny strap. I think I'm going to have to get one with a wider strap for then I have to tote around more than just my keys & wallet... I wanna get one from the SF. They always have really cute ones with Celtic knots all over on them!!! ^_^ Yay!


Monday, May 24, 2010

"Crunchy, Munchy Chocolate-Peanut Butter Goop"


3 dribbles light corn syrup
2 scoops brown sugar
1/2 dit-dot salt
1 large blib peanut butter
5 blobs crisp rice cereal
2 handfuls cornflakes, slightly crushed
5 smidgens semisweet chocolate pieces
1 ittsy-bits vanilla

1. boil corn syrup, brown sugar, and salt.
2. stir in peanut butter and remove from heat.
3. add both cereals, chocolate and vanilla.
4. glump into a pan and chill in the fridge.

This is a recipe we did in my Food & Nutrition class in 7th grade! Our's turned out really yummy! (I guessed that a dit-dot=cup and ittsy-bits=teaspoon)

The point of the lesson was that recipes turn out a lot better if you know what the measurements are! Some groups had some really gross messy stuff as a result. Our's was yummy, I'm guessing because we weren't dumb and had an idea of how much is usually put in (like usually only 1 tsp. vanilla!) instead or just randomly throwing stuff in the bowl.

Try it and see how your's turns out!!!!

Saturday, May 22, 2010


I got some shoes yesterday (like I was talking about in that other post!)


And then I took some Sharpies and colored ALL OVER THEM!!!!
It's so fun! I think I want to do it on a pair that will lace up. Hmmm... Ooooh! or I could get a pair of black ones and use WHITE markers! SWEET!!! Hahaha.

Ok, So this is what the FINISHED PRODUCT looks like!

Are not these so fantabulous?! (^-^)

And as for the other projects I've been doing... I forgot to take a picture of the bag I made for Bexie, but it's very cute!
Another one I can't show because Grandma might look on here and see it before I get it to her...
And there are 2 other things I've done... QUILLOWS!!!!
One for myself and one for my mommy!

The one with the duckies is my mom's. It's got a blue version of the pink on mine for it's backside.
I thought the wonky peace/love/arrow pattern was totally cute! So I had to get it.
I'll have to go find the pattern so I can post it on here for you guys! ;)

For some reason Jetta & Thor like my blanket. Thor has been sleeping on it when he decides to go in my room. It's kinda funny. :]

Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Doctor Says. . .

That it's probably the ligaments are a little torn in my neck. I had to go get a bunch of x-rays taken. He said that they (the vertebrae) look good, only that my neck is too straight. It's due to the muscle spasms.

So I guess what happened was that I braced myself for the impact, then the hit tore the ligaments a little, which lead to the muscle spasms...making my neck hurt & go all "too straight" on me.

Now he's got me on a muscle relaxer (cyclobenzaprine): 1/2 pill 2x/day, Ibuprophen: 800 mg 2x/day, Ice: 20 min 2x/day.

I can't drive or drink or anything while I'm on the muscle relaxer. It'll make me drowsy, too. It sure made my eyes feel heavy!

I also got work off tonight (he didn't want me to lift things and stuff today).

So hopefully my neck will be all better in a few days! If not I might get to go see a PT about my neck. Wow... PT twice and I'm not even 20 yet! My mom hasn't had to go to PT at all!! I'm so...special.

I hope my neck gets all good very soon! *hope hope*

(this isn't me, but they had me do these & 2 other "poses" for my x-rays)

Not being able to do some things, getting headaches, having a stiff neck, etc. is not very much fun! I think the headache is making my eyes go all buggy?

Well... I'm gonna go hunt down some food. ^_^

(PS. Can't wait for our MJ/chocolate cake party Becky! Whenever we have that...) :D

Friday, May 14, 2010

Old Stuff & New Stuff

I'm kinda lying down while i type this to give my poor neck a rest (I was going to say break, but I didn't really like how the pun would end up fitting in :P ).

Based on this blog i stumbled upon, I have to toss out ALL my old makeup! It's all really old anyway. Some of it I've had for ages (some I don't think I've ever used). I might just get a palette and some new brushes? I want to be able to store it all really easily, too!

Have I mentioned I'm totally excited for Halloween?! I've been watching all these youtube videos on how to do some different looks! From masquerade to fairies to rag dolls to ventriloquist dummies to gory stuff and back to princesses! :) It's so much fun!!! I love it. I still haven't decided if I want to do an 80s cartoon or what yet.

So based on above mentioned blog there was a list of time lengths to keep makeup and tips. Take a look-see:

If you keep makeup too long it can affect the quality and color of the product as ingredients age and as oils from your fingers and face mix with the cosmetics. It can also allow bacteria or fungi to grow and cause infections, most commonly of the eye or lip. Your makeup tools—brushes, sponges, applicators— can also become filled with makeup and oils, interfering with clean makeup appli cation and creating another breeding ground for bacteria. To keep your makeup fresh and clean, get in the habit of taking these steps:

1. Change all eye makeup (liner, shadows, mascara) every three to six months. Liq uid products should be tossed every three months.
2. Change other makeup (foundation, powder, concealer )every twelve months.
3. Change all lip makeup (lipstick, lipliner, lipgloss) every twelve months
4. Stop using lipstick, lip liner, gloss, and balm if you develop a cold sore or fever blister. Replace the products if you accidentally use them during an infection.
5. Wash makeup tools every two weeks in mild soap and warm water. Air-dry.
6. Replace makeup sponges once a month.
7. Store all makeup products in a dry, cool environment. Keep products tightly closed.

Product How long to keep
Foundation 1 year
Liquid foundation 6 months-1 year
Powder 1-2 years
Blush 1-2 years
Eye liner 3-6 months
Liquid Eye Liner 3 months
Mascara 3 months
Eye Shadow year
Lipstick 1 year

I'm sure most of mine is ancient!! Some of it is very new, but others....not so much. :\ I've got so many colors I still haven't used! :[ All well, we'll see if I really do toss it all... Say goodbye to so many pretty colors.

I'm sure I can find tons in those palettes (or was it pallet? lol..I think 'pallet' is for paint?)

I think I would have to date them when I get them... Or maybe it's just when you open them?? Either way, I'd never be able to remember when I got them if I didn't write it on them.

Maybe I'll order some or buy some or whatev when I find the time. I'm sure I'll have tons this summer... (Just have to make sure it's brands that won't make my skin FrEaK oUt!)

I'm wondering about this eye shadow I decided to put on today. It might be what's making my eyes feel all dry... Not sure. Maybe it's cuz they're "too old"?? Dunno.

I still need to go through my old clothes! I'm so slow! Haha. Re-do my entire (ok, not the whole thing, but most of it) wardrobe! Some things in there I've had for forever! Like since Jr. High!! Dude...

Next point of business:
I'm probably going with my mom tomorrow morning to see what's up with my neck. (possibly tonight if the wait isn't freakishly long!)

Alie let me have the night off cuz I couldn't get someone to take it & I told her "which way was up" with the past few days. LOL. I just said that my neck still hurts from the accident and I don't know how long I could last at work. Also, that I probably won't be able to see a doctor 'til tomorrow.

Something cute:
My mom came to talk to me this morning, and Thor came with her. He jumped up on my bed & started to kneed the whole bed. Everywhere I wasn't on it, anyway. Then he plopped down next to me and fell asleep. He stayed there for the next few hours until I decided it was about time I should get up. I turned on the lights & he hid his head under part of one of the blankets, using his paw to help shield his eyes from the light. I turned on the radio & he ended up getting out from under the blankets to stare at me for a bit before deciding to leave.

He's funny. ^_^

Well... If my neck feels up to it, I think I'm going to try going through some stuff today. That or go find something to eat... but what? Hmmmmmmm.....

Have a spazz-tastic day! ...or not. :\

(P.S. I was thinking about putting some of my lovely accident pics on here... but I don't feel like hunting down my keys. They have this little keychain drive thing that I can put the little memory card from my phone into it and plug it to my computer... then I can upload them onto here. But I's bein lazy! Mwahahahaha!)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


So now the car has a HUGE dent in the back passenger-side door. I got hit on my way to pick up Amber from school.

We got to wait around for 2 hours waiting for the cop to show. Not. Fun.

I was pulling out of the neighborhood to go North (turning left) and they were on the shoulder and pulled out to go North. I think they were either picking someone up or talking to them (on the sidewalk). She didn't notice me & pretty much t-boned the car.

That pushed me back into the middle between the yellow lines.

There was another white SUV thing that looked a lot like her car that came up behind her... So at first I thought she was driving away! I started to get mad, then noticed that she was pulled to the side of the road. It was a different car!

I guess from what the cop said she was going to do a U-turn or something... but from the side of the road? IDK. I guess that's why she hit me and ended up turned South and ended up pulling to the other side of the road. (South-bound side)

Ugh... Not what I wanted to do today! --Wait around and stuff-- I got pics of both cars. Ours looks rather bad in comparison. You can't open that door. Their fender just got dinged up.

It took about 1/2 hour to get everything sorted out after the cop (finally) got there.

The lady that was driving...her husband wanted to know if we could get things fixed w/o getting insurance involved... My mom (who I called, then called 911) said that we thought the car might be rather banged up and probably need the insurance. Being our car looks rather sad and crater-ed...yeah.

I don't think anyone really got hurt... It was just me in the Crown & the chick driving the other car (a GMC Denali) had a girl (I think that's why she was on the side of the road, picking her up) with her.

Except 3 hours later my neck is feeling a little stiff & sore. It could be all the stress from the past week or so, or from the accident. I don't know... Becky says maybe mild whiplash? It feels like it's just tense and if I could get it to pop (which it won't) then it would feel better. You know that feeling?

When she hit me it felt like bumper-cars. You know how when you're going and then someone runs into the side of you? When you get shoved over... Just like THAT. So you'd think my neck wouldn't be bugging me...

Cameron said it feels kinda stiff. (He was rubbing it a little for me) ^_^

I've eating mini chocolate chips (I wanted chocolate & we had some in the fridge. plus my mom decided I'd had enough excitement for the day & didn't need more driving. I did drive us home, though) and watching random makeup videos. I really like some of the masquerade ones. It's makeup instead of an actual mask! Some of them are very pretty. They have like feathers & stuff glued to their faces. :)

PS my dad dropped my mom off where I was sitting with the car & got Amber. then he came back and sat with us while we waited for the loverly cop-man-sir to show. so she DID get picked up, just not by me.

Monday, May 10, 2010

[: Nifty Flat Iron Stuff :]

((this one has 1/2" plates. my big one has 1" plates))
((I don't have the big 3" plates or whatever they are))

OK, I don't really need to straighten my hair, cuz it's pretty straight as is... but a flat iron can be VERY versatile!

So I've found a few videos on how to do curls, zig-zags, and more stuff to your hair with a flat iron on Some I like more than others. I'll post a few so you guys can look at them & see which way you like more.

Here is one way to curl your hair. You do this thing where you put the hair in the iron and wrap it around... if you watch it, it makes sense. (this is the way I've been doing it)

Here is antoher way to do curls. You only turn it 90 degrees instead of like 360 or whatever that other one is...

Here is a funky zig-zag type thing by the same guy as the 90 degree curling.

This one is a cute Asian girl showing you how to crimp your hair!

Here is a way to do "crimp waves" as she calls them.

These are kinda "mermaid waves" ...they aren't big or anything... it's a kinda messy beachy look.

This one doesn't really involve the straightener that much, but she does use it a little bit. It's these messy waves that she does. It's cute, and I liked it. So that's why it's on here. ;)

It's weird how much you can do with a flat iron! Lol.. Sad thing is, my hair will curl a lot better with the flat iron technique than with an actual curling iron. :\

There are some ways I found to get wavy looks with NO HEAT!!! Kinda like that last one I have on here. I'm sure you could find them and MANY other types on youtube! (I swear you can find just about anything there!!)


PS. It might be a good idea to get some of that heat protection spray stuff. Maybe even pomade or whatever. It's up to you. I just use the heat protection spray (got it at walmart). And shampoo that my hair likes (Suave). It doesn't go all frizzy from it. :]

Friday, May 7, 2010

More Stress-Inducing Stuff....

I have to go to work in a few hours. Yay... *roll my eyes* 11 o' clock again.

At least I'm not stuck there until 7 again. Only til 3... which is when we got clocked off last time. We just won't be on "stand by" or whatever you want to call it.

I had tons and tons of fun with Becky last night! We didn't do much, but it helps.
Watching weird cartoons and Flight of the Concords. :D
Jamba Juice. Del Taco. Yeahh...

I would totally love having that MJ/chocolate cake party! Haha... Now to decide what will be in the "goings on." Hmmm....

I should really do that Chem final. I wonder how long it is? And how hard? I really don't want to do it. But I have to... :(

Let's see... Just after 7 now. I have to be to work at leave here around 10:30. That would give me about 3 hours? Maybe I can get it done in that amount of time. As long as it isn't too long! :)

That means I have to stop talking. So I'll go do that before work. Then tell you how it goes later!! Haha.... :( Ick...

Oh. I also found this mini flat iron. It's sooo cute! I used it to curl my hair not too long ago. :) I was watching this movie I just got that I haven't seen in years. Mrs. Winterbourne! Have you ever seen in?

I hope most of this stress stuff is gone over this summer, but I'm really really really doubting THAT is going to happen. :[

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Failure. . . .

I got a D- in Human Anatomy. An A- in Chem lab. Grades are not yet posted for Communications or Chem lecture. I'm hoping I passed those at least...

I also still have to do my Chem final. I've got until this Saturday.
I should study, but don't feel like doing much of anything at the moment.

I'm going to go shopping for material when my mom gets home.
I also need new work pants, because they're all retarded/dying.
Plus those shoes...

I have to work late again this weekend. Friday from 11pm to 3am. And Saturday from 6:30pm to 1am. . . . Stupid parties.

I'm stressed out. I feel sick. My head hurts. I feel like if I do try to eat anything, it might come right back up. Bleh. :'(

Maybe one of those projects will help? Drama and stress... I think that's about as far as I want to talk about it for now.

I'm looking forward to Sunday. We're going to my grandparent's for Mother's Day.
And in June there's the SF. and a few other things.

This year doesn't seem to be going much better than last. And last year sucked!!! (-_- )

Hope & pray things will work out and get better...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Time For A Project

So I got my anatomy final all done! :) Now just one more to go! (It's online)

I think I'm going to start a *project* for the summer.... Hmmm... ^_^
It should be pretty fun. Not too hard. And for now... a secret! lol

When I decide everything I might "uncover" it. Or just wait til after I'm done with it. :)

Also I want to get some white shoes. Like these:

but instead of black... they'd be plain white. then I want to CoLoR them!!! :]
Wouldn't that be so fun?! I just hope they turn out cute. ;)

Mom says I can't go 'til tomorrow because Thursday is the shopping day (as of yesterday?)... she says "so as it is written, so let it be so"....but it's not actually BEEN written anywhere... LOL. all well. So I have to wait to look at material and stuff. :(

I'll think up some ideas until then, I suppose. --That and study before I actually take my Chem final. That would be a good thing, I think.

My mother has started singing "Living in the sunlight, Loving in the moonlight".... again! That song bothers me! I had it stuck in my head the other day! It was driving me NUTS! ...she asked if I'd rather her sing "Poker Face" and I said sure. But she can't remember how it goes. Real effective, that was. LOL.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

No-Bake Chocolate Cookies!!

I just made some No Bake cookies!!! :) YUM!

I got the recipe off

1/4 cup cocoa
2 cups sugar
1/2 cup milk
1/2-1 cup butter
3 cups quick oats
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/8 teaspoon salt

Bring first 4 ingredients to a boil. Cook for 1 minute. Remove from heat. Add remaining ingredients. Mix well & drop by teaspoon on to wax paper. Let cool.

Note: After letting them cool, you can put them in the fridge (10 minutes more or less). They seem to harden better & taste good that way too. :)

Yield: about 24 cookies.

I'd like to add a step!!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

No Sleep+Annoying Girls+Picky People=Grumpy Me


Ok... there WERE some good parts.

Let's start with yesterday around 11. I get to work. This is when the girl scout thing is about to start. The first hour went really fast. Before we knew it, it was already 12:30.

Around 2am we had the girls go watch a movie (either How to Train Your Dragon, or that Miley Cyrus one...Love Song). If the girls didn't want to watch a movie they stayed & played or skated. We had about 7 girls and a leader. For the next hour we played games with them. Like the limbo or skittles or shark attack or a race. We even did the hokey pokey! (but only me, Kim, Christy & the GS leader did it)

After the movies were finished. The girls came back and the rink was the designated "zonk out" area. They had sleeping bags and pillows. Some had blow up mattresses. Some camped out in the lobby/amusements area.

This was around 3 or 4. We had to clock off for our break, but stay near just in case something happened and Alie needed us. We went to McDonald's and got food. We ended up going to Christy's (who lives nearby on Redwood) to get a few pillows and a sleeping bag.

We ate our food, then went to play on the rides and stuff. We went on the balloons and the merry-go-round and the bumper cars. We decided to go on that kid's play/crawl house thing. Talk about enclosed spaces!!! :(

I think that's part of why I'm so sore. Once we were done with that, we went back to Skate to see if Alie needed anything (I guess she either lost her phone, or it doesn't work...). She was asleep in the dj booth.

We went over behind the counter and sat and talked. We ended up laying out the sleeping bag and the pillows and all tried to sleep behind the counter. It didn't really work. The lights were still on over there (I guess they were the "night light"?) Christy was going to turn them off, but couldn't remember which switch went to that area... and she didn't want to flip them all and wake people up.

Some of the GSs were rather chatty. One started screaming her head off because she "saw a spider." Her friend told her there wasn't a spider! They ended up moving to the benches.... Right by where we were!

They kept talking and talking and talking and were whining! They would not SHUT UP! Finally Kim yelled at them to stop! (This was at about 5am) Someone on the other side of the room kept talking too I guess cuz a girl on the other side of the rink yelled at her to "shut up!" too.

Our girls started talking again and Kim ordered them to LAY DOWN! They did. and FINALLY stopped talking.

Alie came looking for us around 6:30. We were all laying there with stuff kinda over our heads trying to block out light/noise... She thought it was cute I guess cuz she was like "Aww..."

6:30 was when they started waking up the GSs to go. There were a few still waiting for parents when 7 came around. That was when Kim and I finally got our checks (cuz there was somebody actually at party desk!!!). Then I got to go home.

Alie was going to have me scheduled like Kim and Christy were... til 11am. There was a girl's quinceanera from 9 to 11. (They started showing up around 7 to decorate with balloons and whatnot). For some reason she didn't schedule me & scheduled Chris instead. So I went home.

I sang "My Girl" at the top of my lungs while I was driving home. It helped keep me awake (even though I was pretty awake anyway... I had a Full Throttle around midnight). There was an apple Kim had left in the car from our escapade to Mickey D's and to Christy's. So I ate that.

I got home at 7:30. Amber was sitting in the living room. Writing. I asked grumpily why she was up at 7:30. Meh... all well. Mom got up and started doing her morning ritual... Her kicks by the sink really.

She told me to go to bed. I did. But couldn't sleep. TOO MUCH LIGHT! I think I finally fell asleep around 8? I kept waking up.. so I didn't sleep very well. I got up at 2 and then went with my mom to drop Amber off at the church house for that Young Woman's thingy (the camp fundraiser). Then went to deposit our checks and get food. I guess Arby's ripped me off...? Ask my mom.

I got home and had to hurry and eat, then go back to work. I felt sick and had a headache. I felt like I was going to pass out... or fall over. Maybe both. People were picky and really irritating me. Grr!!!

Jamey left at 9. It was me and Jen the rest of the night. I was cleaning up so I could go home. I was still in skates. I went to pick up some garbage and turned weird. My skate caught a stupid pencil on the ground and I biffed! HARD! :'( It hurt. I landed on my keys. Chris and Jim were right there! They said I fell "gracefully" and that it happens to everyone. My palm was stinging and I was about ready to cry. Just another thing to add to what was already hurting. Jim and Chris helped me up and I went and finished cleaning. Clocked off. Went and washed my hands and changed to a lighter shirt. Went to the car. Drove home in the rain. It. Sucked.

Now here I am. I should sleep. But I don't feel like I could fall asleep. I feel awake. I'm so tired I can't sleep. Talk about lame. Uber gay. Not good.

Not. One. Bit.

I think I will either try to sleep, or go take a shower and some ibuprofen. Then go sleep. Maybe that will work. :)

OK. Good Plan.

Good night all. XOXOXO