Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Doctor Says. . .

That it's probably the ligaments are a little torn in my neck. I had to go get a bunch of x-rays taken. He said that they (the vertebrae) look good, only that my neck is too straight. It's due to the muscle spasms.

So I guess what happened was that I braced myself for the impact, then the hit tore the ligaments a little, which lead to the muscle spasms...making my neck hurt & go all "too straight" on me.

Now he's got me on a muscle relaxer (cyclobenzaprine): 1/2 pill 2x/day, Ibuprophen: 800 mg 2x/day, Ice: 20 min 2x/day.

I can't drive or drink or anything while I'm on the muscle relaxer. It'll make me drowsy, too. It sure made my eyes feel heavy!

I also got work off tonight (he didn't want me to lift things and stuff today).

So hopefully my neck will be all better in a few days! If not I might get to go see a PT about my neck. Wow... PT twice and I'm not even 20 yet! My mom hasn't had to go to PT at all!! I'm so...special.

I hope my neck gets all good very soon! *hope hope*

(this isn't me, but they had me do these & 2 other "poses" for my x-rays)

Not being able to do some things, getting headaches, having a stiff neck, etc. is not very much fun! I think the headache is making my eyes go all buggy?

Well... I'm gonna go hunt down some food. ^_^

(PS. Can't wait for our MJ/chocolate cake party Becky! Whenever we have that...) :D

1 comment:

irish said...

get well very, very soon. i want you to feel wonderful in every way. lots of love