Thursday, May 6, 2010

Failure. . . .

I got a D- in Human Anatomy. An A- in Chem lab. Grades are not yet posted for Communications or Chem lecture. I'm hoping I passed those at least...

I also still have to do my Chem final. I've got until this Saturday.
I should study, but don't feel like doing much of anything at the moment.

I'm going to go shopping for material when my mom gets home.
I also need new work pants, because they're all retarded/dying.
Plus those shoes...

I have to work late again this weekend. Friday from 11pm to 3am. And Saturday from 6:30pm to 1am. . . . Stupid parties.

I'm stressed out. I feel sick. My head hurts. I feel like if I do try to eat anything, it might come right back up. Bleh. :'(

Maybe one of those projects will help? Drama and stress... I think that's about as far as I want to talk about it for now.

I'm looking forward to Sunday. We're going to my grandparent's for Mother's Day.
And in June there's the SF. and a few other things.

This year doesn't seem to be going much better than last. And last year sucked!!! (-_- )

Hope & pray things will work out and get better...


Beckle the Freckle said...

I just don't get that. Are you sure that's not a type your teacher did? Seriously? This does not make sense! UGH!!!

Last night was uber fun. Hope it cheered you up a bit anyway. We shall have to plan our MJ/Chocolate Cake party for next week. De-stress!

Beckle the Freckle said...

Er...that should say TYPO. I should really stop trying to write anything as I cannot make my fingers find the right keys these days.