Saturday, May 1, 2010

No Sleep+Annoying Girls+Picky People=Grumpy Me


Ok... there WERE some good parts.

Let's start with yesterday around 11. I get to work. This is when the girl scout thing is about to start. The first hour went really fast. Before we knew it, it was already 12:30.

Around 2am we had the girls go watch a movie (either How to Train Your Dragon, or that Miley Cyrus one...Love Song). If the girls didn't want to watch a movie they stayed & played or skated. We had about 7 girls and a leader. For the next hour we played games with them. Like the limbo or skittles or shark attack or a race. We even did the hokey pokey! (but only me, Kim, Christy & the GS leader did it)

After the movies were finished. The girls came back and the rink was the designated "zonk out" area. They had sleeping bags and pillows. Some had blow up mattresses. Some camped out in the lobby/amusements area.

This was around 3 or 4. We had to clock off for our break, but stay near just in case something happened and Alie needed us. We went to McDonald's and got food. We ended up going to Christy's (who lives nearby on Redwood) to get a few pillows and a sleeping bag.

We ate our food, then went to play on the rides and stuff. We went on the balloons and the merry-go-round and the bumper cars. We decided to go on that kid's play/crawl house thing. Talk about enclosed spaces!!! :(

I think that's part of why I'm so sore. Once we were done with that, we went back to Skate to see if Alie needed anything (I guess she either lost her phone, or it doesn't work...). She was asleep in the dj booth.

We went over behind the counter and sat and talked. We ended up laying out the sleeping bag and the pillows and all tried to sleep behind the counter. It didn't really work. The lights were still on over there (I guess they were the "night light"?) Christy was going to turn them off, but couldn't remember which switch went to that area... and she didn't want to flip them all and wake people up.

Some of the GSs were rather chatty. One started screaming her head off because she "saw a spider." Her friend told her there wasn't a spider! They ended up moving to the benches.... Right by where we were!

They kept talking and talking and talking and were whining! They would not SHUT UP! Finally Kim yelled at them to stop! (This was at about 5am) Someone on the other side of the room kept talking too I guess cuz a girl on the other side of the rink yelled at her to "shut up!" too.

Our girls started talking again and Kim ordered them to LAY DOWN! They did. and FINALLY stopped talking.

Alie came looking for us around 6:30. We were all laying there with stuff kinda over our heads trying to block out light/noise... She thought it was cute I guess cuz she was like "Aww..."

6:30 was when they started waking up the GSs to go. There were a few still waiting for parents when 7 came around. That was when Kim and I finally got our checks (cuz there was somebody actually at party desk!!!). Then I got to go home.

Alie was going to have me scheduled like Kim and Christy were... til 11am. There was a girl's quinceanera from 9 to 11. (They started showing up around 7 to decorate with balloons and whatnot). For some reason she didn't schedule me & scheduled Chris instead. So I went home.

I sang "My Girl" at the top of my lungs while I was driving home. It helped keep me awake (even though I was pretty awake anyway... I had a Full Throttle around midnight). There was an apple Kim had left in the car from our escapade to Mickey D's and to Christy's. So I ate that.

I got home at 7:30. Amber was sitting in the living room. Writing. I asked grumpily why she was up at 7:30. Meh... all well. Mom got up and started doing her morning ritual... Her kicks by the sink really.

She told me to go to bed. I did. But couldn't sleep. TOO MUCH LIGHT! I think I finally fell asleep around 8? I kept waking up.. so I didn't sleep very well. I got up at 2 and then went with my mom to drop Amber off at the church house for that Young Woman's thingy (the camp fundraiser). Then went to deposit our checks and get food. I guess Arby's ripped me off...? Ask my mom.

I got home and had to hurry and eat, then go back to work. I felt sick and had a headache. I felt like I was going to pass out... or fall over. Maybe both. People were picky and really irritating me. Grr!!!

Jamey left at 9. It was me and Jen the rest of the night. I was cleaning up so I could go home. I was still in skates. I went to pick up some garbage and turned weird. My skate caught a stupid pencil on the ground and I biffed! HARD! :'( It hurt. I landed on my keys. Chris and Jim were right there! They said I fell "gracefully" and that it happens to everyone. My palm was stinging and I was about ready to cry. Just another thing to add to what was already hurting. Jim and Chris helped me up and I went and finished cleaning. Clocked off. Went and washed my hands and changed to a lighter shirt. Went to the car. Drove home in the rain. It. Sucked.

Now here I am. I should sleep. But I don't feel like I could fall asleep. I feel awake. I'm so tired I can't sleep. Talk about lame. Uber gay. Not good.

Not. One. Bit.

I think I will either try to sleep, or go take a shower and some ibuprofen. Then go sleep. Maybe that will work. :)

OK. Good Plan.

Good night all. XOXOXO


irish said...

why do they do those crazy GS all night things? it would be better if they went home about 11 and everyone went to sleep. hope you are feeling better and that you finally got some sleep. you are a very cute athletic lady. i would like to see you skate sometime. love you lots and lots, your favorite really old person

M3@9@N said...

haha... maybe we could take you skating with us next time?!?!?! haha... ;) loves you!