Wednesday, May 12, 2010


So now the car has a HUGE dent in the back passenger-side door. I got hit on my way to pick up Amber from school.

We got to wait around for 2 hours waiting for the cop to show. Not. Fun.

I was pulling out of the neighborhood to go North (turning left) and they were on the shoulder and pulled out to go North. I think they were either picking someone up or talking to them (on the sidewalk). She didn't notice me & pretty much t-boned the car.

That pushed me back into the middle between the yellow lines.

There was another white SUV thing that looked a lot like her car that came up behind her... So at first I thought she was driving away! I started to get mad, then noticed that she was pulled to the side of the road. It was a different car!

I guess from what the cop said she was going to do a U-turn or something... but from the side of the road? IDK. I guess that's why she hit me and ended up turned South and ended up pulling to the other side of the road. (South-bound side)

Ugh... Not what I wanted to do today! --Wait around and stuff-- I got pics of both cars. Ours looks rather bad in comparison. You can't open that door. Their fender just got dinged up.

It took about 1/2 hour to get everything sorted out after the cop (finally) got there.

The lady that was driving...her husband wanted to know if we could get things fixed w/o getting insurance involved... My mom (who I called, then called 911) said that we thought the car might be rather banged up and probably need the insurance. Being our car looks rather sad and crater-ed...yeah.

I don't think anyone really got hurt... It was just me in the Crown & the chick driving the other car (a GMC Denali) had a girl (I think that's why she was on the side of the road, picking her up) with her.

Except 3 hours later my neck is feeling a little stiff & sore. It could be all the stress from the past week or so, or from the accident. I don't know... Becky says maybe mild whiplash? It feels like it's just tense and if I could get it to pop (which it won't) then it would feel better. You know that feeling?

When she hit me it felt like bumper-cars. You know how when you're going and then someone runs into the side of you? When you get shoved over... Just like THAT. So you'd think my neck wouldn't be bugging me...

Cameron said it feels kinda stiff. (He was rubbing it a little for me) ^_^

I've eating mini chocolate chips (I wanted chocolate & we had some in the fridge. plus my mom decided I'd had enough excitement for the day & didn't need more driving. I did drive us home, though) and watching random makeup videos. I really like some of the masquerade ones. It's makeup instead of an actual mask! Some of them are very pretty. They have like feathers & stuff glued to their faces. :)

PS my dad dropped my mom off where I was sitting with the car & got Amber. then he came back and sat with us while we waited for the loverly cop-man-sir to show. so she DID get picked up, just not by me.

1 comment:

irish said...

hope you're feeling better today. have a fun day. love you lots