Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Accident Prone

I hate how accident prone I am some days. Today I walked out of the in-laws' apartment (we were up there for the niece's birthday party. She's 3 now), walked down the steps, caught this little piece of sidewalk that was sticking up (you know how most never really line up... they rise up or down for the other part), tried to catch myself and then couldn't because I think my footing slipped on the icemelt on the cement. I ripped a bit hole in my favorite jeans. My knee has a big hole in it and already bled through 2 gauze pads. :(

I bet I'm going to have a scar from this. I scraped my hand a tiny bit but other than it stings, it looks fine. I also bruised my right knee. It was a kind of dark bruise at first but after about an hour it wasn't so dark.

Hubby is babying me now. He doesn't want me to walk around on it too much right now. He's sweet. :)

In other news, we have all our Christmas shopping done. We had it done a while ago. We are just waiting for Sunday. I am also almost done with my Tardis bag. I want to sew a liner for it. I have crochet'd a lot lately. I think I'm almost done with that for a while, too. Grandpa gave me a sewing machine (very excited!!) but the eye of the needle had broken off, so we had to go buy new ones. Luckily it wasn't some weird random size and we found the needles pretty easy. I can sew again! :)

Ok. Even though I don't work tomorrow, I am getting tired. SO.... I'm going to head to bed. Ta-tah!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

*wedding pictures*

***I have lots more on the FB if you wanna see them!***

Thursday, October 27, 2011


Changing my name at work and everywhere else (I haven't gotten school yet), working, school and moving/organizing the apartment has kept me busy!

The bug guy came here and sprayed for a whole 20 minutes tops. All he got was the seams on the couches, the bed and the recliner, the baseboards and the edges of the dresser. That's it. Mrs. Manager lady at the complex was freaking out because we weren't ready for him a whole 3 days after we signed the lease. Uh.... Trying to move from 2 houses & get the one semi-clean while moving to this one, going to school and work and trying to organize the place enough so he can come and spray the place will take longer than 3 days! Pfttt! All well. We got it done.

I am not doing so great at the school portion of my life right now. I am getting so burned out. None of my classes are very fun. (Although the immune system and how diseases work is finally getting interesting. Before that I would fall asleep in class... but part of it could be that I had a pretty bad cold-thingy and work in the morning and class late at night. Yeah...)

Also, as soon as I get the pictures of the wedding/reception I will post some. :)

And now for something random!at-at-dog2.gif

I still need to decide a costume for Monday!! I've been so busy I haven't actually decided on one. I did get candy for work and whatever. . . So I have done something. So you have to give me that. I wonder how many kiddies will actually be brought to work to trick-or-treat the cubies before I get off?? Hmmm.....

I think a Harley Quinn costume would be amazing but I think that will have to wait until next year. I have been way too busy this year. I think I will just round stuff up from years past... OR use what I have and do like a masquerade thing.... THAT would be fun. Paint a mask on my face?? :D

any of these would be fun! Or doing a rag doll of some sort. Like Sally or Raggedy Ann.... Hmmm

Saturday, October 1, 2011


Today we had my bridal shower! I've been super busy lately with work, school and planning the wedding. I will post pictures later!

I found some very awesome links!!

There are some fun quiet books that you can make! Star Trek & Star Wars.

Thursday, August 4, 2011


Drama. I hate all the drama. I get a lot lately. GAH!

I want to say so many things to so many people, but half of them either don't care or don't want to listen. Some of them are not the practice-what-you-preach types. Others I understand their concern but don't think they really did everything they are telling me to do in the same situation. I also know they would not change what they did, given the chance.

And others genuinely care. They will tell me why and not just insist that they are right & I am wrong and attack me if I don't do it the way they want me to do it. To those that do honestly care... thank you. <3

Some people are telling me what to do, when they have little experience in the matter. I love when people are so sure of what they are saying, but when it comes to themselves it's a whole different story. Does god/karma/the universe/the little pink fairies/the ancestors/any-other-being (great or small)-that-you-would-like-to-insert-here hate me?? Probably.

Sometimes I want to just give up. The whole reason I wanted to do things the way I am is because I want my family there. I want to share it with them. I want to do it before my little brother leaves for 2 years. I want a lot of things, but sometimes it seems the fairies don't agree. I want it to be happy, but so far it seems like all I'm getting is stress and drama from the people I want around (and even some I don't or could really care less about). I wish people would stop being so hypocritical. If you are part of my family and are reading this, know that I still love you and always will. I could just use a little less drama than what I'm getting. It's supposed to be happy. I do realize that everything could go horribly wrong and I could be unhappy. HOWEVER, it is possible everything will go wonderfully right and we will be blissfully happy.

I also knew that when I started saying I wanted to get married, I would be criticized all over the place. Top, bottom, diagonally, slant-wise.... That many people think I'm rushing, not old enough, not thinking at all.

Life is a gamble. Waking up in the morning is a blessing. Even walking out your front door is a gamble you take every day. You never know if you will find a $100 bill in the street or get hit by a semi. Life is life. You take what you get.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Rant About Work

I am looking for a new job. Why? Because I hate the one I am at right now. I've been there 2 1/2 years (it will be 3 in November) and now I seem to be getting blamed for things I didn't do (like cleaning the floor "wrong" when I wasn't the one cleaning the scrubber is a piece of crap) or getting stuck doing things Mrs. Boss didn't feel like doing the day before (when she was supposed to do it!) or because she was "busy" to do it.

When this happens I don't have any time to do the other things I was supposed to be doing that day. Not to mention that yesterday it was just me and one other girl, about 3 daycares and families coming in. I got stuck doing this other stuff and therefore could not help the other girl, could not play games with the mass of small children, and could not restock things. This was awesome.

I almost had to sit-in on the GM meeting for Mrs. Boss because she is out of town for the next week for derby. I couldn't go sit there for a few hours (they usually talk for 2+ hours) and leave the girl downstairs all by herself! So that was a no-go. I didn't really want to sit-in for her anyway.

While I was trying to count this huge amount of $, the security guard had to sit there and oversee (so I don't get tempted to steal it, or so I don't get mugged.... something like that). He kept getting calls from the other departments, but couldn't leave. It was just him because the guy in charge of security was up in the GM meeting. It's so fun trying to count or roll tons of coins while having small children yelling out big numbers trying to guess how much I had there behind the counter.... UGH! --Yes! It's a lot of money. Please, go do something else! There is no way I had a "hundred-million-bagillion" dollars there... I am pretty sure one of us would die of old age before I got that all counted, anyway.

It seems to me like I get yelled at, while Mrs. Boss gets a slap on the wrist for screwing up. This I don't appreciate. I also have only ever gotten 1 write-up the entire time I've worked there & that was because I was super tired and forgot we had put another till into the till drawer. Then didn't count it out and had to ring everything in... I ended up being the second till amount short. This was during the hockey tournament & I got very minimal amounts of sleep. I also was NOT used to waking up at 5 am. Not used to functioning like that, when I'm usually there at either 10-11am 'til 5pm, or 5pm 'til 11pm. SO, I blame my situation. Yup.

I could transfer departments, but I really don't want to stay in that building... I am just not excited to go to work anymore. There are a few people I would miss, but several I would not. Every once-in-a-while I have fun playing games and whatever, but if they don't listen I get irritated and almost want to yell at them. :(

Therefore, I am looking for an assisting job. There is one in Taylorsville that says you would be working at the front desk Mondays & Thursdays, and doing assisting stuff on Tuesdays. It was posted the 29th(?) of June. I wonder if it's still available? I have to write up my resume. Gah... :/

There are some other ones that want me to have tons of experience or have certifications for everything. Some I would have to renew, others I've never had or heard of. Like for coronal polishing... Never even knew they had certifications for that....

I really want one with benefits and no crappy hours that are not predictable in the least (like now... it's always different and if something comes up (like a party, graduation, girlscout sleepover, etc), I could be stuck there from 10 and night til 7 the next morning). I need one that would work around school. That would be AWESOME if I could get one with all that! :)
Still looking, but want a new one VERY soon.

(P.S. They still get my name wrong. My boss can't spell it right for some reason.... I always write it the RIGHT way, she always spells it the "normal" way. She can get the other girl's right... Maybe that is because she has a weird name? Very different "black-girl" name some might call it. I think even on my checks they spell it wrong. The bank loves to ask which one is the right spelling. I tell them they have it right, work has it wrong.)

Monday, July 18, 2011


I went shopping auntie/sister Bexie today! We found a few wedding dress patterns we both liked. They were even on sale (for $1!!) so we got 2 that we might use. We are planning on lookin around at the loverly stores tomorrow before they close (because they was closed by the time we met up today). I'm excited! :)

I hope we find something good! Ahhh.... It's so hard to decide on things because there is so much stuff that is CUTE (and lots that is very not-so-cute)! We were looking at stuff online and in the sewing books for patterns and making fun of poses and just designs of dresses... Oh my wow... o_O
Talk about scary! Hahaha...

Sunday, July 3, 2011

+ Organizing My Space +

It would be nice to have everything look sooo organized like that, but I have much more than 3 pairs of pants, 3 dresses, 3 pairs of shoes & 10 shirts....

And my closet looks nothing like this (set up, I mean). I think I will need to take my porcelain dolls out from my top shelf. Oh, but where to put them??

I really want to organize my room. It's just that usually when I start I'm totally psyched about it, then I start getting rather bored with it. I've been looking at different sites trying to find inspiration for my closet space and what to do with things I want to keep. I also need to decide what to ditch (stuff that I never use and *hopefully* won't miss) and what to keep around. It proves to be difficult every time. I could end up with so much extra room! I love buying cool boxes to put my stuff in! I have lots of room for shoes (a hanging rack on my door & a shoe carousal thingy), but I have to get rid of some of my shoes... You know, so I can get more! Hahaha! :P

I found a book that I am going to check out from the library & see if it helps. We shall see. I especially need to get rid of lots of things if I am gaining a roommate so-to-speak in September! :)

Actually it's kind of the other way around. I'm moving in with him. Lots of changes coming soon! That means lots of stress.... but stress in a good way.

Isn't this shoe thing cool?! I kinda want one! Or find one that would fit boyfriend's shoes.... He has a problem with shoes too..... o_O

Monday, June 13, 2011


I just sent in my application! I didn't put together the resume. I was having a very hard time deciding what to say. . . and every outline I saw was different. So I didn't know which one I wanted to use. :( All well. I'm sure it will be ok without it.

Boyfriend was having a very bad day. One of those the-world-hates-my-guts type of days where nothing goes right. You know how I mean. On top of that he's having like asthma attacks or something! I'm not really sure what to call it, but he has had 2 episodes of not-breathingness today. Not. Good. :(

I took him to get some of his favorite food (the spicy chicken asiago sammy from Wendy's!) and some allergy medicine, so he's feeling a little better. I hope the drugs we got him help. He says nothing hurts, he just closes off and can't breathe.

Poor boyfriend. I hope his day is better tomorrow. I hope mine doesn't suck tomorrow. That would be great...... o_o

Sunday, June 12, 2011


trying to put together a resume, because i have no idea where the first one i made went to. i am not liking trying to think of how i want to word things & what i want to say about myself. it's difficult.... :\

i also really need to get to bed so i will not be extremely tired tomorrow at work. blah.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Jobz, Carz & Stuff

I think the only party this week is a Graduation over-nighter, but I don't have to work that night. Yay!

They keep switching us around, though. I guess the other girl forgot to ask for certain times or certain days off. She has family coming here from New Jersey. Then the boss forgets that she has to work the morning shift on Thursday because she has t
o do something... So most of my schedule has been flipped around. Awesome...

I have been trying to find my resume, but don't know where it went. I might just have to go off the notes from my dental class & then add on to that from what I have done since then. So I need to do that.

I also need to look for cars & other jobs. Mom said something about where my uncle works. So I guess it's between that and finding a dental job. I'm getting sick of working where I am. It's nice being able to ask for certain days off, but it's irritating when you need a day off & can't get it because there are only 2 people to cover for you and half the time they are busy or just can't
for whatever reason.

Ms. Boss will have to pick another manager soon. She's been putting it off for a while because she doesn't want to rush it. Thing is she has a huge hard ball tournament next month that is a week long. It will be more of a fiasco than the last 2 weeks. I think Jim said something about it going from 5am to like midnight. Screw that! Especially if there are only 3 of us to work it! No way, Jose! I might not even be working there by then... I sure hope not. If that's the case, Ms. Boss will need to hire 2 new managers. That ought to be loads of fun! Ha!

We will see....
I am getting so sick of it. Some days are fun, but not as much lately.

And now for something Completely Different.....

Friday, May 27, 2011

work is hectic

I hate mornings. I am so slow to do anything in the morning.

I have worked every day this week. Today was the first day I actually got a break. I have had to be there by 8:30 and have stayed til about 3 most days. I will have to stay til 5 tomorrow, then we (the boys mostly) will play zombies at boyfriend's. I will probably fall asleep on the couch or go take over his bed.... Hmmmmm.....

That's what happened last Saturday.

I have also decided I really Don't Like UTA. They are obnoxious! They keep temporarily discontinuing stops I need. They changed the times on me the other day and didn't even change the schedule online til a few days later. 2 days in a row I waited at the stop for about 45 minutes for a bus that is supposed to come every 15. I had to call for a ride so I wouldn't be an hour or more late for work. One of the temporarily discontinued stops say that the 35max bus will not stop there, but to either walk to the mall or to catch the 35 bus. Now doesn't that sound like the 35 will stop there but the 35max will not?? The stupid driver gave me a lecture how he's not supposed to stop there and blah blah blah... So why did he if he can't???? Idiot!

I would have to walk up past redwood road for the next bus stop, which is the opposite direction. There is a stop before redwood, but there is construction everywhere on 3500 south by Decker Lake Dr. that the sidewalks are all torn up and blocked off and you can't walk there. How am i supposed to get to a bus stop if I can't use the sidewalk?

My PF has been acting up because I have been walking so much and mostly because I have been running around all over the place at work. My knees kept popping the other day. :(

I was getting very angry the other day when we had a huge group of kids come in. I had to repeat myself 150 times (not an exaggeration), I felt like I was going hoarse, I didn't feel very good (knees/legs & stomach), and I had no energy.

The last few days I took an energy drink with me. Today was very slow so I didn't drink one. By the time I got off work I had a huge headache from the caffeine withdraws. :(

It also figures that today was pretty slow and easy & we had extra help. The last few days were super busy and crazy and the girl that was supposed to come help us kept flaking. One day she forgot, the next she couldn't get a baby sitter, the next she had taken work off from her department so she thought she didn't have to come help us (and not tell us). Another day her dad was in the hospital. Today & yesterday we had a different girl help us. The only problem we had with her was that she decided to go on break today and not tell us. She told one of the other employees who said it was "ok" but she didn't.... She really needed to tell one of us managers. Gah! At least it wasn't too busy, right? I don't know how the party department does their thing, but we don't do it that way obviously.

We also have parties next week.... blargh! It will be just as crazy.

I will be happy when these groups are done. And I don't have to be there for 8 hours with no break because it's way too busy to lose anyone's help.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

A Very Short Post

Oh boyfriend. He's so cute! (He loves when I say that, donchaknow?) We decided that we can push it off a few months (plus Dad said he would schedule the building out farther for weddings). Boyfriend also told me that he just wanted to mess with me. Boys love to do that for some reason. At least he's being a bit more helpful than "whatever is ok with me." :)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I work every day next week! I am not looking forward to Monday where I will be there all day. I mean all day. From 8:30am to 9:30pm. On the plus side.... more hours=more $$$ for wedding/car/etc!

Boyfriend is still doing the "do whatever and it is fine with me" thing.... but that is not the helpful I wanted. I want input! At least I will have Pinkie & Kim & Mom to help me decide, right?! If anyone else wants to help with my cause.... that would be lovely! Haha

You know, Grandma and Bexie were saying October would be a good time, but we just scheduled the building the other day... and there will be school and stuff to work around. We were going to do it in September until I told boyfriend that Jessie is getting married the day before the one we were thinking. So he decided it was a no-go.

Pushing it off a few months would be nice, but I also kinda wanna get it over with. I know the longer I have the more stuff I will find that have to be just so, or I will want to change things or whatever else. It's fun, but rather stressing to plan and decide. I'm glad we're doing it easy. I couldn't imagine inviting 300+ people, getting really expensive stuff, really elaborate decorations, AND planning out exactly where everyone is going to sit and what they will eat. That is more stress than I really want. Plus boyfriend wants it super easy, but I want a reception and I don't want to run down to Vegas or something... haha

I still have to figure out when I can do lunches with people next week! Also, when I'm meeting up with Kim & Pinkie...

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Lookin Like...

From what it's looking like, we will have to go with July 16th (or the 9th but this would give us an extra week). That seems to be the only day that is really open for where we want to do it. That gives us about 2 months to get everything finished! I guess it's not as bad as that girl on Bridezillas that only had 3 weeks to plan because they were dumb and picked very very close!

I think there are only a few things we really need to decide on (and boyfriend is not being very helpful because he keeps telling me to pick/plan stuff and he will be ok on whatever. I want his input dagnabit! Our colors are midnight blue (his favorite color), burgandy (my favorite color) and we are throwing a light silver in there so it's not so dark. (^_^)

It almost looks patriotic. haha...

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

skool an' stuff

Today was the day. What, do you ask, is this the day for?!
Well, my fine furry (or non-furry, as the case may very well be) friends... The day my last bits of homework were due!!

Anything I had not turned in for psychology was due by midnight (which happens to be 13 minutes ago), so she better have received everything I sent her via email. I sent it to her AND put it in my ePortfolio which is linked to my school page. If she didn't get it, it is not my fault. Ha!
Yesterday was my chemistry final, and I *hopehopehope* that I passed the stupid class. The last time I took it, it was so very difficult to follow the professor. He is sooo ADHD that he was bouncing off the walls. By the nearly end of the semester I was tuning him out when I went to class. Bad. I know. But you would totally understand if you went to that class. Not only was he uber hard to follow on his adventurings of random thought and tangents, he reminded me of a emo/skater Spock. o_O And he was like 50 years old. And from New Orleans. (I say Spock because he totally has the Vulcan haircut and black hair.) Don't get me wrong. He was nice. It was just so hard to pay attention in class when he starts talking about "making sure that when you buy a house, you get it checked for meth or other drugs" or talking about some book/movie that he really really likes. He also really likes dirtbiking or something like that. Heaven forbid you get him off subject. If he was actually talking about class material, chances are he will do it himself. You really want to get as much actual class time during class as humanly possible for him....
And then there's the lab professor I had. She had a very thick Spanish accent. There were even a few chemistry terms she didn't know how to say in English. So she would say them in Spanish and hope someone in the class could translate for her. :@

I was shocked when I got an A in her class. We never knew when things were due either.

So back to what I was saying. . . The professor I had this time around was much better! She made sure the class understood before moving on to the next topic. The only problem I had was that class got cancelled SO. MUCH. this semester. Both chem AND psychology were cancelled a ton! Either the professor was sick, or their kid was sick, or something came up (with the chem prof. it was usually her other job had something come up (like the judge ordered a court thing at the same time as class...) or her kid/she was sick). I think psyc she was sick a lot.

That reminds me of my dental assisting class. Carma was sick a lot or had things come up, like they thought her dad was going to die like 4 times, so she went out of state to see him. (The last time this happened he really did, though.)
Maybe that was getting me ready for professors that do that, too?? Hmmmmmm.....


So boyfriend gets to go in on the 16th to get his lipomas taken out. Doesn't that sound like SO much fun?! Haha... so I think I will ask for that day off work so I can go up with him. Plus, he wants me with him.

Also, for those of you that don't know (cuz I haven't really talked about it a whole lot) boyfriend has become to fiancée, but it sounds funny to call him that. I still call him boyfriend. It's like a nickname... haha :)

(he got a moonstone instead of a diamond, so it wouldn't be typical, but still be pretty for a temporary... until we get the actual rings)

We just haven't decided on when, yet.
We will get everything decided on eventually. :)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Ahhhhhh..... Cars

I was thinking about buying a '90 cheve cavalier from my friend. . . It only had ~82000 miles. Manual. Just needed a new driver's seat belt, wiper blades, a few tires, and the struts & suspension would eventually need to be fixed.... maybe. They said it might not even need to be fixed.

I told her that I would think about it and tell her tomorrow. Then she just text me saying she sold it. At least she sold it. I suppose I won't have to worry about fixing it. Cleaning the whole inside. Fixing the seat where it ripped a little. I do have to find a different car, though. I will have to learn to drive a stick some other time. Also, I guess for around the same price I was gonna pay for that one in the end I could pay for a different car that is newer and I hopefully won't have to do as much work on. o_O

We Shall See

Monday, April 4, 2011

Stupid Tranny!

If you can't tell by the picture, I'm not talking about a cross-dresser. The transmission in the Suburban went out on my way between work and class.

It was fine in the parking lot, but when I got out on the road it just wouldn't change gears or anything. It would rev. I pulled over and turned it off, then tried turning it on and driving again. It would still turn on, but it wouldn't move. :(

So I got to take a very exciting trip in the tow truck! Can I just tell you that riding in a flat-nosed tow truck on the freeway is scary?! Plus the driver kept getting calls. Not cool, man! It sounded like HIS truck didn't wanna shift much either....

I missed my class, and I have to go back to work at 4 for a meeting. The shop just called up not too long ago and told Dad what was wrong with it. Ugh... Something in the transmission went out. So it looks like we're down to 1 car for the time being & I really hope that the bus is not ridiculous. *hope hope* At least I only really need to get to work and school, so that shouldn't be too hard. I just need to tell the boss-man (-woman? "man" sounds better) that I can't close certain days or I'll be screwed. o_O

All that said, we WERE going to go bowling for my dad's birfday today.... BUT it doesn't look like that's going to happen. We won't be able to fit everyone in the Crown.

I also have to write down a list of 10 things in my life right now that are sources of stress. I have to put them in the order I think they should go in for what causes me the most stress. (There is good and bad stress out there, just fyi for those that don't know!) This list is for my Psychology class tomorrow. I'm def putting work, car issues, my sore neck (that still feels stiff from my accident last year!) and other parts (like my knee), and a few other things.

How's about this?! Put YOUR stress list up and make sure you rank them!

We've been talking about stress in that class. We talked mostly about how it affects your body. Like how you are tired even though you got plenty of sleep, you cry a lot for no apparent reason, dry skin & hair, cold hands & feet all the time.... that's all I remember off the top of my head.

The prof was saying that sometimes stress gets misdiagnosed as depression and so they give you antidepressants. Then your thyroid (pretty sure that's what it was...?) tried to compensate for the drugs and you swing the other way and you get aggravated easily and stuff. Then they misdiagnose AGAIN and give you anti-anxiety drugs... Now doesn't that sound fun??

Anywho, I think that could explain a ton! It would explain why my hands and feet are cold all the time when they never used to be. And why my skin feels dry-er than usual. And how little things will set me off and I tear up... It's like all of those stress symptoms! ACK! ( -_-)

I don't like it....stupid stress. And stresses --like she told us in class-- don't stay in their own little files. They pile up. I suppose the car decided it wanted to be another lump in the pile today... :\

I don't know about you, but I could really use one of these buttons right now...

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Once Again

I have decided I need to go see a dentist. I'm thinking I might have a cavity. o_O
I really hope not, but it happens. Gah!

The thing is, I don't have any insurance... The last several times I tried, I would get a letter in the mail saying I was still covered under my parents. Then I would stop trying to get coverage and they would tell me I am not covered. How stupid are they?? grrr...

They would say I wasn't covered because I was 18. Then say I was still covered until I turned 19. Back and forth and back and forth!

So I just gave up for a while. Luckily they actually DID still cover me when I got my wisdom teeth out (that was the October before I turned 19).

I think it might be safe now to try it again. Being I'm 20 and they can't be obnoxious in that sense. I just don't want to wait on the phone for 2 hours. The ridiculous thing is that most of that 2 hours was spent on hold! Stupid people!!!

I really hope it works out. I would just go to SLCC, but all they do is like check-ups and stuff. They don't do fillings. If I need a filling(s) they won't be any use. :(

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Goings On

Why does the boss like to ask last minute if I can come in super early the next day? I got a call at 11:30-ish asking if I would come in at 8 tomorrow. I went in 3 hours early today. I would be going 3 hours early tomorrow, too. --That is IF I had said yes.

I'm not. I'm finishing a few things. Then going in.

8 might not be early to some of you out there... but it's early for me! I don't like mornings.

I guess they're (my family, Becky, etc.) aren't going to the Holi Festival of Colors tomorrow being it's supposed to rain. What's the point of throwing colored chalk at each other if it's raining and you can't exactly throw the chalk?? Ehh....

Today boyfriend and I went to buy him some kitchen stuffs. Like pots & pans & cooking utensils & such. ((one of his roommates took all the cooking pans and stuff downstairs and won't let anyone use them... granted they are her's, but she's being ridiculous lately and complaining about everything. she offers all her stuff to the new people, then she gets mad that someone has been using her stuff.... why offer if you don't want them to use your soap or drink your soda--that you claim you don't drink anyway--or anything else?? simple solution. don't offer!))

So getting him new stuff was uber fun! You don't even know how fun it was! Hahaha...

I have also decided what I am getting Dad for his birfday! It's being shipped. :)

Friday, March 11, 2011

** FiNaLlY **

I finally got my Dental Assisting certificate, but it got my name SO. WRONG.

"Megan Vernan"

*facepalm* I even wrote my name ON the ENVELOPE. Everything in my stuff has the SAME SPELLING! How do you screw that up?! Grrr.... >8[

I found the PERFECT cake for boyfriend!!! It's so cute!! I think he would LOVE IT! These are some of the other ones I found...

I'm sure you have heard about the earthquake in Japan. Boyfriend has family that is in N. Japan. He stayed up most of the night wondering if they were ok and what was going on. He said his cousin got online (probably via his cell phone) and said that the only problem was that they had no power. That's good. :)

He also gained a step dad today! His mom and her long-time bf tied the knot today. It's good that they all like him. He didn't like his last one (the dad of his siblings).

I work most of the day tomorrow. I have a meeting in the morning, then go back a few hours later... Woot..

Sunday, March 6, 2011


So I have to do a paper and presentation for my psychology class. I found a topic (it's for psychology in the media) about germs/germaphobes when it comes to staying in hotels from CNN. But I think I am going to get a lot more out of a different article from the NY Times about eating disorders. Although when I read it it seemed to be more about how so-and-so M.D. or Mr. Ph.D can change America's eating habits virtually over night by, for example, saying that meat is very bad for you and will kill you if you eat too much of it. When in the first place people have been eating tons of meat for years and never had much of a problem with it. *sigh*

I'm getting kind of bored of classes... Sometimes psychology is cool. I really liked the other day talking about memory. She talked about ways to make your memory better. She said that you have to sleep because that's the only time the hippocampus really starts doing it's thing. It's the one that does the sorting and storing and remembering bits. If you don't sleep you don't really store any new information. What you store in your memory is only about 7 items (plus or minus 2). There are ways of "cheating" like with phone numbers. You chunk.

Chunking would be like remembering a phone number. Instead of remembering them all as separate numbers (ex 8017463524) you put them into groups which make them all units of info. So with 801-555-1234 it's a group of 3= 1 item. So with the phone number you are only remembering 3 items. See?

I have to finish my paper thingy cuz it's due this week. I also have to have a list of minerals memorized using a method my group picked out... We have to use the same method and we have to have all of them memorized. I think by Tuesday? I have been procrastinating...

I have a feeling this week will be busy. I work pretty much every other day, I have school Monday-Thursday, and I have a few other things I have to do outside of school. Busy, busy, busy.

Friday, February 11, 2011


Boyfriend finally got a call back today from Convergys! He's got a job doing inbound calls and the like. He's uber excited!

I'm rather glad, too. Now he can stop being depressed that "no one will hire him."
He starts Monday for training.

I called Carma today about my not receiving my certificate(s) for dental assisting. She says the reason is because it's been very busy there: open house yesterday, midterms today... But don't stop calling til I have it!

Agh! It's getting old trying to get her to send it to me.
She also said that they are using a new system and they have to figure out how to print the stupid things out. They have to get me in their system and get all the right logos in the right places and all that jazz. **roll my eyes**

My job is ok lately. Djuana and I came in today because there was supposed to be an elementary coming in again, but apparently the agreement they had with Jim ended last week? I don't know. What I do know is that we sat there for an hour today and got paid to do it.

I also am not sure if I'm supposed to be going in tomorrow at 8 to do hockey scoreboard or not. I asked Mrs. Boss-man and she wasn't sure. She said she would check with Jim, but I haven't heard back since. If I don't hear back, then I will assume that they don't need me. On the plus side I won't have to go in super early just to leave and come back again at 5.

Being I work tomorrow night the boys played Zombies last night at Boyfriend's. They've been doing it every Saturday night for a while now. They have fun doing it. Sometimes Amber goes & sometimes she doesn't.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Feeling Sickly

I think it started (really) yesterday? My throat started feeling icky the day before...

I woke up this morning and my throat felt so yucky and like it was closing. I have had to start icing my neck again. It feels so stiff. It keeps popping. It's giving me a headache. My ears were ringing part of the day yesterday, too.

Today I have felt a little light-headed, headache-y, my neck where it connects to my head hurts, parts of my back randomly hurt. On top of all that my knees decided to act up and want attention, too!

Boyfriend was lovely and rubbed out my neck. It was lovely. ^_^ It helped for a bit.

I had a wee fever when I got up today and felt very warm. I put my hair up & hair-sprayed it (my aussie hairspray smells like grapes!) but the hairspray smell lingered and messed with my headache. :(

I couldn't remember if I had my chem test today or not. I get there and was SO happy when I found out it was just a review day! The test is next week.

I was feeling much better and took boyfriend to his doctor appointment. Turns out his MRI for his knees came back as normal. He got blood taken, which came out as normal. He is going to go see ortho about the knees (and shoulder? don't remember) and a dermatologist about why he keeps breaking out on his arm. Also going to get some (more) lipomas removed... I'm sure he'll be SO thrilled I'm telling you this. Haha... :) Other than that, they don't know why his knees are acting up and what's wrong with them. At least his shoulder they have some idea. Probably just didn't completely heal right from the 4 surgeries done on it. Found out one of the reasons he had stuff done to it was it had been fractured. He hadn't been told that before. You'd think they'd have mentioned it....

My head is starting to feel unpleasant again, and even thought I took cough stuff. :(

I hate being sick.

I should go ice my neck again...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I just finished writing my journal post #2 for psychology and emailed it in! It's due in about 23 hours, so now I don't have to hurry and write it all tomorrow morning before class. Woot!

I (hopefully) am getting paid tomorrow (and getting w2s??). I should be getting my certificates (finally!) for dental assisting. My mom has been bugging me about seeing Carma for the past almost 2 years, and Zac for most of the time we have been dating (which will be 6 months on the 9th!!!!)

Cameron wanted to go back to GTI after his field trip thingy to Sundance got over early. He thought it would take all day, but it didn't and so he wanted me to give him a ride up there. (He wanted to go to the last little bit of class.) Zac told me since I was already going to be up there, I might as well see if I could talk to her about it. She was still there and I found my stuff and she said she would finish the last bit of paperwork and submit it to the state. I should be getting it by Friday. That should make it lots easier to get a dental assisting job! :) (don't need the certificate to actually be an assistant, but I'd rather have it. Zac says he'd feel better if I had it than working without it.)

I have to wake up and read about my part of the neuron (the release, binding, and up-take) for our "interpretive dance" we are supposed to be doing in our groups tomorrow for psychology. Interpretive dance... weird.

Also, on Tuesday I found out that the chemicals at work in your brain when you are in the first stages of love (aka infatuation/lust) are very similar in composition to certain drugs... the chemicals at work are dopamine (similar structure to cocaine), norepinephrine (vid said noradrenaline, similar structure to meth), and phenylethylamine (similar to chocolate). So it's like you are on cocaine, meth and chocolate when you are infatuated with someone. How weird!?!? hahaha...

This state of mind can last for up to 4 years! When it wears off, if it's not really love, then you get the "what the heck was I thinking" situation. When it's really love, you have oxytocin and dopamine working in your frontal lobes!

A guy in class asked that if that was the case, that couldn't you hypothetically make a love potion out of those drugs? The instructor decided that that class could get dangerous. Hahaha

Well, good night all you coke-meth-choco heads!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I am feeling very unmotivated these days. Maybe you would call it lazy?

School seems to be dragging on and getting boring. I feel like I have been going for forever, but not really going anywhere fast.

At work things have started to change because one of the General Managers was caught stealing money. Apparently she was not ringing stuff in for what was bought for skate, but was giving the people wristbands and pocketing the money. She admitted to $10,000. The guy in charge of the building thinks it's closer to $35-40,000 she took over the course of about 2 years. The funny thing is that she was studying to be a lawyer. Her doing this is what was making our department have very bad numbers.

This has been making the boss-man rather...paranoid. Now he's always looking over everyone's shoulders and thinking everyone is stealing from him, or thinking about it.

Boyfriend and Mom have been telling me I need to go hunt down Carma and get my certificate for assisting. Then I can stop working where I have been for the past 2+ years, where it seems I end up doing everything... More than the other managers seem to do most days. I seem to get in trouble for stupid stuff the most, too. It gets very irritating.

Now I'm only working 2 days a week and she still wants me to do all the stuff I usually did on Fridays. She just expects me to shove it all in on Saturday, when there are tons of parties and throngs of little kids roaming the rink. When it's like that, I don't really have much time to do anything but keep the crowd entertained (ex. play games), listen to annoying people that complain about anything and everything, make sure my people are doing what they are supposed to be doing, and make sure the music doesn't pop up with anything "bad."

Doesn't that sound like a full plate already??
(I also "get" to go in at 8am --3 hours early-- to do the scoreboard for hockey... So I am uber tired on saturdays. I hate mornings...)

I also have school. This means homework.

Some days it's still fun. But on the other hand I'm always wondering what they're going to do next. What they will accuse me (or anyone else) with. With them "stepping" things up, even people that are innocent may end up taking a fall because of how fire-happy things seem to be pointing these days...
About 3 people in skate in the last few weeks. And I haven't a clue at how many in the other departments... Sounds like quite a few.

An assisting job would pay more AND be much less stressful. The downside is that I have to get used to waking up eArLy o_O ugh...

I don't think I could work at a new job unless they would let me get off before noon, when my first class starts. Maybe.

Then there is trying to find a good place. At least I could start out at like $12/hr... That would be awesome.


Just because they really are out to get you doesn't mean you aren't paranoid.
--Steven Brust

Being slightly paranoid is like being slightly pregnant - it tends to get worse.
--Molly Ivins

And I know I'm paranoid and neurotic, I've made a career out of it.
--Thom Yorke

I'm not a paranoid derranged millionaire. Goddamit, I'm a billionaire.
--Howard Hughes

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


So Zac and I were watching Dinner for Schmucks the other day. I had to show him some Flight of the Concords stuff... He decided he liked Jemaine more with the beard and long hair. Haha!

He also told me some of my sense of humor is a little weird. (For example I like them, and Mr. Bean... among other things.) However, there are plenty of things I like that he does, too. Then some stuff he likes that I think is kinda.... blah?

I found out today that I don't have to take the chem lab with the lecture. They are "separate" and I can take them at different times. Considering I took it before and I passed the lab with an A-, but the lecture I needed a C+ and got a C... I have to take the lecture anyway. I think it's kind of stupid to take the lab again if I don't have to. Don't you?

Alie sent me a text today after I got out of class saying she needs me to work on Saturday morning at 7:45... in the MoRnInG o.O On the schedule it says 11am. I have to be there 3 1/4 hours early! She wants me to control the scoreboard for hockey, when the only thing I know is (kind of) how to change it back to the clock setting. And that takes a bit of time for me to remember what to do.

She says they'll tell me what to do. They better be patient. Especially considering I don't wake up that early anymore. Ever. (Ok.. the rare occasion when I randomly wake up at, say, 4am. But I go back to sleep!) It's a good thing I didn't have anything planned in the morning that day, huh?

At least more hours = more green in the pink bunny wallet.

And now I should probably go to bed so I will wake up for my 12 o' clock class tomorrow, huh? :P

hugs&kisses <3

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


School started yesterday.

I had work right after. When I drove home from work, I was hitting SO many potholes most of the way home. Ugh! They're not like little potholes, or anything. They're massive!

I already have homework. I have a lot to do... Blah.
All well. So far I like my professors. :)

My chem prof isn't crazy and bouncing off the walls. Changing the subject every 10 minutes. She stays on subject. And she realizes we may have other things going on, like work or families.

It's so cold outside. :( I do, however, like that even though it gets dark early, it's not at 5 or so. It's a little later. Yay! Spring is on it's way.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Poor Sad Boyfriend

Zac's dog (one of the family dogs growing up) died today. He went up there tonight because he was told they were going to put him to sleep tomorrow, so he wanted to go say goodbye.

Boyfriend told me that about a week or 2 ago Bobby (his mom's bf) and himself were talking about how much longer they thought he'd last. They were thinking about another year... And then he started just going pretty fast.

When he got to Layton, Zac sent me a text saying that he had already died. He went on his own. Poor Dozer. He'd been having issues getting around and couldn't even go up or down the stairs anymore. Zac tells me he was a chocolate lab and that he was 16 years old.

Poor ZacZac. He's so sad. :(