Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Friggin snow....

ok... So I was off at work yesterday... my mom was out shopping for stuff for Jarom's b-day thing.
I get off and call home to see what they're doing. (and to tell Jarom that I couldn't get signed up for Holmes. the lists were too full)

It turns out that my mom was off stuck at WinCo. *sigh* I didn't even know WHERE WinCo is. Great. I got off at 6. I asked when she had called... she'd been there since about 5:30-ish.

I guess she had gone out to the car and tried to start it, but it wouldn't turn over. Nice...
The lights would turn on. But no engine. Lovely...
So she called back and told me where WinCo is.

So I get there and find her. We sit there and wait for the tow truck. IT WAS UBER COLD!! My mom at least had boots and gloves and a big coat on. I was there with canvas tennis shoes, my work pants, no gloves, no hat... We sat there waiting.... and waiting. The tow truck was going to be a while. He was coming from an accident up in Parley's. With how slippery the snow was, and how slow the cars were moving and everything... it was definitely gonna be a while. At least we could go sit in the store. BUT we had to wait by the doors so we'd know when the truck showed up. So we sat by the cold doors.

There was this security guard (Louis) who came over to help us.... turns out he does a lot of work on cars (part time mechanic or something). He went and had a look-see at the car. He checked the battery --fine. Good power and everything. He checked some of the connections. They seemed to be ok. Hmm....

In the end, he basically told us what Gines told Mom on the phone --it was probably the starter. Yay... *rme* I guess at least that shouldn't be too hard to fix...

We waited for the tow truck. We finally left WinCo around 7:30. Mom wanted to follow/meet the driver over at the shop. Just to make sure he took it to the right place and everything.

He kept telling her she could just go home and he'd take care of it. She thought he was in a rush to get rid of us. I told her he probably figured she was cold and not very happy... probably wanted to go home. But she wanted to make sure it got there ok and she knew what was going on. I drove us over in the suburban (which I'm happy to say wanted to leave with us instead of a tow truck --unlike the dumb crown).

IT HURT TO DRIVE! Frozen digits + pressing on a stupid pedal = PAIN! They were all tingly. :( Not to mention my knee decided to start acting up, too.... Geez! :'( NO BUENO!!!!

We FINALLY get home and I can change in to warmer clothes! (can you hear the halleluja chorus too?) I put on leggings and pajama pants and thick socks and another shirt and a thick sweater! :D Happy day...

So this morning I took Mom to drop off the keys to the crown to Gines. Then to work. I then proceeded to go home, pick up Dad and take him to see the doctor. We hung out there... he got x-rays and all that jazz. Turns out he's got strep (on one side of his throat) and the start of pneumonia. Great, just great.

We drop off the prescriptions. Went and got food. Went home.

Mom calls. I go pick her up. Drive home. She eats and takes the car back to work. I sit here... in my pj's... writing. In the warm house. No stupid drivers. No snow covering my boots or soaking my pant legs. No cold wind freezing any bare skin. Just warm, comfy couch... my computer, and listening to various tracks on my mp3. (MJ, dane cook, elvis, etc.)

Not to mention Dad's inside... out of the cold. Hopefully he'll get better --AND FAST! We really don't want him back in the hospital. That would be bad. After all, he says he feels like he did back before he ended up in the hospital back in June.

Talk about a lot of crap. >:[ I'm pretty sure this stuff is going around, too.

Oh!! also.... I get to work tomorrow (new year's eve) from 9:30 pm to 7 am the next morning. I go home and sleep the day away, and then go back to work at 6:30 on the 1st. Ugh.... it BETTER be slow... anyone that shows up will probably get a portion of my wrath!! >:] Mwahahah..... I can be a beast if I feel like it. And I better get food in the morning. No sleep + no food... if you know me... you know I LOVE food!! someone will die.

Anyway... happy holidays..... :S

Sunday, December 27, 2009

mix cd

so i've decided to do something for my buddie... brianna!!! i'm gonna do a mix cd and have this little commic stip sort of thing explaining it! i was getting random songs for the mix to begin with.... then i noticed a bit of a theme. lol.

here are some songs i've got:
-poor unfortunate soul
-fool for love
-you can't win
-just fell in
-harden my heart
-build me up butter cup
-early in the morning
-i'm coming out
-ladies night
....and the list keeps going.... see a theme going? lol.... well, i thought it was funny.

hmmm..... maybe i can do one for jason... but i have to find another theme.... don't wanna be boring! :P

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

christmas: 2 days away

ok... more like 1 and 1/2 days...

my finals are over and done with!!! yay!

i'm excited for christmas. i can't wait to see what people think of what i got them! :)
i also have a work party tonight. we have this secret santa thing for the people in skate. i got andrew. i had no idea what to get him... so i asked christy for help. i ended up getting him a tee shirt with elmo's face on it. :D i was thinkin about gettin one with cookie monster for my mom.... :P

i have to take my gifts for my friends to them today... i'ma do that around noon-ish. i guess i'm taking brianna her's around 3 when she'll be home?

oh yeah... i still have to get something for mine doggie... and da kitteh. :) no idea what though...

Saturday, December 12, 2009

bleh... finals :'(

so i think i got most (if not all) my christmas shopping done today. yay! :)

now to study for the finals, get my room cleaned, help put up the tree, and wrap everything!
can it be done already? (i think i'm dreading the finals the most) :\ i would like it to be wednesday night or thursday... that would be nice... that would mean my bio final was over and done with.... :D

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

i'm dreaming of a.... blizzard?

it's snowing.... A LOT!!! i swear we've gotten, like 6 inches in the past hour!! :S the other day the suburban kept trying to drift on EVERY turn... talk about scary!! i almost got totally stuck in the neighborhoods taking Amber to school this morning. not to mention there were TONS of cars lined up from the school to where our house is (about a mile up the street!) I was just happy that there wasn't tons of ICE to chip off the car this morning... :\

i forgot to mail in my phone bill, so now i get to go the to shop and pay it... *rme*

going to work is gonna be loads of fun. i just hope that everyone stays home and that i don't have to do ANYTHING today... that would be nice. not to mention i've got dance finals tomorrow and then a party thingy after that... so i should go get some sort of treat... ("if you bring it, you eat it... if you don't bring it, you don't eat it" it think it's a good idea... no pigging out if you don't contribute)

i've got an appointment to go talk to my counselor for school on the 22nd... that should be loads of fun... not. at least i'll get it over with and hopefully she'll be helpful... and not condesending like usual... >:[

Sunday, December 6, 2009

CHRISTMAS is on it's way...

I'm getting a little excited for christmas this year... shopping can be sooo fun if you don't go broke &/or don't have to find anything uber impressive.

I've decided that for my wee cousins (and the babies of my cousins) I'm going to make some stuffed lizards! I want to go find some cute/cool material and awesome buttons for their eyes!! and I'm still debating on filling and tongues... (cotton or beans... tongues, no tongues...). I'm thinking this could be fun!

Let's see.... I think I've got about 11 or 12 to make. Hmm.... I wonder what colors to use? I've just got to make sure I make them different for the wee ones in the same houses. (so they don't mix them up and fight over it)

We'll see how it goes :)

Friday, December 4, 2009


So I took my in-class exam today. I actually got every question answered this time too!!! I also think I did way better on this one than on the last one. :D I sure hope so anyway.

Now to do the extra credit from the last test. (It's due on Monday).

AND I've got the finals for one class next week and for all the others in 2 weeks. Cross your fingers everybody... I really wanna pass these! ;)

Also, I have to decide if I really wanna take all those hard classes next semester. I don't really wanna get all burned out... or die carrying all those books around on the same day. Maybe I'll drop the bio class for now? I need to take the chem and math before I forget everything I learned THIS semester.

We'll see what happens.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Alright!! I FINALLY got the stupid classes all registered for! :@ I didn't get the biology one I originally wanted, but I guess I get to go with anatomy.... Yay.... *rme*

What, you might ask, am I doing awake at this time in the morning? It's quite simple, really. Listening to MJ, writing in my blog... the real REASON for my still being up is that I just got my classes all registered for!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lucky little me had to wait til now to register cuz I don't have as many credit hours as the (asumingly) many other SLCC students... my "peers." They got to sign up earlier if they had more credits.... so what I was originally going to take were already gone when I checked at around 9pm today/yesterday... whatever you wanna call it. Considering I haven't slept yet, I'm going to say tonight. :)

I still have a takehome test and stuff to do. I'm going to go catch a few Zs.... or try to. (they can run surprisingly fast! it's crazy considering they don't have legs or anything.... they're not even among the living and they can do a pretty swell job of it. elusive Zs.... I curse you! at least tonight... any other night, it's just fine. that is, if it's not all hot and humid. those nights I can't seem to catch the little buggers either.)

Well.... I bid a a bitter sweet adeu? hmmm..... :\ Good night!! t(^-^t)

(ps... did any of you catch the title? :P it's the name of the weird bat thing that wants to kill arthur cuz he's always there when the reincarnation of him dies!! bwahahaha!!!! ahh... hitchhiker's humor! ....or something like it.)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Fun stuff!!

I am typing this on my loverly new laptop! :) it's so fun... i got everything all sorted out yesterday. i'm still getting used to typing on this thing... the mouse thingy is a little weird still, but the first day i got it Amber and I were making pictures on paint. :) i really like the paint program for windows 7. now i still need to put office on here, but i can do that later, i guess.

I've been seeing a great guy named Jason (if you haven't already heard). He lives up in Logan, so we can really only hang out every week or so... I'm thinking it's about time i went up there... I just don't want to get lost. That could be bad. The awesome/amazing thing is.... (drum roll please)....... MY DAD ACTUALLY LIKES HIM!!! I think it's cuz he's kinda shy and an even bigger part cuz he's LDS. :P Go figure. lol...

Thor has decided to be a pill (like usual). Every time I go to pet him, he grabs my hand and tries to bite my wrist... VAMPIRE KITTEH! Also, he's been sleeping a lot lately... like, more than usual. But i guess it's more like when he was still a wild kitteh, and living outside. Silly cat.

Monday, November 30, 2009

BIRFDAY!!!! :)

I got my laptop last week, but I can't use the internet on it til I download the backup programs on a disc (or a few discs from the looks of things). It's lots of fun to mess around on. :D

Saturday was fun. I spent most of the day with Jason. We watched kung fu panda, then went to golden corral and met up with Christy, Shane (her bf), Jamey (christy's cousin), and Preston (Jamey's bf). We went bowling after that. Then Jason and I came back to my house and had dinner with my family. After that we played a little bit of 500, then went to see New Moon with Christy and Shane (talk about DUMB.... the only parts I liked were the parts that had Jacob.... :P Edward is still uber whiney, and Bella is still annoying... but at least the acting was WWAAYY better...)

I don't really see why she goes with a guy that runs away from his problems, doesn't really treat her so great, and is rather self-obsessed.... But on the other hand, I still liked Ed more than Bella. She just needs to get a grip and grow up! >:[

I'll stop ranting about that movie (if you DO decide to watch it... just see it for the hunky Jacob. he's nice and cute and actually cares! He's not gonna EAT her either.... Maybe he just wasn't sparkly enough for her?)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

aaahhhh..... :)

everything seems to be going alright...

-birthday in about 2 weeks

-classes are going ok (i think)

-talking to this guy that seems pretty great.

i guess we're going to go on a double date next saturday! (only cuz i asked for that day off and i don't really have any BIG PLANS... i'm dragging kacee along!)

i've got this, like, love-hate relationship thing with GuYs! it's soo hard to STAY MAD at them... all well, they can be cute and sweet and all that jazz... XD

Thursday, November 12, 2009

EEEK!! where did the last year go?!

well, all i've done with my hair is cut my bangs. i cut, like 5 inches off of them! they were so long! now they're to about my cheekbone.
i haven't really taken any pics of it... but when i figure out what else i wanna do, i'll post some. :)

This is so weird.... i'll be 19 in 16 days.... HOLY COW! it's coming too fast! it was only a few weeks ago.... last november, right?!? *sigh*

i think i'm gonna go look at messed up cakes or something... hmmm :P

Sunday, November 8, 2009

not much to do...

hmmmm...... what to talk about?? i thought that THIS IS IT was amazing!!!!

i think i want more food.... but the problem is this: I DON'T KNOW WHAT I WANT!! don't you hate that?? either you don't want to actually put up the effort to make the food, or you don't have anything in the house... or absolutely nothing sounds good....

all well. i'll figure something out. :)

i don't think i have much else to talk about..... hmmmm.... ttfn :D

maybe i'll do my homework later?? lol.. sounds like a plan :P

Saturday, November 7, 2009

more on hair...

well... i've decided to be lazy and wait til next week to do much about my hair.... :\

i'm not quite sure if i want to cut a few inches off or let it grow longer.... but it can get hard to manage when it's long.... hmmmmm.......? we'll see. ;)

Thursday, November 5, 2009


i think i might go get my hair cut today... hmmm.... i'm thinking i might just get it trimmed and have the bangs shortened.... i might keep growing it out... hmm..... sounds good. :) what do you guys think?

Sunday, November 1, 2009

party like a rockstar

((sorry this one was blurry...the camera decided to be shakey. or maybe it was just me. lol :P ))

kim also had a leather vest on and stuff... but it got too hot, so she took them off.

OK! the theme for friday was ROCKER! and the theme yesterday was SUPERHERO/VILLAIN... i forgot to take a pic of me last night. but i've got lots of the rocker costume... (it wasn't very hard to do... i just wore what i had on and did my hair... lol)
i also got my skates on friday! it was soo cool! they're red and black. :)

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Think Al Capone :D

I'm planning on dressing up as Mary Marvel (above) on Saturday. I just need the lightening bolt.... I'm gonna be a rocker tomorrow!

SSOOOO..... here're my gangster pictures! It was so fun! Alie (boss-man-sir) and I are the only ones that actually dressed up! Alie looked normal! The only difference was that she had a red tie on! La-la-la-lame!!!! At least I looked awesome! lol.... I think I'm gonna try to figure out how to get a Harley costume for next year! ;D

Saturday, October 24, 2009



Wednesday, October 21, 2009

AWW.... man!

ok... so this was a bit of a bummer. :

there was this "top dog" coming in yesterday... so we didn't get to dress up. :'(
we ARE going to do the 80s theme on friday, however. ;)
and then it's undead on saturday, gangster the tuesday after that, and rocker next weekend!
so we'll see how this all goes!

(i've got the pics of the baseball outfit.. but i haven't put them on the computer yet... so i'll do that later!)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

COSTUME PARTY!!! -at work

OK! so i am feeling much better! i can open my mouth 2 fingers! (my measurements for the past like, 2 weeks...) it's SOOO exciting! lol...

so i am getting soo excited about dressing up for work! i've dressed up for the sports theme. tonight is the 80s! i am getting SSOOO in to this thing!

i'll post pictures of all my costumes when i get them! :)
this is soo bomb!
i'll keep you guys posted... if i remember. ;)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

PAIN!!! >:'[

so my mouth hurts. my right side is puffy and bruises started showing up yesterday morning... FOUR DAYS AFTER THE SURGERY!! i still can't open my mouth all the way. i hope that i will be able to soon. i'd love to be able to CHEW again! i haven't had normal food in almost a week! i'm going nuts. my teeth feel rather sensitive... and it's really hard to brush my teeth. i went to class yesterday, and couldn't take lortab cuz i had to drive to my classes.

everything was pissing me off. some idiot couldn't decide if they wanted to get over or not and decided the last second they wanted to turn left at the intersection! they jerked right in front of me and almost hit me!!!! friggin idiots!!!!!!! they turned up 48th and i was yelling at them through the windsheild. (that didn't help my jaw to feel any better, btw.) i screamed that if they turned into my neighborhood.. i would ram them with my car!!!! they are horrible drivers. they swayed a lot, too... lucky for them they kept going straight when i got to turn.

i came home and slept f0r and hour because my math class had been canceled. but of course they couldn't TELL me that! no. i go there and see a NOTE on the stupid DOOR of the classroom! i come home and look at my emails. they didn't send a message until about 4 pm. MY CLASS STARTED AT 2!!!!!! come on!

yesterday sucked.

after my nap i went to chem, my last class of the day. there were these 2 women sitting behind me complaining the entire time about how dumb they thought the prof was cuz he messed up on balancing an equation. or cuz he wrote the wrong word on the board and went back and fixed it. hey! at least he caught it, right?! i wanted to turn and yell at them! they had to be about 25 or so. it's like, really guys?!? grow up! if you hate this class so much, LEAVE! i don't want to listen to you two. that's not why i'm here and in pain and trying not to fall asleep in class. i sooo wanted to smack them! really?? they're in college, they're adults, and they probably have kids that are brats because of them.

sadly, i didn't turn around and yell at them. my cheek is swollen, so i don't think they'd understand me too well. and i know they would have said something about how i look. they're kinda bimbos, i've decided. i really don't like them. actually... they weren't even that attractive. well, the blond wasn't anyway. her hair looked fried and fake. hmmm.... :S

needless to say. YESTERDAY SUCKED!!! there was too much construction on redwood and north temple. i could barely make it on to redwood!

all this, and i was STARVING! i ended up going to KFC and getting mashed potatoes. that, at least, i could eat. i finally make it home and took a lortab. my face was in so much hurt. i really hate this.

i only have 3 lortab left. think it will last me til thursday? probably not. i need to call dr. stoker.

this pain business sucks. i really better be feeling better in at least a week! :'(

oh.. and work today. yay... *rme* if anyone touches my face, i'm gonna hurt them. just watch me. GRRR..... >:[

Thursday, September 24, 2009


so i've finally got an actual appointment for my wisdom teeth! i'm getting them out in exactly a week... wow... really soon. but then we've been trying to get it to work out for like a month or so... >:[

anyway.. i like this guy. he seems nice and calm and doesn't freak me out. he's really friendly. :)
now i just hope i can get friday off from work next week.... i don't really wanna go to work swollen and bruised (mb) and sore and stuff....... that would be a whole load of NO BUENO!

so i'll stuff myself with soft food and fudge cicles and have an ice back in each hand! :D
sounds like an awesome way to spend fall break, don't you think??

now to just get this week over with. it's finals and my last one is tomorrow... i hope i do well.. *hope hope*

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Rain, rain, rain

So it's been raining for the past 2 days off-and-on. It gets hot, then wet and cold.... it's sooo fun. But hey, that's Utah weather! School has been loverly. And Thor is still complaining... like usual. I got this MJ movie yesterday... which I started watching today. It's called Man In The Mirror. It's not too bad. The one I really want is this one that has more about his "childhood" and his bro Jermaine gave most of the info for the story. It's a really good one (from what I saw, which was like 1/2 of it). The sad thing is that I don't even remember what it's called. Something like The Jackson Story ... I think.

Anyway, so Amber found it while we were looking for The Count of Monte Cristo. I LOVE THAT MOVIE!!! So mb I'll have to go back and look later. Hmmmm....

and so if anything else new and exciting happens, I'll be sure to let you know... Til then... :)
(btw... Taylor is doing great. he's off helping fight fires again. still healing, but from what i hear he's doing good. He might even be coming down to SLC next month!!)

(this is at the campus) ^_^

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Oh... yeah.... the canyons..

We went with my family, and Kailien, Debbie, Tammie, and James yesterday. We had breakfast. It was pretty fun. I'll show some pics.
I took lots.... I've got a bunch on facebook..........


I'm feeling stressed out about everything these days...
school, boys, life.... mostly life and everything in it.
it's like it's almost too much to handle.

I hung out with Kacee, her friend Matt, Mandy and her bf Cody.Watching Mandy and Cody be all cutsy made me a little sad.... I WANT TO CUDDLE!!!! But it can't be with just anybody: I'm not one of those touchy-feely types of people. Why do I feel like I want someone to love me??

I know, I know... "I'm still young."

But it can really bum a girl down sometimes.... I feel lonely when I see these people -these cute, happy couples. Maybe it's just cuz I'm used to having someone... Even if that someone was a total jerk! >:[ I really don't think he liked me as much as he said... I think the big reason I was with him for so long is because I felt like there wasn't any other guy that would want me. All of my friends had a boyfriend.... or several in only a few month's time. But not me. I wanted someone that would make me feel wanted -and not just family. Don't get me wrong... family is great, but it's just not the same.

Someone to love me for me.... sometimes it's like family loves you cuz they have to. I know they really don't have to, but still... you're related. You have genetic similarities.... When you have someone that really does want you for you... (and not for that one thing) it's such a confidence booster. You feel needed...

Sometimes I just feel so confused. And I also know that if i tell all, I'm going to get hurt. I tend to keep myself more protected.... That way people only know what I want them to know.

I guess I know I'll have the right guy in time. I'll probably be married in a few years.... maybe... and I could even have kids.... isn't that a scary thought? But I know life will get easier. Harder before easier, but easier none the less. That thought is a little more comforting. I just have to find ways to de-stress... That should also help with my eczema and stuff.... :D

Well.. ttfn! Good day/Good nite! I love you guys. <3

Friday, September 4, 2009

Sun-Shiny Day

So today was very hot..... I'm not liking the sun. It's not nice to me! :(
I've got such fair skin... that I can't be outside for more than 10 minutes and not get burned! Even as i just walk out the door... I can feel my skin cooking! HOW GAY!!!! :'(

So I have to be a recluse in the shade... The problem with that is.... while I wait for the next class to start I would like to sit. I don't really want to be just wandering around for an hour. I sit and study for the next class... or text. So I usually go and sit on the grass or something.... well, last time the grass had just been watered... and I didn't know. I went around with a very wet butt the rest of the day! :'(

Then today I was sitting there...and they turned the sprinklers on! I had to move. Then the sprinklers went on there too! I was not very happy. >:(

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Meh..... A Guy :D

So it's getting late.... but I guess I can talk a bit.

I've been trying to figure out how to do the online math stuff --My Math Lab...
and I keep finding new things... and can't find the things I'd found earlier... hmmm... :(

I've been talking to Taylor for a while now. He seems like a pretty great guy.
He's better than a lot I know...
He's 23... a wild life firefighter... and has had a bit of a hard life.
I know my mom is going to love that I'm talking about him on here..... but I don't really care.
I've talked to him long enough... and I know that after talking to someone for a while you can figure out if they're being honest or not. By this point (if not before) they would have asked a lot of personal-ish questions... like I know a lot of guys ask about body measurements. (he never has) Or other things that would make ya pretty uncomfortable... he doesn't really do that.

He's told me about where he lives, his animals, his job, his friends. A little bit about what his family was like. He's a lot of fun to talk to.

We've decided that if we meet up... (which we just might in a few months) he'd come down here. He wants me to be as comfortable as possible about meeting him. He wants me with someone family. We'd be with friends. All that jazz. He's really sweet. :D

And I know that my mom loves that I'm talking to someone online.... but a lot of people meet online. (She even has 2... TWO in-laws that were met online. and she likes them fine enough.)

I have even talked to my loverly aunt.... BECKY!!! <3 I was feeling a tad stressed the other day... so I called her and talked to her about things. She helped a lot. ((thank you for that!!))
I knew she'd understand and be able to help me with it... It smoothed out a few bumps.

Another thing.... it is my opinion that my mother has started freaking out a little more lately cuz she's scared of losing me.... it really doesn't help that some of the girls in the neighborhood have been married (like 3 in the past 6 months) and she's been to all the receptions. Maybe she thinks I'm next???

Well... I've told her before and I'll tell her again... I'm not exactly planning on getting married too soon. If/when it happens... it happens. Just go with the flow until then. :)
That's about all you can do.... that or nag. (which can get really old, btw ;) )

(P.S. Mom... I know you're gonna be reading this sometime.... and I love you! Even if you do drive me nuts sometimes... Isn't that part of what family is for?? LOL...)

Saturday, August 22, 2009


ok. So I will tell you about my lovely experience at work yesterday... (be warned... it can get a little out there)

So I was at the counter talking to Christy (the new girl) and this little boy comes over to the counter and says that these kids are playing with a water balloon on the other side of the rink. (for those of you that don't know... i work at a roller skating rink)

So I was like... "ok. I'll go deal with it in a bit."

So shortly after, Steven (one of the security guards) comes up to Christy and me and says that there is a big puddle over on the far benches. I told him that this boy came and said that some other kids had been playing with a water balloon.

He shook his head and said "no." I was all confused.... He told me that it looked more like a condom..... I just sat there and stared at him for a minute.

Then finally I got up and went over to clean it all up. A bunch of little girls (mb 14 years old max) decided to sit right next to me while I did this. They started asking what it was.... and then told me that some other girls had filled it up in the bathroom and were playing catch with it.

Apparently they missed or something... cuz now there was a big puddle for me to clean up.

So I go and tell Christy about it... and Alie. And this little girl comes and told me they left the wrapper on the floor in front of the girls' bathroom.

So there was my excitment for the day... yesterday.

Don't say I didn't warn you at the beginning!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

sink your teeth in it

ok... so i'm getting one side of my face done on the 11th. and i'll have to go back later to get the other side of my face done.... yay... *rme*

i hope i've got all my classes figured out and all that jazz.... other than that. i've got all but one class at the Redwood campus. (the other one is at the building right by the airport.... yay)

so that should be fun.

Monday, August 17, 2009

teEth :'(

Jean Brown called back this morning.... and I get to go in for a screening tomorrow (x-rays, med history.. that sort of stuff). Then after all of that is taken care of we're making an appointment for the actual surgery...

So that means I'll probably be swollen and wisdom tooth-less...... I'm so not looking forward to it! :'(

I hope whatever swelling I do get is gone before school starts... *sigh* Maybe I can get someone to take my Friday shift.....? Hmmm....

So what's going to happen is they're going to be testing some anti-inflammatory stuff.. and a placebo i guess... I can't have any pain meds for two days before I have it done. (no prob) But I also can't have any caffiene! OMG!! No soda, no chocoalte!?!?! :'( sadness... My friend told me to get lots of fudge pops and noodles.... Mmmmm..... fudge pops sound amazing! :9

I have to stay over night for their study thing and have someone drive me home... *sigh* I don't wanna have to work the next day when that happens....

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

school..... math....*sigh*

so the cat has gone to the vet again.... if ya wanna know the whole story... go check out my mom's page! she was there... she would know. :)

other than that.... i get to go see a counselor today for loverly school stuffs.... :(
hopefully i DON'T have to take the placement test and my ACT scores WILL count. :) that'd be amazing!!!!!!!!!!

less stress for me! except for the fact i seem to have misplaced the stupid original copy of the ACT scores i recieved.... :S i hope the copy of it will do...? i've got a copy of the original.... i've looked all over! mb i'll just have to look again before 3??? *sigh*

Monday, July 27, 2009

camp--leaving tomorrow

so we're thinking the cat has pulled out his stitches.... so does this mean the vet still needs to take them out in a week??? hmmm......

i'm leaving for YW's camp tomorrow.... this is going to be exciting. :D
i get to give a small devotional/lesson thingy on integrity (that's our ward's value this year). so i'll have pics posted by the end of the week, i think. :)

i've been trying to figure out what exactly i'm going to do for that lesson. i found some good stories by Uchtdoft- one about him flying a boeing 747...and how you need to know where you're going in order to have a happy and safe journey. you need to know that what you're using for navigation is correct and accurate, too.

but i'm thinking i'm going to use Aesop... he seems to do a good job of getting the message across.... ;)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

More on Thor-Thor!

Ok. So Thor had his surgery yesterday. And since then he's been sleeping a lot. The vet thinks he was attacked by a dog. When they shaved him down, they found 2 puncture wounds, and they were infected. That explains the fever. They took some x-rays, and found he had shattered his leg. He had a compound fracture to. So they made him wait over the weekend to get 2 pins put in his leg... he got that taken care of yesterday... like I said. The vet was saying he's lucky to be alive.

It's been kinda like he's got a hangover... or something. He sleeps a lot and doesn't like to be bothered much....but I don't really blame him. He's had quite a week. I hope he doesn't try anything smart around these dogs for a long time.

He's going to be loving us by the time he can actually do anything again. He has to be kept from doing too much for the next 6 weeks. So he can't go outside and do whatever it is he does out there.

Yesterday my mom was acting like one of those little girls that are always trying to harrass the kitties....ya know, the ones that always end up scratched and stuff.... the ones that make the cats terrified of little girls?

She kept trying to pick him up, or pet him, or move him around, or look him over....for the fifth time. He wasn't too happy that she kept interputing his medicated nap-time. And at dinner...she was still bugging him. We had to tell her to leave him alone and come eat!

Then we were putting his stuff together (the litter box and kennel and food stuff)...basically his new apartment/prison. She kept trying to get me to move him so she could fix his bed or whatever. He didn't enjoy that too much. I don't really blame the poor guy.

Right now he's sleeping.....still. It was like a big, huge thing when he started drinking some water! My mom was pretty excited to say the least. He's gotten a little he has to drink and whatever. Other than that, he seems to be doing fine.

For a bit there (before the surgery) the vet thought he wouldn't make it. He had a really high fever and a really bad break. They had to make sure he still had feeling in his toes....if he hadn't, he would have had the get that leg amputated.

At least he gets to keep the leg..... but he's turning out to be on the expensive side. I think the surgery and everything was about $1000.... i think the surgery alone was $800. I could be wrong.... ask my mom for more details. (I'm sure she'd be more than happy to oblige.)

Monday, July 20, 2009

Heat and Cats

Time seems to be going by really slow! It sucks!

2 days ago seems like a week ago. At work, 4 minutes passed, but it felt like an hour!

This hot, humid, sweltering Utah summer sucks. And it's only been like this for maybe a week or so. It feels like I'm melting. It's like the Wicked Witch of the West! (but no water needed, in this case...)

And at work yesterday I drank, like, 7 pints of 4 hours.... and my mouth still felt dry.
I'm not liking this heat.

Oh...we find out what's going on with the cat today! This should be exciting....He's turning out to be an expensive kitteh.... I guess it could be worse.... he could have died. That would be very, very sad. Poor, poor kitteh....

"When all is said and done, the weather and love are the two elements about which one can never be sure."

Saturday, July 18, 2009

it's soooo hot outside! i'm melting! the family reunion and the parade were fun... but i almost died. :'(

so one of my "new" favorite singers is Jazmine Sullivan. :) check out Lions and Tigers and Bears or Bust Your Windows! they're really good! (or check out Rasmus' In the Shadows or Forever the Sickest Kids' The Way She Moves... they're some good groups/songs!)

Now I think I'm going to go pass out before I have to go to work. Bleh..............

Friday, July 10, 2009

I'm having issues finding Carma. I just wanna give up. I can't get her uen page to work. :(

This is soo gay!

I've finished my internship and can't get my paperwork to her..... she doesn't seem to like answering texts. *sigh* all well.

Monday, June 29, 2009


So I'm tired.

We had lotsa people that got to have RCT (root canal therapy) today. Wow....

It's fun....but I start falling asleep.... not a good thing. :(

I don't really have much to talk about.... hmmm....

Maybe I'll come up with something to blurb about later. ???

Thursday, June 25, 2009



So Michael Jackson AND Farrah Fawcett both died today! I heard about Farrah this morning...then about Michael just now!!

I am so bummed out....

Not so much about Farrah...but MICHAEL JACKSON!!!! I love little mikey!! :'(

Wow.... that is soooo weird. *sob* He was 50.... it's sooo weird.....

Friday, June 19, 2009

Day 1: Youth Conference

it's youth conference this weekend. (it actually started yesterday, but i had to work.)

we went swimming at the Kearns pool. it was fun. i'm pretty tired. i put on so much sunscreen! i even sat out in the sun for, like, 1/2 an hour. i didn't burn!....yet. ok. mb a little, but it's not that bad. i'm only slightly pink. :D i swear!

tomorrow we're going to Timpanogus Cave, and we get to hike. XP bleh! i really don't like hiking anymore. it hurts. i used to like to hike. but it should be awesome to look at the cave...unless i get claustrophobic, again. that would suck. hopefully no really close spaces!! but then, it is a cave. hmm.....

Thursday, June 18, 2009


so work was lots of fun today. for the first few hours it was just me. alie was up doing stuff (ie schedule and whatnot) and so i got to skate by myself and mess around with the music.

by about the last hour of my shift people finally started showing up. we got 5 people in one hour... and like the last 1/2 hour a ton started showing up...then we had to close up shop for the youth hockey... that was fun.

i played lots of puddle of mud, rasmus, forever the sickest kids, flyleaf, the veronicas, my chemical romance, the used, pink, etc,etc. the sad thing is that i only ever played one michael jackson song...unless you count the jackson 5...then it'd be 2... and i know exactly which ones!! man in the mirror (mj) and ABC (j5)... HA! told ya!

so that was lots of fun.

i wonder if you guys know 1/2 of the groups i named above...i only know the one rasmus song...and i LOVE IT!!! it's amazing! (it's called "in the shadows"). and the forever the sickest kids i'd never heard of before.... the name of the song is "the way she moves"...

i am in love with Ludo and Boys Like Girls. i've been listening to just those two albums for the past few days... well...and the radio and work. but other than that my love is devoted to those two bands...(and there are a few others, but they are my obsessions for now...i do that. go through groups that i listen to ALL the TIME...i'll end up memorizing the whole cd. then when i hear one of the songs on the radio i keep expecting the next song on the cd and it doesn't's kind of a bummer...)

here is a list of some groups i've had obsessions of:

-Michael Jackson
-Boys Like Girls
-Dixie Chicks
-Oingo Boingo ...or just Boingo
-No Doubt
-Breaking Benjamin (mostly just "diary of jane")
-Maroon 5
-Poalo Nutini
-Michael Buble
-the Beatles
-the Monkees
-the Who
-the Village People
-Talking Heads
-Cobra Starship
-Men at Work
-Jason Mraz
-Simple Plan
-My Chemical Romance
-Panic! at the Disco
-the Used
-All-American Rejects
-Green Day

...............and the list still goes on and on and on......... (these are not in any particular order, by the way...) :D

So this is way fun. I LOVE MUSIC!!!!!!!

Music is my life. I hate helps that. :D And it gets you dancing! It grooves with your emotions! LOL....I love it.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I'm bored.

I don't have to be at my internship site (there were no patients today), so I'm stuck home. I get to surf today... on the net! hahaha!

My dad got back from the hospital yesterday. He's feeling lots better....looks and acts a lot better, too. That's always good. (Except he's a little sore from the flu shots...)

Uhm....what to talk about now?? I don't know....

Well, I guess that's it for now. If I come up with more later, you'll hear from me. :)

Have a splendidididid day. :)

Saturday, June 13, 2009

tHe sCotTish feStivAL

So the Scottish Festival was amazing!!

...even if it did rain almost the entire time...

It rained soo hard! I was soaked from about my waist toesies!! Frozen, dude!!

But it was so much fun anyway. I took my amazing friend....Pinky!!! She's amazing :]

We had lots of fun, I think...

I got some loverly t-shirts, and a guiness hat and stuff. Me likie! :D

We went and chilled with Dorian Mirth for a wee was cool! -->

We were soaked and frozen and our jeans were sticking to our legs....and our shoes were soaked thru. :'( I think this is the first year I've gone and I haven't gotten an heinous sunburn! Strangeness, there man! It was a rain-out.... hehe....

And I gots a cute pic of the wee mans! :D (In a kilt!!!) I never got one of Nana....
all welll....I'll get one later.

Until next time!!!

(P.S. Real men wear kilts!)

Friday, June 12, 2009

Lots stuffs going on.....

Sooo.... I've got of stuff I can TOTALLY write about.

My ward combined with another ward last Sunday. It was weird! We had so many people there. It was like stake conferece or something! Wow... but the class I ended up going to was pretty small.... It had only people from my OLD ward in it. It was this geneology thing my parents go to. I was totally the youngest one there. The next in line would be mine mommy. Then it probably jumps up from there about 20 years...give or take.

Kayla and I have decided we want to go to the singles ward and "scope out guys"....LOL....that should be fun. Especially when it's us two! We are some MD freaks! Us and mountain dew do not make a good mix! We get uber hyper! It's so much fun! A lot of our friends won't let us drink MD after last summer's binge. :D

They say we should never drink....we're bad enough on MD! LOL....

I'm working on my externship....or should I just call it an internship? Would that be easier?? IDK..... Anywho... I'm working in a dentist office as an assistant.... Ya know....that person that sits next to you opposite of the dentist and holds the vacuum and the water-sprayer thing (it's called a air-water syringe, but I'm sure all of you would know that! and the vacuum is called an evacuator!) They're usually the ones that take the x-rays and stuff, too. But I'm not really doing that part.

So Dr. Ferre likes me. and Donna and Lori have been helping me. (Lori is the actual assistant, but I end up doing a lot of's like she gets a break.)

Why is it that on my first day somewhere, I usally get "baptism by fire" as it were?? First day at work it was wwaayy, wait that was the second day.... And at the place before Xanadu, my first day was the busiest day they'd had in a long time. (It's a do-it-yourself dogwash thing...they had 70 ppl come in that day!)

The first day of my externship/internship Lori wasn't it was just me, Dr. Ferre, Donna, and the hygienist.... (is that even spelled right? I tried mixing up the I and the E, but it still doesn't look right....) We did an extraction, a bunch of was fun.

My black nail polish SUCKS!!! I need to get some new black polish.. :'( Mine is reeeaallly old. So when I use it, I can get about 1 1/2 nails done, and it starts to clump up weird, so I can't get it to I have to put the brush back in the bottle, shake it up really well and try again...and it'll work again for maybe a nail or two, then I have to put the brush in again and shake it up again....imagine that on all 8 fingers, 2 thumbs and 10 toes!!! grrr.... So it's time that stuff is permanently retired...or something... Idk...........???

What can I say. It's fun, but the skates are kicking the crap out of my feets... I'm getting blisters and calluses..... Not so pretty. Ick! And you get a pretty good leg workout, but it's just the outside of your quads...mb the hamis...but it's not the part i'm supposed to be working out!!! I need the strengthen the INSIDE of the legs....:(

And there's a guy there...I used to talk to him a lot....but I haven't really seen him around much. It's verry sad... :'( It could be that I'm working more in the day-ish times...? and I've been taking some days off...and I'm working more in the weekdays... I will hopefully see him today. I love talking to him. It's fun.

Mine poor daddy is sickly... He's got bronchitis, now pneumonia, and some weird white polka-spots on the inside of his throat.

Poor daddy.

Now...I'm gonna go buy him a loverly electric blanket. he wants one. :D


Sunday, June 7, 2009

i'm all edjerrcatudd! :)

so i was told in a bit of a round-about way that i need to write another entry in my that when my grandma decides to wake up at 1 in the morning and can't go back to sleep, she will have something to read....

so here goes....

SO I TOTALLY GRADUATED ON FRIDAY!!! i'm all edumacated! i gots a papur that tells me i am. :D i am totly smrt! go me!

and all of the loverly graduating class of 2009! we rock! i'm so glad we survived guys! it seems so weird....i keep thinking i'm going back next year...but...i'm not. it's gonna be so weird!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

At Work

Hmmm.... what to talk about today??

Guys are silly.

I was at work, and talking to Tyson (my manager) and Steven (one of my security guard buddies) and some techno muzac came on and they started dancing around to it...pretty funny stuff!

Anyway, so the music stopped for some reason and Tyson and Steven turn and look over to the DJ booth and asked what happened....they were "trying to rave over here." LOL...

Silly boys. I also got to talk to Yehokhan. Haven't seen him in about a month... He said he's probably moving to NY this summer. I guess he's moving back so he can see his family?? (He's from NY and his fiance is from the windy city...)

I took my skates off to go home and Tyson and Corbin came over to the counter. They told me I lose a lot of height when I take the skates off. Then Corbin calls me a midget! I was like, "you guys are mean!" Corbin says "speak when spoken to, midget!" and Tyson says "i would never tell you that."

Ok...... :D They's silly.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

),: senior blues :'(

OMG!!! so senior ball sucked... :'(
it was fun until right after dinner.
my dress fit all wonky....not wearing that dress anymore....unless i decide to lose a few pounds...
sarah complianed about how much she was disliking her date...and we tried to follow them up to the dance...but her date, like, deliberately tried to lose us! he kept pulling in front of these big trucks. GRRRR!!!!
so after a little bit of trying to find them, we realized he had taken us out to MURRAY!!! (friggin idiot!) so we decided we'd stop trying to keep up with them.
we finally got there...right before they were TAKING DOWN the spots for pictures!! >:( we were there for a little...and then we got to leave! ARRGGGHHHH!!!! so eventually we went back to my house (sarah had her date take her home) and we watched Marley & Me and ate cookies.
why did i even go??
Here's another thing.....the other day we had the senior pan pics (the big ones in front of the school with all the seniors). and guess who i saw!!!!!! ....i wanted to throw something...ANYTHING!!! his big, dumb head! GRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!! kacee and mandy saw him and tried to talk to him..and he wouldn't talk back. (shock and amazment!!!)
it is my theory that he does not wish to speak to anyone from hunter he always says "leave the past in the past."
so i'm trying SSSOOOOOO hard to just forget about the big, dumb ape.... but that's pretty hard after giving 2 years to a relationship (where now i'm realizing what a $%@^&!# he was/is and how most of that relationship was me putting up with his crap!) long as i don't see him for a while....i'll be ok and probably won't end up killing somebody.. ;D
other than week has been...ok...... i've been sleeping a lot. which is odd for me. (i don't take naps)
and yesterday we went to the craft store so muh dad could get some loverly paint...and i found some awesome ribbon! which i bought, took home and made big (cute) bows out of. !!! (all i used was the ribbon, some little hair elastics, and a hot glue gun .....and glue, of course.) but you should see them! they are amazing!!!! AMAZING!!!!! :D
why so much drama???? :"C
i'm thinking i'm ready for this school year to come to the finale already.....